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IV. Add more information to the following:

  1. The thing was, Will had spent his whole life avoiding real stuff… (p. 104).

  2. Will walked back beaming at his own munificence. So this was what people meant by a natural high… (p. 112).

  3. Marcus hadn’t enjoyed the afternoon’s rows, but when they had finished he could see the point of them… (p. 117).

  4. You have to work out what you believe in, and then you have to stick to it… (p. 120).

  5. Will hated Christmas, for the obvious reason… (p. 123).

  6. Will had never been alone with Fiona; up until now Marcus had always been there… (p. 128).

V. Review the dialogues and act them out:

  • between Fiona and Marcus (Marcus wants to press his own point) (p. 119)

  • between Will and Fiona (speaking about Marcus in a cafe) (p. 129)

VI. Express your attitude to the following issues:

  1. Vegetarianism (as well as many other things, connected with the mode of life) when practised by parents is often imposed on children when the latter are not able to make their own choice.

  2. “Practise what you preach” the proverb runs. Compare the way Fiona and Marcus understood and observed that and the way it is done in other families.

  3. People who happen to make a one-hit wonder are frequently ruined by their creation.

  4. Will advises Fiona not to trust anything a human male says about what he feels. Do you agree with the statement?

Task Set 7 (Chapters 19-21)

I. Study the active vocabulary:

  • blackmail smb. into doing smth. (p. 134)

  • under one's breath (p. 136)

  • eventually (p. 137)

  • cheeky / to be cheeky to smb. (p. 137)

  • sweatshirt (p. 137)

  • truant noun (p. 140)

  • blow one's top infml. (p. 140)

  • tramp noun (p. 140)

  • let off steam Br. infml. (p. 142)

  • replacement for smth. (p. 142)

  • nag at smb. (p. 143)

  • skive verb Br. infml. (p. 145)

  • nip out Br. infml. (p. 145)

  • keep one's hair on infml. (p. 146)

  • bunk off Br. sl. (p. 146)

  • make out smth./smb. (p. 149)

  • roadie noun (p. 150)

  • in one piece Br. infml. = safe and sound (p. 155)

II. Complete the sentences (using the units from the active vocabulary):

  1. It was very difficult to ________________what Liz said ________________ in that noisy crowd.

  2. A _______________ is a person who transports and sets up equipment for a band or group.

  3. I'm pleased to hear that souvenir reached you ________________.

  4. – You just _________________ and listen to me. This affair has nothing to do with Alan.

– I’ve always known that Debby is just a ___________________his ex-wife, whom he really loved.

  1. – She’s such a nice girl, Robert. You shouldn’t be______________ to her.

– I know, but at times I ___________________ and say awful things to her.

6) Sarah had been _________________Peter into signing the document for a long time.

___________ he obeyed.

  1. A_______________ is a person who is absent without leave, especially from school.

  2. If she keeps on _____________ her husband like that, he'll leave her.

  3. Half the class ________________ when there was a test. During the next class the teacher could __________________ asking every____________ difficult questions and checking their exercise books.

  4. Children from unhappy families often become___________.

  5. ____________ to the shops before they close and fetch me some milk, will you?

  6. Alice ___________ a lesson once and, unfortunately, the teacher noticed her in the street because of the bright____________ she was wearing.

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