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IV. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones:

  1. Marcus didn’t want his mother to look like an old bag when they settled to go to the Planet Hollywood with Will.

  2. Fiona and Will didn’t have any difficulty in finding a topic for conversation in the restaurant.

  3. Will had a fancy for Fiona. He found her appearance quite attractive and wanted to chat up with her.

  4. Will always let the music take hold of him. He enjoyed singing with his eyes closed.

  5. Marcus figured out that Will had no son when he happened to be at his place.

  6. Marcus needed badly to speak to someone about his mother and he chose Suzie to confide in, for she was his mother’s best friend.

V. Will surmised that Fiona believed in alternative things, like aromatherapy, vegetarianism and the environment. Make a list of other alternative things you can think of. Express your attitude to this or that item.

VI. Explain what is meant by the following:

  1. …..now Marcus had worked out that two was a dangerous number…….he didn’t care whether the family he wanted were all men, or all women, or all children. He simply wanted people (p. 84).

  2. …For a moment, Marcus was confused, when he was a real kid, a little kid, he used to think that you had to be married to be a father or a mother, in the same way that you had to have a driving license to drive… (p. 86).

  3. …..What embarrassed Will in Fiona’s playing and singing was the sincerity. He’d been with people who had picked up guitars and sat down at pianos before (although not for a very long time), but they had always sent themselves up in some way…..Fiona meant it…There was nothing between her and her songs; she was inside them. She even closed her eyes when she was singing…(p. 89). When Will got home he wanted to hear people who didn’t mean it, and he wanted to watch people he could laugh at…..he realized that people who meant it were much more likely to kill themselves than people who didn’t… (p. 90).

4) …Will was one of life’s visitors; he didn’t want to be visited... (p. 93).

Task Set 6 (Chapters 16-18)

I. Study the active vocabulary:

  • be messed up about smth. (p. 104)

  • skirt (round) verb (p. 104)

  • hazard noun (p. 104)

  • incongruous (p. 104)

  • embroil oneself into smth. (p. 106)

  • dog’s dinner (p. 106)

  • be after smb./smth. (p. 108)

  • munificence (p. 112)

  • have a go at smb. (p. 114) (* to have a go at smth.)

  • take chances (p. 115)

  • have a clue (p. 115)

  • fib noun (p. 117)

  • straightforward (p. 118)

  • busker noun (p. 123)

  • scowl [skaul] at smb. (p. 123)

  • patronize (p. 124)

  • have a cheek to do smth. (p. 124)

  • tannoy noun (p. 125)

  • devious (p. 130)

II. Paraphrase the following sentences (using the units from the active vocabulary):

  1. A policeman’s job is full of risks.

  2. – Why did he get involved in that political struggle?

– He just wanted to test himself, to behave in a risky manner.

3) You talk to me as if I was a nobody, a worthless individual.

4) She's been pestering me for a year to buy her a new coat.

5) Simon is a simple and frank person. It’s always pleasant to deal with him.

6) We need to avoid this topic, it might stir up a quarrel.

7) This idea seems ridiculous. He shouldn’t have suggested that.

8) The teacher often frowned at the children, making them afraid of him.

9) “Just imagine, Helen complains that she is looked down on. She has insolence to insist that she’s old enough.”

10) You shouldn’t shout at him for such trifles. Everything can be settled without a row.

III. Translate the following sentences (using the units from the active vocabulary):

  1. В этом возрасте большинство детей переживают трудный период в своей жизни.

  2. Ее необычайная щедрость по отношению к уличным артистам оказалась большим сюрпризом.

  3. Неужели ты действительно не имеешь представления, о чем идет речь?

  4. На мой взгляд, он неискренний человек. При общении с ним можно заметить, что он говорит неправду.

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