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Task Set 10 (Chapters 28-30)

I. Study the active vocabulary:

  • catch (noun) for smb. (p. 204)

  • life-span noun (p. 205)

  • harp on about smth. (p. 207)

  • envisage verb (p. 208)

  • fall for smb. (p. 210)

  • take smth. up (p. 213)

  • come to a head (p. 213)

  • in a row (p. 216)

  • in the first place adv. infml. (p. 218)

  • in some ways (p. 220)

  • see eye-to-eye with smb. (p. 221)

  • dilate verb (p. 222)

  • unsettle smb. (p. 223)

  • third party (p. 224)

  • on the quiet (p. 226)

  • on balance (p. 227)

  • night out (p. 228)

II. Paraphrase the following sentences:

  1. Oh dear, father is off again on his favourite subject – himself!

  2. He is thinking over an entirely new system of education.

  3. She’s just a perfect match for him. I guess he’ll enjoy being with her throughout his life-time.

  4. There are both advantages and disadvantages in the work proposed, but, having weighed pros and cons, I think we might benefit from it. Thus I believe we should undertake this work.

  5. The violence came to its apogee with the deaths of six youths.

  6. They needn't have gone there at all. It’s no excuse that they keep on saying they just had a fancy for the new pub. It’s such a nasty place!

  7. He thought that he and Hull did agree on the major world problems and understood each other perfectly well.

  8. Susan had always disliked people who expatiated on political matters to some extent.

  9. – What bothers you?

– You know, sometimes I secretly meditate on what has happened and I believe that we need a stranger, somebody not belonging to our circle, to help us out.

  1. – How about a girls’ party in the downtown?

– It’s a great idea, though I think for Julie it might be tiresome to have fun three nights

on end.

III. Translate the following sentences:

  1. Плохо, что вам два вечера подряд пришлось осматривать достопримечательности.

  2. Я совсем не жалею об этой ночи, проведенной в развлечениях. Думаю, тебе вообще не следует поднимать этот вопрос.

  3. Мирные переговоры дошли до критической точки: завтра они либо увенчаются успехом, либо будут прекращены.

  4. – Как долго он собирается обдумывать этот вопрос?

– Думаю, он будет его беспокоить в течение всей жизни.

  1. Я думаю, что мы с тобой смотрим одними глазами на многое.

IV. Add more information to the following:

  1. While Marcus relied on teenage girls to defend him in the street, he was unlikely to be much of a catch for anybody…. (p. 204).

  2. Will decided he would correct any erroneous impressions he might have given slowly and patiently…. (p. 206).

  3. It was too late for that; Will had chosen to ignore his own advice, advice that had served him well for his entire adult life…. (p. 210).

  4. If Marcus had been asked to say who his best friend was, he’d have gone for Ellie.............(p. 216).

  5. People like Fiona really pissed Will off. …It wasn’t easy floating on the surface of everything: it took skill and nerve, and when people told you……. (p. 221).

V. Prepare a brief character sketch of the two personages you’ve got acquainted with recently:

  • Rachel

  • Ellie

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