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How to advice a product?

Our future professional implies a deep knowledge in marketing and advertising. So I would like to tell about how to advice a product.

If you want to create success advertise you should thing about: which consumers you will target; how you can advertise a product.

It mean you should create an advertising strategy, which will help you determine what media to chose to advertise in, and mean that the advertisement will be tailored to appeal to the audience you have targeted.

Also, if you want to be successful in advice, you can use AIDA model, which consist of four different parts:

  • First letter A means: getting the reader’s attention.

  • Second letter I means: developing the reader’s interest

  • Next letter D means: encouraging the reader to make a decision

  • Letter A means: the reader acts on his/her decision

Finally, you should keep in mind that you have no right to advertise: drugs, tobacco, abortions, show people in alcohol ad, use a foreign words.

In conclusion I want to say, that AIDA is the most popular and convenient model to advertise a product. This model can be applied to any product.

The product life cycle.

Our future professional implies a deep knowledge in marketing and advertising. So I would like to tell about the product life cycle.

Nearly all products follow a typical life cycle, which consist of seven different parts: launch, growth, peak, maturity, decline, relaunch, final decline and death.

1) Launch. A need for immediate profit is not a pressure. A product is promoted to create awareness.

2) Growth and peak very similar items, so I would like to unite these parts. During this period – rivals are attracted into the market very similar offerings. Product become more profitable. Advertising spend is high and focuses upon building brand. Market share tends to stabilize.

3) Maturity. This period is characterized by sales grow at a decreasing rate and than stabilize. Price wars and intense competition activity. Promotion become more widespread and use a greater variety of media.

4) Decline. At this period there is a downturn in the market. Profit can be improved by reducing marketing spend and cost cutting.

5) Relaunch. A relaunch can involve repackaging product, renaming it, changing some of the product’s features, rethinking target market and developing a new marketing strategy for the ralaunched product.

6) Final decline and death. More innovative products are introduced or consumers tastes have changed. There is intense price-cutting and many more products are withdrawn from the market.

In conclusion I want to say, that each product has an individual life cycle. To accurately determine the time of each period of product life cycle is almost impossible. But you can try to lead market research.

How to rich your target market?

Introducing: Our future professional implies a deep knowledge in marketing and advertising. So I would like to tell about how to rich your target market.

First, if you want to rich your target market, you should understand want it means. I suppose, it means determine and attract your target audience.

If you want to determine your target audience, don’t worry. Your product do it for you, mostly. You should analyze it and make decisions. You wouldn't sell chainsaw to a 9 years old kid, or energy drinks to an old lady. But you should know, that not all products are buying by their target audience. For example, products for kids wouldn't be bought by a kids, but by their parents. So if you are selling toys for kids, your target audience will be 3-12 years old. But you should design your product the way, parents will like it too. Nowadays we have excellent opportunities for advertisements. We can see them not only on TV, they are everywhere: roads, walls etc. But there is one new way of advertising - targeted advertising. It is advertising based on traits such as demographics, psychographics, behavioral variables etc. Nowadays most of us have an account on different social networks. Information, which people mention there (age, location, favorite books and many other) - is a great opportunity for a targeted advertising. Special programs or scripts will show your product (toys, for example) only to people, who mention that they have kids.

In conclusion I want to say that to rich of their target market is one of the most key moments in the development of advertising strategy.

Как богатые ваш целевой рынок? Введение: Наше будущее профессионального предполагает глубокие знания в области маркетинга и рекламы. Так что я хотел бы сказать о том, как богатые вашего целевого рынка. Во-первых, если вы хотите, чтобы богатые вашей целевой рынок, вы должны понимать, хочу это значит. Я полагаю, это означает, определить и привлечь свою целевую аудиторию. Если вы хотите, чтобы определить вашу целевую аудиторию, не волнуйтесь. Ваш продукт сделает это за вас, в основном. Вы должны проанализировать его и принимать решения. Вы не продаст бензопилу на 9 лет ребенок, или энергетических напитков старой леди. Но вы должны понять, что не все продукты покупают их целевой аудитории. Например, товары для детей, не будут куплены через детей, но и их родителей. Так что, если вы продаете игрушки для детей, ваша целевая аудитория будет 3-12 лет. Но вы должны разработать ваш продукт, как родители тоже понравится. В настоящее время у нас есть прекрасные возможности для рекламы. Мы можем видеть их не только по телевизору, они везде: дороги, стены и т.д. Но есть один новый способ рекламы - целевой рекламы. Это реклама на основе таких признаков, как демография, психографические, поведенческие переменные и т.д. В настоящее время большинство из нас иметь аккаунт в различных социальных сетях. Информация, которой люди упомянуть там (возраст, место жительства, любимые книги и многие другие) - это прекрасная возможность для целевой рекламы. Специальные программы или скрипты будут показывать ваш продукт (Игрушки, например) только для людей, которые упоминают, что у них есть дети. Вывод: В заключение я хочу сказать, что к богатым их целевого рынка является одним из самых ключевых моментов в развитии рекламной стратегии.

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