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Time management: tips for everyone.

Introduction: Time is a limited resource. The inability to manage time effectively is often a big source of stress. So I would like to tell about time management: tips for everyone.

We can divide people into three categories: tomorrows, disorganized types, poor delegations.

1) Tomorrows prefer postpone decisions so that tomorrow becomes the busiest day of the week. Tips: set a deadline for the entire task. Each day list the things you need to do today. Make a work schedule, which balances routine tasks with more enjoyable ones.

2) Disorganized types. They are always late for meetings. They are always trying to make up lost tome. Tips: use colour coding to prioritize your work. Stick to one task and make sure you finish it. Record messages, notes and phone calls in one place. Group less important or routine tasks and treat them as a single task.

3) Poor delegations. They waste time doing tasks which could be done by someone else. They lack trust in others. Tips: If a deadline is unrealistic, re-negotiate it or delegate the task. If you delegate a job, leave the person to get on with it. Learn to say “no” politely and assertively.

Conclusion: In the first place should always be you and the important people of your life – it is worth working on your own efficiency.

2) Они всегда опаздывают на собрания. Они всегда стараются наверстать упущенное время. Советы: Используете цветовое кодирование (пометки разным цветом) для отметки приоритета задач. Нацельтесь на одну задачу и удостоверьтесь, что выполнили ее. Храните записи звонков, сообщение и пометки в одном месте. Группируйте менее важные или рутинные дела в одну и воспринимайте их как одну задачу.

3) Плохое делегирование полномочий. Они тратят время на выполнение заданий, которые может сделать кто-нибудь еще. У них отсутствует вера в других. Советы: Если дедлайн является нереальным, попробуйте перенести его или делегируйте полномочия. Потратьте время, чтобы объяснить человеку все требования и проверьте, сталкивается ли он с проблемами.

Planning a project. What can you advice?

Introducing: Time is a limited resource. The inability to manage time effectively is often a big source of stress. So I would like to tell about how you can be more effective and what you can advice in planning a project.

When you will start planning a project, it will be wise to make a "to do" list, where will be all activities required for that project. Then you should suggest time, which every action will take. It is necessary because some things should be done long time before project itself, for example booking a place week before meeting can be failed easy, or if you will send invitations a day before your event, be prepared to be alone there. After that you can write time priorities for all the actions, so you will know which of them you should do now, and which of them can be done later. It will be really helpful, if you will make a schedule with all that actions. If the preparation process is very complex and have many actions. You can split your duties with somebody, to prevent your overload. In this case, you should decide, which thing will you do, and which things will do your colleagues. This will prevent situation, when nothing is done and it's nobody's fault.

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