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Вариант 6

1. В каком из следующих слов звук, передаваемый буквой "у", отли¬чается от остальных?

1) busy, 2) city, 3) pity, 4) mummy, 5) reply, 6) sunny, 7) any, 8) early.

2. Поставьте наречия в нужное место:

1) I get up very early in the morning (never).

2) I help my mother about the house (always).

3) He goes to school by the Metro (often).

3. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1) The sky is dark. It... rain soon.

a) may

b) should

c) has to

2) The lights are on. They ... be at home.

a) may

b) must

c) are to

3) You ... to come here again.

a) must

b) should

c) have

4. Выберите правильный вариант:

1)... is raining.

a) it

b) there

2) ... is a garden near a house.

a) it

b) there

3) What is ... ?

a) it

b) there

4) Is... a library in your school?

a) it

b) there

5. Выберите правильный предлог:

1) I'm looking... my textbook which I left here.

a) at

b) for

2) It's getting dark, will you turn... the light, please.

a) on

b) off

3) I saw him playing football... that time.

a) at

b) in

6. Подберите пары синонимов:

1) to come in

2) to be a success

3) to answer

4) to come to see

5) to find out

6) to surprise

a) to visit

b) to discover

c) to make progress

d) to astonish

e) to enter

f) to reply

7. Выберите правильный вариант:

1) The shortest month of the year is ....

a) January

b) February

c) March

2) The school year begins in....

a) January

b) June

c) September

3) April comes before....

a) March

b) May

c) June

8. Укажите, какое слово отличается от остальных:

1) writer, 2) builder, 3) teacher, 4) worker, 5) driver, 6) pilot, 7) lawyer, 8) painter, 9) dancer, 10) singer.

9. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1)... you meet her at the station?

a) does

b) did

c) was

2)... she cook breakfast every morning?

a) does

b) did

c) was

3)... the guests dancing when you came?

a) does

b) was

c) were

10. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I... not... your book today.

a) have brought

b) had brought

2)... you ... the dinner by the time the guests came?

a) have cooked

b) had cooked

11. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст:


Just at а time when the building of skyscrapers is moving ahead, attacks on these "megastructures" are spreading on а wide variety of fronts.

In San Francisco, officials set а 404-foot height limit on buildings in more than 95 per cent of residential areas in the city.

In Washington, efforts by builders to raise а height limit of 130 feet have been un-successful.

200 Storeys? Many builders are convinced that high-rise structures are an eco-nomic necessity in cities because of space shortage.

Engineers believe that tall buildings will rise to 200 storeys or more. In Chicago the Hancock Centre - or "Big John" as it’s known among architects - is а 95-million-dollar vertical city 1,127 feet high. Its 100 storeys contain department and grocery stores, 705 apartments, office space for 4,000 workers, restaurants, bank and recrea-tional and parking facilities.

The management says its "megastructure" provides а complete living arrangement for more than 1,700 tenants - а place where people can live comfortably, without ever leaving the house. But some residents have complained of tedious elevator delays, "liv-ing above the weather", and "а sense of isolation from street life."

Experts in the field agree there are no structural limits to the potential height of buildings.

Effects on People. Some scientists think that the sway and vibrations caused in the upper storeys of tall buildings by high winds or minor earthquakes - cause discomfort and tension. Some tall building sway as much as 15 inches in strong winds.

Another structural problem has been to provide adequate foundation support for massive buildings.

What effect а tall building will have on the rest of а city is а question city planners should ask themselves before the building goes up. Architects and engineers should en-ter the political arena where questions about а building's effect on the ecology and the environment are asked. "Too often we get into the picture after it is too late", said one of the statesmen.

Now many people are beginning to feel that skyscrapers should not be considered the only option available in growing cities because skyscrapers have always been put up for reasons of advertisement and publicity.

Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What do you call a skyscraper?

Which is the tallest skyscraper in the world?

Are there advantages or disadvantages of skyscrapers?

How do these tall buildings effect on people?

Do you want to live a skyscraper and why?

Составьте словарь профессиональных терминов (15 слов и выражений)