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Give a piece of advice on how to learn English....docx
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IMMisSii I vmi

  1. Give a piece of advice on how to learn English.

  2. Advertise the language you are studying now. Why do you study it?

  3. Speak on:

  1. the importance of English language;

  2. how to use a dictionary.

Lesson 3

Biography, family


I. Read and memorize the following words:

name [neim] iM’a

family name/surname npi3BHine

patronimic [,paetr3'nimik] no 6aTbK0Bi

full name [ful neim] noBHe iM’n

e. g. What is your name? My name is Jack.

We named our baby Jane, mother ['mAtte] Mara father ['fa:da] 6aTbKo

e.g. I live together with my mother and father, parents [’pearants] 6aTbKH e.g. Everyone has two parents.

Your father and your mother are your parents, grandfather [’grasnd,fa:5a] fliflycb e.g. Your father's father is your grandfather.

Your mother’s father is your grandfather, too.

I call my grandfather Grandpa, grandmother ['grasnd,mA<3a] 6a6yca e.g. Your father’s mother is your grandmother.

Your mother’s mother is your grandmother, too.

I call my grandmother Grandma, brother [’brAda] 6paT sister ['sista] cecTpa son [sah] chh daughter [’da:ta] flOHKa e.g. My parent’s son is my brother.

My parent’s daughter is my sister.

husband I'hAZbandj tojiobIk

e.g. Father is my mother’s husband.

wife [waif] ApyjKHHa, HdHKa

child [tjaild] flHTHHa

e.g. This girl is a little child.

children ['t/ildran] flira

e.g. Children go to school.

aunt [cunt] TiTKa

e.g. My father’s sister is my aunt.

My mother’s sister is my aunt, too. uncle [AQkl] /uiflbKo

e.g. This man is my father’s brother. He is my uncle, cousin [kAzn] ABoropiAHHH 6paT, flBoropi/ma cecrpa e.g. Bob and Mary are my aunt’s children.

Bob is my cousin.

Mary is my cousin, too. niece [ni:s] njieMiHmma, He6ora e.g. Ann is her aunt’s niece, nephew [’nevju:] mieMiHHHK, He6i>K e.g. Peter is his uncle’s nephew.

father-in-law ['fa:5(a)rinb:] 6aTbKo nojioBiKa (.apyjKHHH) e.g. The father of my wife (hushand) is my father-in- law.

mother-in-law ['mA3(a)rmlo:] Mara HOJioBiica (apy>KHHH) e.g. The mother of my husband (wife) is my mother- in-law.

relatives ['relativz] poflHHi

e. g. These are my relatives: father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, grandson, granddaughter, son, daugh­ter, wife, sister, uncle, aunt, niece, in-laws {'inlo:z] po/uini >KinKM (mnoBiKa) e.g. All relatives of my wife (husband) are my in-laws, widow ['widou] yaoBa widower ['widoua] yaiBeuib grown-up [’grounAp] /lopocyiMii adult ['aedAlt] /iopoc;iHH e.g. He is already an adult.

(to) bring up [brio ^p] BHxoByBara e.g. We must bring up our children, character [’kaerikta] xapaKTep appearance [a'pi3r(9)ns] 30BHiinHicTb

profession [pra'fejn] npo^eciw occupation [,okju'peiJ(a)n] npaun, po6oTa e.g. What is your occupation? engineer ^endhji'nia] iroiceHep technician [tak'nij(a)n] TexHiK designer [di'zaina] KOHCTpyKTOp clerk [kla:k] cjiy)K6oBeub driver ['draiva] BOfliit, ino(}>ep shop-assistant ['Jopa'sistant) npo/iaBeub book-keeper ['buk,ki:pa] paxiBHHK accountant ['akauntant] 6yxrajrrep cashier ['kaejia] Kacup housewife ['hauswarf] aoMorocno^apKa turner ['ta:na] TOKap doctor ['dokta] jiiKap worker f'wa:ka] po6iTHHK teacher ['ti:t/a] yHHTejib student ['stju:d(a)nt] cTyaeHT postgraduate ['poust'graedjuit] acnipam laboratory-assistant [la'borat(a)ri a'sistant] jia6opairr milling-machine operator ['milig ma'Ji:n 'opareita] cjjpe- 3epyBa^bHHK

operator of the electronic computers onepaTop EOM

plant [pla:nt] 3aBOA

e. g. I work at the plant.

office ['ofis] KOHTopa, 3aKJi£m

hospital ['hospital] jiiicapHH

e. g. He works at the hospital.

comprehensive secondary school [.kampri'hensiv 'sekandari sku:l] 3arajibHoocBiTHH cepeflHH uiKo/ia e. g. I finished the comprehensive secondary school, specialized school ['spejalaizd sku:l] ynHjiume technical school ['tekmkal sku:l] TexHiKyM institute ['institjurt] iHCTHTyr

e.g. I graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

University [,ju:m'va:siti] yHiBepcHTeT

married ['msrid] o,apy>KeHHH(a)

e. g. I am married.

single [sirjgl] HeoApy)KeHHH(a)

divorced [di'va:st] po3/iy4eHHH(a)

an orphan ['o:fan] cupoTa

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