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  1. Match the words to the names.

1 Flopsy

A male

B female

C nocturnal

D hamster

E three years

F wheel

2 Hammy

G nuts

H cage

I rabbit

J one year old

K hutch

L lawn

5 Make up a question plan of the text “Pets”. Put the questions in the correct order.

 What do Kathy’s animals eat?

 How long do hamsters live?

 What pets has Kathy got?

 How often does Kathy go to the pet shop?

 Where does Kathy keep her rabbit?

 What does Flopsy like?

 How does Kathy look after her pets?

 Where does she get food for her pets?

 Why can’t Kathy keep her hamster in her bedroom?

 When does Kathy play with her hamster?

6 Discuss your answers to the questions in activity 5 with other students in your group and then with the whole class.

  1. In pairs. Close your book and try to tell the story “Pets” in your own words. Don’t worry if it isn’t exactly the same.

  1. Complete the conversation. What does Amy say to Jack? For questions 1- 4, choose the correct letter A - D.

Amy: (1) ____

Jack: Buy a dog. Dogs are very friendly.

Cats are fun too.

Amy: (2) _____

Jack: Don’t get a fish. Fish aren’t very


Amy: (3) _____

Jack: Well, don’t get a crocodile

Amy: (4) _____

A I know. I can find information on the Net.

B I think I need a small pet. Our apartment is very small.

C What about a canary? Or a hamster?

D Do you like pets? I’m thinking of getting one. But I don’t know what kind of pet to get.

  1. Which is the best animal for these people? Read and choose.

1 Sophie is a doctor. She works a lot of hours every day. She hasn’t got time to look after an animal. She wants something small and easy to keep.

  1. Derek lives on a big farm. He likes exercising. He doesn’t drive. He wants an animal to help him get around his farm.

  2. Sid is rich and famous. He’s a singer. He wants an unusual pet for his


4 Jerry is an actor. He doesn’t act in a theatre. He acts outside in the streets!

He wants a clever animal to help him collect money from the people watching his show.









10 You are going to hear three people talking about choosing a pet. Listen and choose the answer to the question.

  1. What pet do the people want to get? Tick () the correct answer.

Caller 1




Caller 2




Caller 3




2 Why do they choose this pet?

Caller 1 A It’s quite cheap to keep.

B It’s a good companion.

C It’s easy to look after.

Caller 2 A It’s quite small.

B It sings and seems happy.

C You don’t have to take it to the vet.

Caller 3 A It’s quite cheap to feed.

B It’s easy to look after.

C It’s different.

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