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Word of Words.doc
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2. Identify free and idiomatic word-combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Hard apples, a hard task, a hard day, a hard winter, a hard father.

A heavy suitcase, a heavy sleeper, a heavy fall, to have a heavy heart, to smoke heavily, heavily armed terrorists.

3. Match the following adjectives and nouns to give English equivalents of the following Russian word-combinations. Can the English phrases be described as free word-combinations? Why (why not)?

1) высокая дисциплина, высокий долг, высокая идея, высокая концентрация

Strict debt

Great idea

Lofty discipline

Heavy concentration

2) сильная боль, сильная буря, сильный голод, сильное горе, сильный град

Great pain

Deep storm

Heavy hail

Bitter hunger

Bad distress

Section VII

1. Study the following words and their definitions. Say what peculiarities of these words make it possible to describe them as slang words.

bug – an apparatus for listening secretly to other people’s conversations;

chickenfeed – a small unimportant amount of money;

jawbreaker – 1) a word that is hard to pronounce; 2) AmE a hard round peace of candy;

stoned – under the influence of drugs or very drunk;

top dog/ AmE top banana – the person in the highest or most important position, especially after a struggle or effort;

work (smb) over – to attack violently;

yellow-bellied – not brave, cowardly;

dog out AmE – to eat food greedily and in large amounts;

pulp adj – (of books and magazines) cheaply produced on rough paper and containing matter of bad quality, especially shocking stories about sex and violence. (19)

2. Read the following sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics. Say whether these words are literary colloquial or low colloquial.

1. As soon as the doctor saw her, he shipped her off to hospital. 2. His girlfriend is bang-up¹ again. 3. Showing up drunk blew my rep with Linda’s parents. 4. My watch is bust, I must have it fixed. 5. You organize the drinks for the party and I’ll do the eats. 6. It was such a simple plan; how could you have screwed it up? 7. I don’t want to do anything with him. He’s such a wimp²! 8. She tried to hide her feelings, but the tears in her eyes were a dead giveaway. 9. Have you seen that macho-man³ demonstrating his muscles to the girls? 10. I’ve learned nothing from her. She is very cagey about her past life.


¹bang-up – pregnant; ² wimp – a weak or useless person (esp. a man); ³macho-man – a man who wants people to see that he is very strong and powerful

3. Read the given extract. How does Jeeves’ style of speech differs from that of his master?

“Jeeves,” I said coldly, “if you have anything to say against the lady, it had better not be said in my presence.”

“Very good, sir.”

“Or anywhere else, for that matter. What is your kick against Miss Wickham?”

“Oh, really, sir!”

“Jeeves, I insist. This is a time for plain speaking. You have beefed about Miss Wickham. I wish to know why.”

“It merely crossed my mind, sir, that for a gentleman of your description Miss Wickham is not a suitable mate.”

“What do you mean by a gentleman of my description?”

“Well, sir –”


“I beg your pardon, sir. The expression escaped me inadvertently. I was about to observe that I can only asseverate –”

“Only what?”

“I can only say that, as you have invited my opinion –”

“But I didn’t.”

“I was under the impression that you desired to canvass my views on the matter, sir.”

“Oh? Well, let’s have them, anyway.”

“Very good, sir. Then briefly, if I may say so, sir, though Miss Wickham is a charming young lady –” […]


“I would always hesitate to recommend as a life companion a young lady with such a vivid shade of red hair. Red hair, sir, in my opinion, is dangerous.”

I eyed the blighter squarely.

“Jeeves,” I said, “you’re talking rot.”

“Very good, sir.”

“Absolute drivel.”

“Very good, sir.”

“Pure mashed potatoes.”

“Very good, sir.”

(by P.G.Wodehouse) [20]

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