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Английский язык Тесты_Цветкова и др.doc
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4. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Волга — самая длинная река в Европе, не так ли?

2. Кто старше, Ольга или Маша? — Ольга. Она на три года старше Маши.

3. Два месяца назад мы получили квартиру в новом 16-этажном доме на 5 этаже.

В нашей квартире 4 комнаты, кухня, ванная и маленькая прихожая.

4. У меня много английских книг. Ты можешь взять любую.

5. Когда мы с другом вышли на улицу, было холодно и дул сильный ветер.

6. Почему ты не ходил вчера в школу? — Я плохо себя чувствовал.

7. Мой младший брат Майк любит давать советы своим друзьям.

8. Если мы не поторопимся, мы опоздаем на поезд.

9. Фильм был лучше, чем мы ожидали.

10. Мама заставляет меня каждый день делать утреннюю зарядку.

Test 11

1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:


When Mr Hiram В. Otis, the American Minister, (decide) to buy

Canterville Chase, everyone (tell) him that it (be) .__ a foolish thing

to do. There (be) no doubt that a ghost (live) in the house.

Indeed, Lord Canterville himself (mention) _ the fact to Mr Otis when they

(discuss) the sale.

"We (live, not) in the place ourselves," (say) Lord Canterville,

"since the day when my grand-aunt (frighten) by the ghost. It (happen)

many years ago. My grand-aunt (dress) for dinner when she

suddenly (feel) two skeleton hands being placed on her shoulders. The fright

(make) her very ill, and she never really recovered."

"I (believe, not) in ghosts," (say) Mr Otis.

"I (must, tell) you, Mr Otis, that the ghost (see) _ by several

living members of our family, as well as by the local priest."

"My Lord," (say) Mr Otis, "I (want, buy) this house. I (come)

from a modem country where everything (have) its value in

money. If there (be) such a thing as a ghost in Europe, an American (buy)


Lord Canterville (smile) : "There really (be) a ghost. It (live)

in the house for three centuries, since 1584 in fact. It always (appear)

before the death of any member of our family.'

"Well, so does the family doctor, no doubt, Lord Canterville."

A few weeks later Mr Otis and his family (move) to Canterville Chase.

ghost — привидение

2. Задайте 5 вопросов к тексту "The Canterville Ghost":

3. Из четырех вариантов (а), (в), (с), (d) выберите единственно правильный:

1. Six public holidays in Great Britain.

(A) celebrate

(B) are celebrating

2. Have you telephoned your parents

(A) still


3. Mrs Nickolas offered me

(C) are celebrated

(D) are celebrate

(C) while

(D) else

cup of tea.

(A) other

(B) another

4. They didn't go to the country

(A) as

(B) because

5. Don't worry. We'll look

(C) an other

(D) the other

the bad weather.

(C) because of

(D) therefore

your children.

(A) at

(B) into

(C) about

(D) after

6. has lived in this house for a long time.

(A) Some (C) Anybody

(B) Nobody

7. It's the most exciting film _

(A) I've ever seen

(B) I've never seen

8. The success of our picnic depends

(A) of

(B) for

9.1 wondered she would say next.

(A) that

(B) what

(C) Anything

(C) I've ever saw

(D) I ever seen

the weather.



(C) which

(D) whom

10. We __ to a wonderful pop concert last Saturday.

(A) have gone (C) had gone

(B) were going (D) went

11. "If you all summer, you'll starve in the winter," said the ant to

the grasshopper.

(A) sing and dance (C) singing and dancing

(B) will sing and dance (D) would sing and dance

12. Can you tell me to Trafalgar Square?

(A) the road (C) how to find

(B) the way (D) how get

13.1 usually read a lot, but just now anything.

(A) I am reading (C) I have read

(B) I'm not reading (D) I read

14. You had to come back, ?

(A) didn't you (C) weren't you

(B) hadn't you (D) had you

15. At that moment Jack's wife came in and said that she the police.

(A) is going to call (C) had called

(B) called (D) had been called

16. I'm very tired. I for three days.

(A) travel (C) had travelled

(B) travelled (D) have been travelling

17. If what you say is true, there is we can do about it.

(A) little (C) few

(B) a little (D) a few

18. Our kitten washes every hour.

(A) him (C) himself

(B) his (D) itself

19. My doctor has told me .

(A) to stop smoke (C) to stop smoking

(B) stop to smoke (D) to stop to smoking

20.1 intend to stay in bed • 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

(A) for (C) while

(B) during (D) till

21. When will the conference

(A) take part

(B) take place


22. Bad news fast.

(A) travel

(B) travels

23.1 wonder to the party.

(A) will they come

(B) they will come

24. It wasn't easy for Polly

(A) do

(B) make

(C) take time

(D) take off

(C) have travelled

(D) are travelling

(C) if they will come

(D) that they will come

a decision.

(C) to do

(D) to make

25. Jack kissed his wife and said that he would return

(A) as early as it would be possible (C) at the nearest early possibility

(B) at the earliest that it could be possible (D) as soon as possible