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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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8 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold

as in the example in the first sentence.

1 Many people look forward to their retirement after years of working hard.


2 Emily has a very good _________________, so she’s good at writing stories.


3 John has a _______________ for sweet foods, but he doesn’t eat them too often.


4 Tania has an amazing ________________ of stamps from all over the world.


5 The ______________ of his article in the newspaper made Peter feel very proud.


6 A special _______________ by a famous actor will be made at the club tonight.


7 The horse’s ________________ to jump the last fence meant that it lost the race.


8 The doctor gave me a _______________ for some tablets.



We use used to + infinitive to refer to past habits or states. In such cases used to can be replaced by the past simple with no change in meaning.

I used to like jazz but now I like rock.

I used to go to jazz clubs every week.

We do not need to use a time expression with used to. In the above examples we can also use the Past Simple in the time expression.

I liked jazz when I was younger but now I like rock.

I went to jazz clubs when I was at college.

We cannot use used to when something happened only once:

I went to a rock concert last night. (NOT used to go)

9 a We cannot use used to + base form in four of these sentences. Tick

the sentences that are not correct.

1 Last week I used to smoke a lot of cigarettes. ____

2 I didn’t use to exercise, but now I exercise every day. ____

3 I bought an old car. I used to pay 50 pounds for it. ____

4 When my daughter was a baby she didn’t use to sleep very much. ____

5 We used to get out first TV when I was twelve. ____

6 I’m tired, and I used to sleep for ten hours last night. ____

b Correct the sentences.

1 ________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________

10 Choose the correct variant a, b, or c.

1 I ___ exercise but now I go running every morning before work.

A don’t use to B used to C didn’t use to

2 Yesterday I ___ up at 8 o’clock.

A used to wake B woke C didn’t use to wake

3 You need mask, flippers and oxygen tank to take up ___ .

A scuba-diving B paragliding C rafting

4 You should be ___ and fit for rafting.

A patient B cooperative C impatient

5 The ___ is a special sport event for disabled people.

A Olympic Games B The World Cup C Paralympics

6 Rafting, sky-diving and ___ are all extreme sports.

A football B paragliding C cricket

7 There are some necessary ___ for those who enjoy winter walking.

A precautions B things C food

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