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The land and the population

Text 1

Geographical position of the british isles

The British Isles are situated off the north-west coast of Europe and consist of a group of islands. The total area of the British Isles is 322 246 square kilometres. They are made up of two large islands — Great Britain and Ireland — and over 5 000 smaller islands.

The British Isles are of the continental origin. Once they formed part of that continent, they became islands only when they were separated from it. The separation took place thousands of years ago, after the last Ice Age, and greatly influenced the history and the geography of these islands.

The English Channel and the North Sea separate the British Isles from Europe. In the west they are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east — by the North Sea. The two main islands — Great Britain and Ireland — are separated by the Irish Sea.

Britain, formally known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, occupies the greater part of the islands. It consists of England, Wales, Scotland (Great Britain), Northern Ireland (the northern part of Ireland) and a great number of small islands. The southern part of Ireland is the independent Irish Republic or Eire.

The United Kingdom's area is some 244 100 square kilometres. This is nearly half the size of France. The population is over 57 million people. It is one of the most densely populated countries.


coast [koust] — берег, побережье

consist of [k∂n'sist] — состоять из ч.-л.

densely populated ['densli 'pоpjuleitid] — густонаселенный

independent [indi'pend∂nt] — независимый

influence smth. ['mflu∂ns] — влиять, оказывать влияние на ч.-л.

island ['ail∂nd] — остров

make up — составлять, собирать; комплектовать

occupy ['okjupai] — занимать

origin ['oridzin] — происхождение

separated (be separated) [sep∂reitid]— отделенный (быть отделенным, отделяться ч.-л.)

situated (be situated) [ 'sitjueitid] — расположенный (быть расположенным)

take place — иметь место, произойти

total area ['toutl 'є∂ri∂] — общая площадь

wash (be washed by) — омывать(ся)

Geographical Names

the Atlantic Ocean [∂t'læntik 'оu∫(∂)п] — Атлантический океан

British Isles [ailz] – Британские острова

the English Channel — Английский канал (принятое в Великобритании название пролива Ла-Манш)

Europe [j'u∂r∂p] — Европа

France [fra:ns] — Франция

Great Britain — Великобритания

Ireland ['a∂rl∂nd] — Ирландия

the Irish Republic (or Eire) ['є∂r∂] — Ирландская Республика (или Эйре)

the Irish Sea ['ai∂ri∫ si:] — Ирландское море

the North Sea [si:] — Северное море

the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland –– (the UK) — Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

Written Exercises to the Text

1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following sentences

1. Британские острова расположены недалеко от северо-западного побережья Европы. 2. Британские острова имеют континентальное происхождение. 3. Когда-то они были частью континента. 4. На западе они омываются Атлантическим океаном на востоке — Северным морем. 5. Большую часть этих островов занимает Британия. 6. Это одна из самых густонаселенных стран.

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