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Жандаренко та ін. Контр.роб. з англійської мови...doc
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VIII. Утворіть герундій від дієслів, даних в дужках. Перекладіть речення.

  1. He finished (speak) and sat down.

  2. The children prefer (watch) TV to (read).

  3. Stop (argue) and start (work).

  4. He was fined for (drive) without lights.

  5. We are looking forward to (read) your report.

IX. Підкресліть дієприкметник, перекладіть речення.

  1. The boys playing football in the yard are my sons.

  2. The girl showing the way to the office was manager’s daughter.

  3. They showed me their book translated into German.

  4. A crying boy was standing in front of the closed door.

  5. He saw a broken cup on the floor.

  6. After graduating from the University he went to work to London.

  7. They liked to sit on the sofa watching TV.

X. Прокоментуйте наступні дії, використовуючи модальні дієслова “should, shouldn’t или needn’t”.

Приклад: A boy was impolite to a girl and did not apologize.

You should have apologized to the girl.

What will you say to the person who:

  1. didn’t attend a very important lecture?

  2. got up at six o’clock on Sunday morning, which was not at all necessary?

  3. read till two o’clock in the morning?

  4. copied the whole text into his exercise-book?

  5. watered the garden, and it is raining now?

ХI. Прочитайте текст і перекладіть його письмово.

First Flight

Five tourists walked slowly across the airfield where a very small aircraft was waiting for them. The plane was used on local flights and had only two engines- The passengers got into the plane and sat down. ’’-Fasten your seat belts, please," the air hostess said. An old lady turned to the air hostess. ’’Please, help me with the belt’’ she asked. ’’I have never been on an aeroplane before and I feel rather nervous."

"Don't worry," the air hostess said kindly. "These planes are the safest in the world" Then the hostess went round with a tray of sweets. She offered a sweet to each of the passengers. "Take one of these," she said to the old lady. "It will help you to swallow.’’

Suddenly the plane began to shake and to rattle. It moved quickly down the runway and slowly climbed into the air. When the plane was in the air, the hostess went to the old lady again. "Didn't the sweet help you to swallow?" she asked.

"No, I'm afraid it didn't," the old lady answered. "But it took my mind off the plane. May I have another one, please?"

Завдання до тексту:

  1. Випишіть із тексту дієслова і визначте їх час.

  2. Напишіть 3 форми неправильних дієслів.

  3. Поставте до тексту питання всіх типів в пасивному стані.

  4. Дайте відповіді на питання:

  1. How many tourists were going to travel?

  2. What did the air hostess tell the passengers to do?

  3. Why couldn't the old lady fasten her seat belt?

  4. What did the hostess offer to each of the passenger?

  5. How did the sweet help the lady?

XIII. Підготуйте наступні теми:

  1. Засоби масової інформації.

  2. Проблеми навколишнього середовища.

  3. Моя майбутня професія. Економіст.

  4. Україна. Географічне положення. Економіка. Державний устрій. Освіта. Традіції. Столица.

  5. Ділова кореспонденція.

Варіант III

Для виконання цього завдання необхідно повторити наступні розділи граматики:

  1. Модальне дієслово «Should».

  2. Пасивний стан (The Passive Voice).

  3. Дієприкметник I, II (Participle I, II)

  4. Герундій (Gerund).

  5. Інфінітив (Infinitive).

  6. Теперішній доконаний тривалий час (The Present Perfect Continuous Tense).

  7. Минулий доконаний тривалий час (The Past Perfect Continuous Tense).

I. Замініть активний стан дієслова пасивним.

Приклад: Shakespeare wrote the play.

The play was written by Shakespeare.

  1. Mother told him to buy the tickets.

  2. We gave them new equipment.

  3. They will complete the work at 5 o’clock.

  4. I have invited some friends to my birthday party.

  5. You must return the books the day after tomorrow.

  6. They are building a new concert-hall.

  7. They look after the patients well.

II. Поставте питання до речень.

  1. The house was built last year. (When …?)

  2. The girl was not allowed to go to the concert. (Where …?)

  3. The new time-table had not been hung up on the notice board. (Why …?)

  4. He has been told everything. (What …?)

  5. This article will be translated on Tuesday. (Will …?)

  6. All the questions must be answered. (Must …?)

III. Перекладіть речення, використавши пасивний стан.

  1. Вас зустрінуть на станції?

  2. У Італії нам покажуть багато визначних пам'яток.

  3. Вас вже запросили на вечір?

  4. Цей переклад буде закінчений через декілька днів.

  5. Собор Святого Павла будував архітектор Рен.

IV. Складіть речення, використавши пасивний стан.

Приклад: The play (to write) by B.Shaw.

The play was written by B.Shaw.

  1. The film can (to see) at the cinema.

  2. The article (to translate) by my brother.

  3. Tickets (to check) in an airport.

  4. The invitation (to sent) to all the relatives.