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1. Write one of the following letters of inquiry:

a) A letter to Professor K.J. Hackett, a lecturer of Columbia University and a well-known specialist on American history asking him to speak before a group of students. Describe the kind of group you have how many are in it, and how long you wish him to speak. Be sure to give the exact time and place.

b) A short letter to Information Service, Post Office Department, Washington, D.C. for one of these pamphlets: “American History in united States Stamp” or “Postal Service Paints Picture of Nation”.

c) Many radio stations like to have listeners write criticism of their programs. If there is a programs you think particularly good or particularly bad, or one that you think could be improved, write to the station a letter with your sincere and polite criticism.

d) A letter to your local dealer of “General Motors Company” asking him to send you a company’s brochure describing different types of cars produced by the company and their technical characteristics such as engine, brakes, transmission, electric equipment.

2. Choose anyone of the following order letters:

a) Booking seats in an airplane.

The United Airlines Ticket Office, 35 East Monroe Street, Chicago 3, Illinois, Ask for a copy time-table of flights between Chicago Los Angeles.

b) Write letter to the Swissair Company asking to book two seats in an airplane leaving Geneva for California on Monday.

c) Write a letter to your local office of the Royal Dutch Airlines asking to reserve a seat for a day non- stop flight from Amsterdam to Tokio. State the date of the flight.

d) Write to the Hilton Hotel, Clevaland, Ohio, Ask for accommodation for your wife and yourself for the Thanksgiving Day weekend.

Be definite as to the kind of accommodation that you desire, the approximate rates that you are willing to play, and the length of your stay. Tell when you expect to arrive.

e) Reserve accommodation in London Hotel “Commodore” for a fortnight, August 16th –August 29th . Inquire about the price of a single room.

f) Order three books of war memoirs from the Cedar Book Store, 518 Commercial Street, St Louis 4, Missouri, Ask to have these books sent to your friend Mr. Henri Pullen, 137 16th Street, Washington, D.C.

g) Write an order letter to Hunt and Brown Company asking to send you C.O.D. some bicycle accessories: 1 bicycle headlight outfit -$17.19, 1 bicycle bell- $8.65, 3 flashlight battery lamps-$10.48. Total-$ 36.32.

3. Write a letter subscribing for a year to one of the following magazines;

a) ”Time International”, The time Inc. Magazine Company, Principal Office, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. U.S.A. Subscription rates $75.00.

b) ”Newsweek International”, Subscription department, 444 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. U.S.A. subscription rates $59.00.

4. Write a school note to your daughter’s teacher Miss Nancy Cooper asking her to excuse Vera from school for two weeks because Vera is sick with pneumonia.

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