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Word of Words.doc
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Topics for discussion

1. Lexicology as a linguistic discipline. Lexical units of the language. Lexical and grammatical meaning. The size-of-unit problem. The identity-of-unit problem.

2. The concept of the morpheme. Lexical and grammatical morphemes. The two aspects of lexical morphology (item and arrangement, item and process).

3. Principles of morphological analysis. “One-way” and “two-way” segmentability of the word. Lexical morphological categories.

4. Word-formation: affixation. Classification of affixes. Productivity and semantics of affixes.

5. Conversion: the means of word building, semantic relations, the original vs derived word, synchronic and diachronic aspects of conversion.

6. Compounding: structural and semantic characteristics, peculiarities of compounding in English (unstable compounds and lexicalization of syntactic units).

7. Minor types of word-building: shortening, sound and stress interchange, sound imitation, reduplication, backformation.

8. Etymological structure of the English language. The mixed character of English vocabulary. Words of native origin and the role they play in the language.

9. Borrowings and the role they play in the English language. Classification of borrowings. Special types of borrowings: translation loans, etymological doublets, international words. Assimilation of borrowings in the English language.

10. Lexical meaning. Polysemy. Variants of the word. Methods of semantic analysis.

11. Types of meaning. Denotation and connotation. Meaning and usage. Syntagmatics and paradigmatics.

12. Different types of lexical grouping in the English language. Thematic groups.

13. Types of semantic change: metaphor and metonomy, widening and narrowing of meaning.

14. Homonyms: sources and principles of classification.

15. Paradigmatic connections of words. Synonymy. Types of synonyms.

16. Syntagmatic connections of words. Lexical and grammatical combinability.

17. Phraseological units: definition and basic characteristics. Principles of classification. Deformation of idiom.

18. Stylistic layers of the vocabulary.

19. Neologisms and occasional words. Productive patterns of making new words.

20. Vocabulary of informative texts. Terminology.

21. American English: vocabulary and word-building.

22. Lexicography. Types of dictionaries. Structure of dictionary entry. Problems of dictionary compiling.


1. Based on: Минаева Л.В. Тыналиева В.К. Лексикология современного английского языка. Фрунзе. 1989. – C. 6-9.

2. Based on: Minajeva L. Word in Speech and Writing. M. 1982. - pp. 36-42.

3. Borrowed from: Otto Jespersen. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1948. - p. 62, pp.91-93.

4. Borrowed from: Otto Jespersen. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1948. - p. 62, pp.91-93.

5. Based on: Minajeva L. Word in Speech and Writing. M., 1982. – pp. 11-12.

6. Based on: Минаева Л.В. Тыналиева В.К. Лексикология современного английского языка. Фрунзе, 1989. – C. 41-57.

7. Borrowed from: Mednikova E.M. Seminars in English Lexicology. M., 1978. – pp. 107-108.

8. Based on: Richard Lederer. Crazy English.

9. Based on: Olga S. Akhmanova. Semantics. Folia Anglistica.1998,No.1. – pp. 44-47.

10. Based on: Gvishiani N.B. Sovremenny anglijskij jazyk. Leksikologija. M. 1986. – p.p. 23-25.

11. Based on: Морозова А.Н. Лексическая равнозначность в речи. Куйбышев, 1985. – C. 10-11.

12. Based on: Minajeva L. A Manual of English Lexicology. M. 1982. – pp. 109-113.

13. Borrowed from: Mednikova E.M. Seminars in English Lexicology. M. 1978. – p. 58.

14. Based on: Mednikova E.M. Seminars in English Lexicology. M., 1978. – pp. 90-91.

15. Based on: Richard Lederer. Crasy English.

16. Based on: John Ayto. Introduction to the Longman Register of New Words. Moscow, 1990.

17. Borrowed from: Conversation between Albert H. Marckwardt and Randolph Quirk. Common Language. British and American English., pp. 30-31.)

18. Borrowed from: Гвишиани Н.Б. Современный английский язык: лексикология. М., 2000. – С. 175-177.

19. Голденков М.А. ОСТОРОЖНО! HOT DOG! Современный активный English. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М., 1999.

20. Wodehouse P.G. Very Good, Jeeves! – London: Penguin Books, 1977. – pp. 57-58.

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