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1. We use the imperative forms to give instructions.

Read the paragraph.

Write the answer, please.

Let’s do some exercises!

2. The forms are the same as the base forms of the verb and are the same for all persons.

Come in, John.

Come in, children.

3. The negative forms.

 Don’t run!

Don’t talk!

4.These forms come at the beginning of the phrase

Don’t buy that book, Sam.

16 Find the sentences with imperatives.

1 Don’t buy this dog.

2 We don’t keep pets.

3 Play that music.

4 He cleans the cage every day.

5 Clean your hamster’s cage every day.

6 We buy food for our pet in a pet shop.

7 Buy food for your pet in a pet shop.

8 Don’t keep your hamster in your room.

17 Arrange the following groups of words into imperative sentences.

1 to, sister, water, do not give, little, cold, your.

2 it, us, to, give.

3 your, him, pen, give, do not.

4 book, read, this, do not.

5 this, for, article, me, translate.

6 exercise, this, quickly, do.

7 in, notebook, the words, vocabulary, write, your.

8 hello, to, say, students, other.

9 four, in, talk, your, to, class, people.

10 this, from, letter, a friend, read.

18 The instructions for pet a and for pet b are muddled up. Can you sort them out? Guess what animals they are.

 Clean the cage every week.

 Take it for lots of walks.

 Always change the water, every day.

 Give it two or three meals a day.

 Don’t leave the cage door open.

 Give it a bath every week.

 Give it fresh food every day.

 Give it small pieces of fresh

fruit or vegetables as a treat.

 Don’t leave the cage by an open window or in a cold place.

 Brush its coat.

 Train it to be obedient.

Example: I think pet A is a … and pet B is a … because … .

19 Physical exercise test. Get into groups!

A Write down a set of instructions for the other groups in the class.

Example: Touch the door.

Write your name on the board.

Walk round the room.

B Group A: Give instructions to group B.

Group B: Follow the instructions.


20 In pairs read out the conversation in activity 8. Then close your books and act it out from memory.

21 Have a talk with your friend about Kathy and her pets. Use the questions in activity 3 if necessary.

  1. You are Kathy. Tell your friends about your pets and how you take care of them.

  1. You are Kathy’s mother (father). Tell about Kathy and her pets. Use the questions in activity 4 if necessary.

  1. In groups. Think of more instructions for keeping pets at home. Have a class vote about them.

  1. In groups.

A Take it in turns to talk about keeping pets for about 5 - 6 minutes.

  1. Do you have any pet? Why?

  2. Is it male or female?

  3. What is / are your pet(s) name(s)?

  4. 5 Is your pet dangerous?

  5. Is your pet obedient and friendly?

  6. Does it need lots of exercise?

  7. Is your pet a good companion? Why do you think so?

  8. Do you often take it to the vet? Why?

  9. Is your pet nocturnal? Is it very active at night?

  10. Is your pet easy to look after and cheep to feed?

B Report to the class about your friend’s / friends’ pet(s).

26 Read about Bethan and Paul and help them choose their pets.

A Bethan lives in a small flat. There isn’t a garden. She doesn’t like pets in cages.

I don’t think … is a good pet for Bethan because … .

I think … is a good pet for Bethan because … .

B Paul likes going for walks and running. He lives in a big house near a park.

He wants a friendly pet.

I don’t think … is a good pet for Paul because … .

I think … is a good pet for Paul because … .

Pets for sale

Puppy, two months old.

Loves children. Will grow very big. Free to a good home.

Phone 480635

Yellow canary and cage.

Often sings. £ 10.

Phone 835621

Baby hamsters, £ 4 each.

Brown and black.

Phone 200941

Kittens for sale. Black and white. Come and see them, you'll love them! Free to good homes.

Phone 987544

Unusual pets for sale – spiders, snakes, iguanas etc.

Phone 859543

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