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Английский язык Тесты_Цветкова и др.doc
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4. Напишите 10-15 предложений на

1. The advantages and disadvantages

2. What does the future hold?

3. Our planet is our home.

4. We are what we eat.

(C) a good advice

(D) good advice

одну из предложенных ниже тем:

of the Internet.

Test 15

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:


Carl Osbourne lives in Glasgow. He (ought, be) in The Guinness Book of

Records because he (have) a terrible time this year.

The trouble (start) one fine morning at the beginning of January when Carl

(find) that his car (disappear) from his garage. He (see, not)

- it since that time!

In February he (buy) a new car, but he (have, not) it for more

than two weeks when he (crash) into a lamp-post.

Three days ago Carl (sit) on a seat that (paint) only a few minutes

before. He (wear) a brand-new suit that he (buy) only the previous week.

In the summer Carl (spend) his holiday at the seaside. When he (arrive)

home, he (discover) that his house (break into) . His

television and video-recorder (disappear) .

Now poor Carl (know, not) what he (do) to deserve this bad

luck. He just (hope) that his luck (change) soon.

2. Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. She doesn't like English food. (What?)

2. Something fell on the floor. (What?)

3. We used to live in a small village. (Where?)

4. He's been studying in London since November. (How long?)

5.1 have already seen Dracula. (When?)

6. I'll have to borrow 10 pounds from Nick. (Who?)

7. There are a lot of words of French origin in English. (Why?)

8.1 think he's at home now. (Where?)

9. The British national flag is called Upion Jack. (What?)

10. The weather was nasty yesterday. (What?)

3. Из четырех вариантов (а), (в), (с), (d) выберите единственно правильный:


We were sitting in the tea-room and facing me 1_ _ a piano. A dog and his

master were sitting at the table 2 .

Having finished his tea the dog went up to the piano and 3 . And what a

wonderful pianist he was. He started off with some Chopin, my favourite composer, and

next he switched over to Wagner and then to some jazz music.

the audience into a storm of applause. I was that I

didn't know whether I was drinking tea or coffee. I stood up, went up to the dog's master

and 7 8 voice:

- My heartiest congratulations, sir! You've got a very talented dog here! It's the first

time 9 10 performance!

The dog's master smiled 11 me mysteriously and whispered:

" I can let you into a little secret: 12 the only three pieces he can play, but

hush! Keep it dark!"












(A) it was

(B) there has been

(A) near to mine

(B) next to mine

(A) begin to play

(B) began playing

(A) When he had finished

(B) When he was finished

(A) have burst out

(B) has burst out

(A) such an amazed

(B) amazed such

(A) told

(B) said

(A) in a trembling

(B) with trembling

(A)I saw

(B) I'm seeing

(A) so

(B)such a

(A) to


(C) there was

(D) there

(C) next me

(D) next mine

(C) began play

(D) start play

(C) When he has finished

(D) When he finishes

(C) burst out

(D) was burst out

(C) such amazed

(D) so amazed

(C) said him

(D) told to him

(C) at a trembling

(D) of a trembling

(C) I had seen

(D) I have seen


(D) so a



12. (A) it is

(B) there are

(C) these are
