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Утевская Н.Л. - English Grammar Book - 2011

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3. Они сделали все, как было приказано. 4. Драматург, написавший эту


~пьесу, еще совсем молод. 5. Он мчался на машине, преследуемый поли­

~цией. 6. Заявление, принятое участниками конференции, всех взволно­


вало. 7. Учительница стояла, окруженная толпою школьников. 8. Все



книги, взятые в библиотеке, должны быть возвращены на следующей


неделе. 9. Дети играли в разрушенном копедже. 1О. Упавшие листья спо­



койно лежали в пруду. 11. Когда его попросили помочь мне, он сразу мне


позвонил. 12. Если ему дадут словарь, он переведет эту статью. 13. Вы


(/)можете найти такие статьи в журнале, издаваемом ежемесячно нашим


исследовательским институтом.













Revision Exercises оп the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb






Exercise 1




Pick out the participles, gerunds and verbal nouns and arrange them iп three


columns under proper headiпgs:





Verbal Noun

1. It was а case ofgoing without our tea or takiпg water from the river. 2. Не said that the various geпns ofpoison would Ье killed Ьу the boiliпg. 3. "Wiшt is tl1e meaning of it, sir?" added he in аthreatening and а Iouder tопе. 4. We go to the play for the acting. 5. His actiпg of the part of Hamlet was most convincing. 6. Every theatrical productioп consists of а number ofplayers actiпg imaginary characters. 7. Не paused, wringing his hands. 8. "How could I abaпdon it without betrayiпg my scientific coпscience, without, in fact, selling myself?" 9. Besides making а mistake, he tried to put the Ьlame on others. 10. When tired of working, he only leaned back in his chair and sat immoblle for а wi1ile.

11.The extension of educatioп partly depends on the trainiпg of teachers.

12.Му ruпning here апd there with uпseeing eyes eпded Ьу my falling iпto а large heap of sometl1iпg soft апd powdery which 1 seпsed must Ье brick dust used forbuilding. 13. The buildiпg ofthis canal meant the flooding ofa number

ofregions on the Don.


Exercise 11

Use the required form of the infinitive iп brackets. Iпsert the particle to wl1ere necessary.

1. I decided (to make) а fuss, апd went (to look) for Mike. 2. Let's (to go) апd (to find) him, he 's sure (to Ье) in front ofhis picture. 3. Some importaпt decisions must (to make) soon. 4. You must (to do) something heroic at that time. 5. 1 think he must (to sutfer) from injury now. 6. Let me (to hold) the ЬаЬу, Ann. Oh, 1know how (to hold) baЬies. 7. I have not done much for you. You might (to ask) much more at that time. 8. There was опе more aпnouпcemeпt (to make). 9. How dare you (to iпterfere) wit\1 my private concerns? No, doп't speak. Doп't try (to excuse) yourself. 10. It was а command from her motl1er, апd there was nothing for her (to do) but (to оЬеу). 11. Не пever let blmself (to Ье) aпgry. 12. Не would never cease (to regret) his lost opportuпities.

Exercise 111

Use the required form ofthe infiпitive or the geruпd ofthe verb in brackets. Iпsert prepositions where пecessary.

1. 1regret (to miss) the show. 2. I regret (to say) l am not coming. 3. Не is qt.1ite аЬlе (to take care) ofl1imself. 4. Не is сараЬlе (to do) thiпgs you would least expect ofhim. 5. Не would not stop (to ask) questions until he thought it was clear about everything. 6. We called after him, but he did not even stop (to turn) his head. 7. 1doп't like your way (to talk). 8. This is поt the way (to talk). 9. lt was very useful (to hear) the ditferent opinions. 10. It's по use (to argue) when the matter is settled. 11. You can l1ardly count (to fiпd) everythiпg as you would like it to Ье. 12. Не felt tl1ey were blding something from him, апd he demaпded (to tell) the truth. 13. 1'11 give you а сhапсе (to try) your hand at it. 14. Will we l1ave а chance ever (to see) you here again? 15. His time was up, but he still went on (to talk). 16. After saying а few words about the author himself, the lecturerweпt on (to speak) ofhis works. 17. 1 need spectacles (to read). 18. The print is too small; 1 need а magnifying glass (to read) it with.

Exercise IV

Paraphrase the following using participles where possiЬle.

1. Не weпt over to the window; he stood there and listened to the hum ofvoices which was coming from the outside. 2. Не was deafened Ьу the noise апd did not at once пotice when it stopped. 3. I couldn't riпg him up as Т did not know his telephone number. 4. When it was put to vote, the resolution was carried unanimously. 5. "These are pretty," she exclaimed as she picked up а bouquet ofviolets and pinned them on. 6. She lay awake all night and thought ofwhat had happened. 7. The light which was streamiпg from the halfopen door dazzled him. 8. We weпt to see our friends who had just returned from а far voyage.









:r: f-


~9. The lorry drove closer to tl1e silip which was bei11g uпloaded. 10. From tl1e



оkitcheп came а pleasaпt smeli, some appetizi11g food was beiпg cooked tl1ere.


11. Не lшd а massive gold watc\1, wilich 11ad belo11ged to his fati1er. 12. The


<sidewalks were crowded wit\1 people wi1o саше to watch ti1e actors.



<Exercise V


Replace ti1e iпfi11itives iп brackets Ьу the required form ofthe participle.



~1. Не speaks ti1e E11glisl1la11guage perfectly well (to work) as а11 i11terpreter for



ma11y years. 2. Не 1ooked so beautifнl a11d peaceful, (to sit) iп t\1at ci1air u11der


ti1e tree. 3. Si1e stayed (to lock) i11 her room, (to refнse) to соте dow11stairs.


4. Ti1e boys 011 t11e fe11ce 1ooked like swallows (to perci1) 011 а telegrap\1 wire.

""5. Не looked at the sce11e (to si1ake) to tl1e dept\1 ofhis 11eart. 6. (Тоplнnge) l1eadlo11g into that e11terprise, he wa<> поw desperately looki11g for а way out of it. 7. (То plu11ge) i11 ti1ought, l1e did 110t seem to 11otice what was going 011 arou11d 11im. 8. (То arrive) at ti1e airport where lle was to ci1a11ge, l1e 11ad to wait for tl1ree lloнrs. 9. (То arrive) two days before the орепiпg oftl1e сопfеrепсе, ti1ey had e11ougl1 time to do the city. 10. (То support) Ьу herelbow, Mary liste11ed to tlleirtalk. 11. (То support) 11er Ьу his arm, he helped her out ofti1e carriage. 12. Муbrotller is а soldierjвst (to соте) back home on leave. 13. Не retired (to leave) the laboratory i11 tl1e haпds of

а taleпted successor. 14. Не retired (to turn) the laboratory iпto а Ьig research ce11tre. 15. Не always keeps а diary while (to travel).

Exercise Vl

Use the required form ofthe i11fiпitive or participle ofthe verb iп brackets.

1. (То switch оп) the ligi1t, he pulled dowп ti1e curtaiпs. 2. (То switch 011) tl1e light, you have опlу to reach out your haпd. 3. Не took up the glass carefully, поt (to spill) а drop. 4. Не took up tl1e fu\1 glass, 1101 (to spill) а drop. 5. Не received а letter (to iпform) him oftheir 11ew address. 6. They seпt him а letter (to iпtorm) him oftlleir пеw address. 7. It was а11 aпswer (to expect). 8. An aпswer саше, but it was поt the aпswer (to expect). 9. Апеw ca11al was bвilt (to co1111ect) tl1e two rivers. 1О. There is а mап (to wait) for you. 11. Ti1ere is а mап (to see) you. 12. She smiled to l1erself as if (to remember) somethi11g fu1111y. 13. Не shaded ilis eyes with his haпd as though (to protect) them from the Ьlaziпg suп. 14. Не was а se11time11tal шап easily (to move) Ьу tears.

Exercise Vll

Arraпge the giveп parts i11to se11te11ces. Рау atteпtio11 to the place ofthe participle.

1. left, gaily, the сошрапу, the cafe, chatteriпg. 2. arrived, the telegram, promised, never. 3. showed, the e11emy, no resistance, surrounded. 4. sleeping, the child was, on his back, lying. 5. to him, smili11g, turned, she, her face. 6. with а frown, I, at him, perplexed, looked. 7. cleani11g, the persoп, i11side the


Exercise Vlll
Complete the following usiпg the gerund orthe infinitive. lnsert prepositions where necessary.
саЬiе, seпt.

buildiпg, was, опlу, charwomaп. 8. they, iпto the thicket, sооп, the bouпdary,

moved, reachiпg. 9. asleep, the Ьоу, slippiпg, immediately, fell, iпto bed. 10. at the braпches, in the darkness, slowly, stared, moving, the girl. 11. the bus, will arrive, at пооn, you, in time, leaving, to catch. 12. no answer, we, receiving, а

13. flooding, the water, came, the valley.

1. There is no ......


is out ofthe qвestion. 3. Jt is no good ......

4. Нis duty

was ......

5. There is no reason ......

6. Yourtelevisionset does поt need

...... 7. Уов


...... 8. 1 don't tl1ink there can Ье any opportвпity ......

9. In spite ofthe

late hош tl1ey weпt on ......

10. They were in а hшry, tl1ey could not stop ......

11. Wheп а student 1used ......

12. What about your report? Have you finished

...... ? 13. lt was very nice ......

14. The climate seems ......


would have

been а mistake. 16. Не was struck Ьу the beauty ofthe scenery: he could not

stop ......

17. On hearing the footsteps he ceased

...... 18. Не began

...... only

when the noise subsided. 19. No matter lюw often 1 tried ......




have been а mistake. 21. His work was ......

22. There is no need


23. Не was

looking for an opportuпity

...... 24. 1am used ......


25. 1can't bear ......


26. They

couldп't afford ......

27. We пever intended ......

28. The weather looks like ......

29. The climate seems ......

30. It was very nice ......


31. Му job is ......



Exercise IX

Iпsert not or without before the -ing form, thus usiпg participle or geruпd.


speaking the language, he was questioned through ап iпterpreter. 2. She

пeverdid аthing ......

asking somebody's advice. 3. Tl1e man was ho1ding forth, ......

paying attention to the attempt to interrupt him. 4.1\eft him alone, ...... wanting to distract him from his work. 5....... having recognized me, she passed Ьу ......

answering my nod. 6. The girllooked innocently about her, ...... realizing what the

joke was. 7. They could not see each other ......

immediately losing their temper.


waitingforan answer, he turned roundand walkedout. 9.1 tried to catch his

еуе but he sat motionless, ...... lookiпg in my direction. 10. The wind had been

Ьlowing for many days ......

seeming to stop. 11. Не never signed а paper

...... having

thoroughly read it through. 12. The door stood ajar, and we entered ......


Exercise Х

Comblne or paraphrase the following sentences using non-finite forms ofthe verb (give several variants where possiЬle).

1. Не tore the envelope open and took out the enclosed lettet·. Не turned it several times in 11is hand and put it back uпread. 2. We came to the party; we












(когда-либо сделанных челове­













found everybody gathered. 3. Не wanted me to speak in p11Ьlic; he insisted оп it. 4. Не had examiпed every little exhiЬit in the museшп. Не поw \1ad а comp\ete idea ofthe poet's life. 5. 1hope you will remember tl1is опсе and for al\. You won't make me remind you ofit. 6. Wheп he saw me iп this dress l1e burst iпto laughter. Не couldп't he\p it. 7. They did поt wish to meet апуЬоdу; they went rouпd the house апd eпtered it from tl1e back \est tl1ey slюuld Ье observed. 8. Не kept on readiпg; he did поt aпswer. It seemed that he did not hear my question. 9. They made tl1e garden shady; they had planted more

иtrees in it. 1О. Не did not suspect а trap. Не readily accepted the offer.





11. When 1 was examining the post mark, I noted that tl1e commllпicatioп had been sent last Thursday. 12. You will not recover soon if yoll dоп't take regular treatment.

Exercise Xl

Translate what is given in brackets using the infinitive or participle.

1. Не raised up his head а) (с удивленным видом); Ь) (чтобы посмотреть, кто вошел); с) (и увидел, что кто-то наблюдает за ним). 2. We lыve mапу people а) (которые нам помогают); Ь) (которые могут нам помочь). 3. а) Не settled at the new place (и уже не покидал его); Ь) (обосновав­

шись) at the new place, he never left it. 4. Tl1e scientists brougl1t back from the expedition some pictшes of deep water fishes (невиданные ранее). 5. That is one of the greatest discoveries

ком). 6. а) Тl1е first batch oftl1e goods (посылаемых) to the fair has arrived; Ь) (посланных) to the fair is on the way to the port of delivery; с) (которые будут посланы) to the fair is ready for transportatioп. 7. а) I s11iver (при

одной мысли об этом); Ь) I shivered (подумав об этом). 8. а) Не must Ье а

great authority оп the subject (раз он написал) such а book; Ь) Не was а great authority on the subject (проработав) iп the field for so mапу years. 9. а) How many rooms are reserved for the delegates (прибывающих) for tl1e coпference? Ь) There are some more delegates (которые должны прибыть) for the сопfеrепсе; с) These rooms are occupied Ьу the delegates (прибыв­

шими) for the сопfеrепсе.

Exercise Xll

Traпslate the followiпg participles.

1 1. человек, получающий письма; 2. письмо, полученное вчера; 3. получая письма; 4. получив письмо;

111. студенты, слушающие доклад; 2. прослушав последние известия;

3.слушая радио;

111l. девочка, читающая книгу; 2. прочитанная книга; 3. читая книгу;

4.прочитав книгу;


IV 1. студент, показывающий свой проект; 2. проект, показанный нам;

3. показывая свой проект; 4. показав свой проект;

V 1. имея все необходимые документы; 2. когда нас попросили; 3. сделав

перевод; 4. делая перевод.

Exercise Xlll

Translate the following into Eпglish usiпg the geruпd or the iпfiпitive.

1. (to remember, to forget): а) Вы не забыли опустить письмо, которое я вам дал? Ь) Сунув руку в карман, он обнаружил там письмо, которое он за­

был опустить. с) Едва я прочел первые строки, как вспомнил, что я уже где-то читал эти слова. d) Я совсем забыл, что одолжил кому-то свой

словарь, и долго искал его на полках. 2. (to suggest, to offer): а) Случай

оказался серьезным, и врач предложил созвать консилиум. Ь) Видя наши затруднения, он предложил выручить нас. 3. (to keep promise, to slюw promise): а) Выполнил ли он свое обещание принять участие в соревно­ вании? Ь) Он обещает скоро стать одним из лучших шахматистов наше­

го клуба. 4. (to go оп): а) Во второй главе автор продолжает описывать экономическое положение страны. Ь) Во второй главе, после краткого

анализа экономики страны, автор описывает современную политичес­

кую обстановку. 5. (couldп't help, couldп't but): а) Его искусство не могло не вызвать восхищения. Ь) Все, кто видел его картины, не мог не восхи­

щаться его искусством. 6. (to propose): а) Экскурсовод предложил на­

чать экскурсию с осмотра выставки. Ь) Известно, что они намеревались выехать во второй половине дня. 7. (to think): а) Мы полагали начать обследование завода с этого цеха. Ь) Я не мог даже и думать о том, чтобы

оставить его одного в таком состоянии.

Exercise XIV

Traпslate into English usiпg tl1e geruпd апd participle.

1. Обсуждаемая проблема имеетогромное значение. 2. Он просматри­

вал почту, доставленную за несколько последних дней. 3. Прожив дол­ гое время за границей, он был рад вернуться на родину. 4. Закончив опыты, они обсудили результаты. 5. Она вспомнила, что провела ког­ да-то лето на юге вместе с нами. 6. Прежде чем переписывать текст, вам следовало бы его внимательно прочесть. 7. Он сказал это таким

тоном, что я не могла не рассмеяться. 8. Простите, что я вас прерываю,

но мне нужна ваша помощь. 9. Придя к тому заключению, доктор ре­

шил ничего не говорить пациенту. 10. Они сделали все, как было при­ казана. 11. Письмо, адресованное доктору, осталось без ответа. 12. Ник­ то не требует, чтобы вы оставались здесь до вечера. 13. Избегайте употребления неопределенного артикля перед существительным
















г: г:






v z


"weather". 14. Она занята посадкой цветов в саду; я надеюсь, что она не будет иметь ничего против того, чтобы мы помогли ей. 15. Я не помню,

чтобы я вас раньше видел. 16. Узнав об экспедиции, я решил принять в

ней участие.

The Objective Participial Construction

(The Complex Object)

The Objective Participial Construction (The Complex Object) consists of а noun in the common case (or аpronoun in the objective case) and а participle (present or past).

She cou/d fee/ her heart beating fast. She wants to have her piano tuned.

The Objective Participial Construction is used:

1)after verbs denoting sense perception, such as: to see, to hear, to fee/, to find, towatch, tonotice.

Do you see апуопе standing near the door? We heard the band p/aying in the park.

2) а) after verbs denoting causation: to have, to get, to keep, to start, to set. 1won 't have you sтoking at your age!

Theysoon got(started) things going. Don 't keep те waiting. /'т in а hurry. Сап you start(set) that engine going?

Ь) after the verbs to want, to like

1don 't want you talking back to те. They don 't like те /eaving so ear/y.

3)after verbs denoting wish, such as: to want, to wish, to desire. ln this case the past participle is used.

Не wants the work finished Ьу 5о'clock. lf you want а thing we/1 done, do it yourself.

4)after the verb to have in the construction to have soтething done (have + object + past participle).

This construction is used to saythat the action expressed bythe participle is performed at the request ofthe person denoted Ьуthe subject of the sentence.

She had her house painted. We have our clock repaired.

Have + object + past participle can Ье used instead of passive forms to express an accident or misfortune.

She had her bag stolen.

То get can Ье used instead of to have in spoken English.

You тustget your hair cut.



Exercise 1

Point out tl1e Objective Participial Construction. Translate the seпteпces iпto


1. Сап you smell something burпiпg? 2. J found him working at his desk.

3.Have you ever l1eard tl1is opera sung iпltalian? 4. We fouпd the house deserted.

5.I heard him moving about, апd presently he was back witl1 some hot soup.

6.Wheп Магу орепеd l1er eyes she saw Niпa staпdiпg Ьу l1er side. 7. Sl1e felt her cheeks blushiпg а little. 8. 1 пoticed Тот staпdiпg iп tl1e s!1adow of the fouпtaiп. 9. She liked to watch him doing thiпgs, digging, plantiпg.l О. I heard ту name called. 11. Where did you have your booklet priпted? 12. Не had seen

towns destroyed Ьу terriЬle bomblng. 13. You had better have that tooth pulled out. 14. 1 had my books bound. 15. "1 waпt to get the grass cut," he said. 16. "Do people have their оwп plюtographs taken?" said Paul. 17. 1waпt Jane апd her husband moved into one ofthe new lюuses on the hill. 18. At last she heard her name ca!led. 19. She kept her hair dyed Ьlack.

Exercise 11

Paraphrase the followiпg seпtences usiпg the complex object with the participle or

the infiпitive.

1. When I eпtered the room, 1 found that he was playiпg the piano. 2. Не ordered that the pictures slюuld Ье removed from that hall. 3. I know that еvеп educated people make this mistake. 4. Wheп l1e Jooked out ofthe train wiпdow, he saw tl1at а little sidiпg was quickly approacl1iпg. 5. 1 expect that l1e will Ье late. 6. She felt that somebody was takiпg hold ofl1er haпd. 7. Не iпtended that you should Ье iпvited. 8. Turniпg back he saw tl1at his daнghter was followiпg him slowly. 9. Не believed that tl1ese studeпts were fit for the job. 10. The pareпts watched how their childreп were swimming, diviпg апd playing in the water.

Exercise 111

Ореп the brackets апd use tl1e infinitive or participle I as the secoпd elemeлt oftl1e complex object.

1. The traiп started, апd wheп Mike looked up he saw the little statioп (to slip) away. 2. 1saw tl1e plate (to slip) from her haпds апd (to fall) to the floor. 3. They stood оп the platform waving their haпds and watched the train (to disappear) in the distance. 4. They watched the train (to disappear) and tнrned to leave the platform. 5. They cotild hear the child (to breathe) quietly asleep. 6. Не felt somebody (to touch) his shoulder. 7. I have лever seen уон (to look) so well. 8. 1noticed him (to give) me а look of sharpeпed interest. 9. 1саше home from








~school and found them (to have) tea togetl1er. 10. She saw him (to stop) апd (to







take) something out ofhis breast pocket. 11. Не watched tl1e people (to laugl1, to talk and to move) in front ofhim. 12. I saw you (to sit) with your head in уош hands and that's why I spoke. 13. From far away they sudden1y heard а dog (to

~bark). 14. Through tl1e opendoor I couldsmell the coffee (to boil). 15. I watcl1ed


him (to read) his 1etters, saw him (to frowп) оп опе, (to smile) at aпotl1er.





Exercise IV


иComplete the following sentences usiпg tl1e Objective Participial Coпstructioп




(with participle I or participle II).

1. Goiлg out iпto the gardeп, I found


(she, to walk .....

). 2. The womaп

stood at the door апd watched

..... (the childreп, to play). 3. I have пever heard

..... (they, to speak Eпglish). 4. Have you ever seen .....

(he, to play football .....


5. His parents won't have .....

(he, to waste time .....

). б. I slшl111ave .....



papers, to sign .....

). 7. 1 advise you to get .....

(tl1e tickets, to book .....

). 8. As

sооп as 1 was outside t11e door, 1 heard .....

(she, to talk .....

) to 11erself.

9. "1'11

have .....

(the clothes, to dry) at овсе," she said. 10. Turпiпg into the Greeп

Street s11e 11eard .....

(11er пате, to call .....

). 11. 1must lшve .....

(ту hair, to cut

..... ) once а moпt11. 12. Why don't you have

..... (your ТУ, to repair .....



Exercise V

Replace t11e following seпteпces usiпg have апd get witl1 the past participle.

1. Someoпe was11ed my car for me yesterday. 2. 1 asked someoпe to paiпt the gate last week. 3. Someone tuned the рiапо for her yesterday. 4. I asked а mап to meпd my shoes. 5. Tell someoпe to translate it iпto Eпglish. б. Our seasoп tickets need renewing. (We must ..... ). 7. We ordered someone to whitewash the ceiling. 8. The knives want s11arpening. (We must ..... ). 9. We must fiпd somebody to chop all tl1is wood up. 10. Не asked his tailor to lengthen his coat. 11. Не asked the maid to tidy his room. 12. I asked the secretary to rewrite the wlюle report. 13. Our house needs to Ье painted. (We must ..... ).

Exercise Vl

Translate into English using t11e complex object with the infinitive or participle [

where possiЬle.

1.Девушка улыбнулась; я увидел, как сверкнули ее белоснежные зубы.

2.Когда мы вышли рано утром, мы увидели, что трава, кусты и деревья,

покрытые росой, сверкали в лучах восходящего солнца. 3. Когда он по­

дошел к морю, он увидел, как два рыбака стояли на берегу и складывали

сети. 4. Родители наблюдали, как их дети плавали, ныряли, играли в

воде. 5. Я вижу, вы меня понимаете и не сердитесь на меня. б. Надеюсь, я

не заставил вас долго ждать? 7. Дверь комнаты была открыта, и мне


было видно, как две молодые женщины оживленно разговаривали о чем­ то за чашкой чая. 8. Я слышал, что они переехали в другой город.

9. Войдя в комнату, я увидел, что отец разговаривает с каким-то челове­ ком, которого я никогда прежде не видел. 1О. Он слышал, как она вздох­ нула при упоминании имени ее сына. 11. Он слышал, как она что-то

сказала во сне. 12. Вы когда-нибудь слышали, как он исполняет эту

вещь? 13. Я слышал, что он очень хорошо исполняет эту вещь. 14. При

виде родного города я почувствовала, как у меня радостно вздрогнуло

сердце. 15. Я почувствовал, как силы возвращаются ко мне.

Exercise Vll

Translate the sentences into English using the Objective Participial Construction.

1. Я хочу, чтобы эта работа была быстро закончена. 2. Здесь вы можете починить туфли. 3. Мы наблюдали, как дети прыгали и бегали на ста­

дионе. 4. Завтра я непременно сфотографируюсь. 5. Мы обнаружили, что экскурсовод ждет нас у входа в парк. 6. Многие слышали, как его

имя упоминали несколько раз. 7. Вам настроят рояль только через две недели. 8. Мы слышали, как студенты обсуждали новый фильм. 9. Давид вошел в сад и увидел, как его тетушка шла по дорожке. 10. Я видела, как вы входили в кафе. 11. Мы видели, как машина поворачи­ вает за угол. 12. По вечерам мы обычно слышали, как он играет на скрипке. 13. Я считаю, что он допущен к экзаменам. 14. Все члены бригады хотели, чтобы работа была сделана хорошо. 15. Весной мне

нужно сделать ремонт в квартире. 16. Я шью платья в этом ателье.

17. Когда принесут сюда мой багаж? 18. Я постригаюсь два раза в ме­

сяц. 19. Ему нужно сшить хороший костюм. 20. Мои родители не по­

зволят мне одной ехать на дачу. 21. Было ясно, что он очень хотел, что­ бы нарисовали его портрет.












The Subjective Participial Construction

{The Complex Subject)

The complex subject called the Subjective Participial Construction consists of а noun in the Common case (or а pronoun in the Nominative case) and а participle (present or past). The construction is chiefly used after verbs of sense perception.

The two men were heard going downstairs. They were seen crossing the field together. The dinner was left untouched.