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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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6 Choose the correct variant a, b, or c.

1 Which is ___ interesting, to go to the cinema or to watch TV?

A as B the most C more

2 The opera theatre is one of ___ beautiful buildings of the city.

A the most B more C most

3 Many young people now ride a bike to work because it ___ suits their lifestyle.

A better B best C good

4 He is obviously ___ interested in sport than I am.

A the most B the more C more

5 Riding a horse is as ___ as riding a motor cycle.

A easy B easier C easiest

6 It’s not the ___ place to live if you want a quiet life.

A better B good C best

7 You should practise speaking English ___ .

A most B more C the most

8 Some parts of the film are quite ___ .

A shocked B shocking C a shock

9 Today you certainly look ____ than you did yesterday.

A more happy B more happier C happier

10 Let’s examine the situation ___ we can.

A as carefully as B as carefully C as careful as

11 She swims ___ than I do.

A most better B far better C more well

12 The boy is ___ than all the other pupils in his class.

A much intelligent B intelligent C much more intelligent

7 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Yesterday was _______________ (cold) day of the year. It had been snowing all

night and everything was white. The children woke up ________________ (early)

than usually. They were excited because the snow was _______________ (deep)

than ever before and they wanted to go outside and play. We dressed them in

__________________ (warm) clothes we could find, then they went out into the

garden. We watched from the window as they built ____________________ (big)

snowman I have ever seen. As the snow was falling __________________ (hard)

than ever, the children soon came inside to warm up. They were laughing as if

they had heard ___________________ (funny) joke ever told. They said that they

thought winter was _______________ (good) season of all.

8 Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form,

adding any necessary word.

A: Well Mr. Jones, we’ve interviewed the three most likely candidates. Who do

you think would be _________________ (good) person for the job?

B: I have to say, I thought Mrs. Shaw was __________________ (intelligent) of the three, but Mr. Peters was a little ___________________ (nice) her.

A: That’s true, and we do not need someone who can work with people. However, I thought Miss Brown would be __________________ (popular) the others with our clients.

B: I also thought that she was by far _____________________ (responsible) candidate.

A: Good. Thank you for your help, Mr. Jones. Choosing who to employ is ______________________ (difficult) part of my job. It’s always ______________________ (easy) when I hear someone else’s views.

B: I’m glad I could help.

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