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    1. Functions of Participles in the Sentence. Ways of Translating

Participles into Russian

Причастие выполняет две функции

В предложении – определения и обстоятельства

В предложении Participle I Active может быть:

  1. определением; переводится причастием действительного залога настоящего или прошедшего времени, или определительным придаточным предложением. В функции определения Participle I может стоять перед определяемым словом или после него.

The boiling water changes into steam.

Кипящая вода превращается в пар.

The water boiling in the vessel changed into steam.

Вода, кипевшая в сосуде, превращалась в пар.

Следует помнить, что Participle I Active выражает действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным сказуемым предложения, поэтому русские причастия прошедшего времени совершенного вида, а иногда и несовершенного вида (например: написавший, сказавший и т.п.) могут быть переведены на английский язык только придаточными определительными предложениями, ибо соответствующей причастной формы, употребляемой в функции определения, в английском языке не существует.

Человек, написавший эту книгу, хорошо знает жизнь студентов

The man who wrote this book knows the life of students well.

  1. обстоятельством; переводится деепричастием (или деепричастным оборотом), обстоятельственным придаточным предложением или существительным с предлогом при. Причастию I в функции обстоятельства часто предшествуют союзы when, while, которые на русский язык не переводятся.

Knowing the subject well, the student was not afraid of the coming exam.

Зная предмет хорошо, студент не боялся предстоящего экзамена.

Copper is of great value being a good conductor of electricity.

Медь представляет большую ценность, являясь(так как она является) хорошим проводником электричества.

While making the experiment the lab assistant put down all the necessary data.

Проводя опыт, лаборант записывал все необходимые данные.

(В то время как лаборант проводил опыт, он записывал…

При проведении опыта)

Ex.1 Point out the sentences in which the words in bold type should translated as:

a) listening – слушающая

  1. You are listening to me, aren’t you?

  2. You have been listening to the latest news.

  3. The girl listening to you so attentively is my sister.

  4. While listening to his report they made notes.

b) waiting – ожидающий

  1. The man has been waiting for you for an hour.

  2. Are you waiting for me?

  3. The man waiting for you has come from Moscow.

  4. While waiting for you the man was reading a book.

c) discussing – обсуждая

  1. The students discussing this problem will take part in the conference.

  2. We have been discussing this problem for an hour.

  3. They are discussing reports now.

  4. Discussing the reports they made some corrections.

d) multiplying – умножая

  1. Multiplying a by m we get F.

  2. The student multiplying these values has made a mistake.

  3. They are multiplying these values now.

e) making – проводящие

  1. Making the experiments they noticed some interesting properties of the elements.

  2. They are making interesting experiments now.

  3. The students making these experiments should know the theory very well.

Ex.2 Translate the following:

a) The rising sun, the man writing something at the table, entering the Institute, developing country, using new methods, receiving important information, the scientist solving the problem, when speaking English, when copying English texts, all the people living in this house, looking out of the window, while reading a book, delivering the lecture, students taking exams next week.

b) 1) While waiting for you I have read all these papers. The man waiting for the dean has been sitting here for a long time. 2) In the post – office she saw many people sending telegrams. While sending a telegram she forgot to write her name.3) He left the room laughing. Everybody looked at the laughing girl. 4) The woman speaking now is our secretary. Speaking English pay attention to the order of words. 5) Taking books from the library you must return them in time. Students taking exams next week should come to the dean’s office. 6) Who is that boy translating the text at the table? While translating the article they did not use the dictionary. 7) Playing in the yard the boys heard their mother’s voice. He stood at the window looking at the playing boys. 8) The force acting upon the body should be determined. Acting upon the body the force changes greatly.

c) 1) Increasing pressure we decrease gas volume. 2) While living in Germany Mendeleyev made a number of important investigations. 3) A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms. 4) When burning different substances combine with oxygen. 5) Carrying out the experiment we made use of all the data. 6) The forces acting between atoms within a molecule are very great. 7) This figure represents light particles leaving a source in many directions. 8) Copying English texts pay attention to the articles.

Participle II в предложении может быть:

  1. определением; переводится причастием страдательного залога настоящего или прошедшего времени; определительным придаточным предложением. Participle II может стоять перед определяемым словом или после него.

The articles produced by our shop are of improved quality.

Изделия, выпускаемые нашим цехом, улучшенного качества.

The problems discussed at the last conference were interesting.

Проблемы, обсужденные (которые обсуждались) на последней конференции, были интересны.

  1. обстоятельством; перед Participle II в функции обстоятельства обычно стоят союзы when, if, unless, as, etc. Причастие (с союзом или без него) переводится на русский язык придаточным обстоятельственным предложением, а иногда – существительным с предлогом при:

When(if) insulated, the wire may be used as a conductor.

Когда(если) провод изолирован, его можно использовать в качестве проводника. (При изоляции провод…)

When heated the polymer changed its properties completely.

Когда полимер нагрели, он полностью изменил свои свойства. (При нагревании полимер…)

Ex.3 Point out the sentences in which the words in bold type should be translated as:

a) done – совершаемая

  1. I have done all the exercises.

  2. All these exercises have already been done.

  3. The work done by the body may be expressed by an equation.

b) published – изданные

  1. This publishing house published some books on mathematics last year.

  2. Books published 30 years ago were not well illustrated.

  3. His book has not been published yet.

c) published – издаваемые

  1. He has published his new book. You may read it.

  2. I hope that his article will be published in the next issue.

  3. Books published here are really well illustrated.

d) produced – выпускаемые

  1. The engines are produced at some other factories as well.

  2. This factory has produced over a million of such engines.

  3. The engines produced at this factory are of good quality.

e) produced – выпущенные

  1. The machines produced at this plant are very good.

  2. The equipment produced at the factory last year has already been installed.

  3. The man produced his document and entered the factory.

Ex.4 Translate the following:

a) the developed method, the lost document, the work done, the experiments carried out, the solved equation, the results obtained, the body acted upon, the force measured;

the results obtained showed, the methods applied improved, the substance formed possessed, the problem solved proved, the equipment tested required, the work performed helped.

b) 1) When required he will be helped. The equipment required will be installed next month. 2) The methods applied improved the quality of production. When applied the methods improved the quality of production. 3) If heated to a sufficient temperature semiconductors begin to conduct electricity. Semiconductors heated to a sufficient temperature begin to conduct electricity. 4) Seen through this crystal a line looks double. A line seen through this crystal looks double. 5) Designed according to this scheme the engine was tested at our plant. The engine designed according to this scheme was tested at our plant. 6) The transported gases are compressed into strong cylinders. When transported gases are compressed into strong cylinders. 7) Sent from St.Petersburg today a letter will be in Moscow tomorrow. A letter sent from St.Petersburg today will be in Moscow tomorrow. 8) Heated glass is plastic. When heated glass can be easily worked.

c) 1) Atoms combined into groups are called molecules. 2) This is a church built many centuries ago. 3) When completed the experiment seemed very easy. 4) The substance formed possessed many important properties. 5) Translate the words written on the blackboard. 6) The motor is overheated unless cooled. 7) When repaired the car moved at high speed. 8) The lost book was found at last. 9) Taken from the library books must be returned in time.

d) 1) A word spoken in time may have very important results. The students speaking good English must help their classmates. 2) The scientists discussing this problem will take part in the conference. The problems discussed at the conference are of great importance for future research. 3) When heating a magnet we lessen its magnetism. When heated a magnet loses its magnetism. 4) We need devices improving the accuracy of measurements. The device improved gives more accurate measurements. 5) Analyzing the quality of the alloy the engineer showed its negative properties. Analyzed, the alloy was used in new tests. 6) The professor delivering lectures on mathematics is a well – known scientist. The lecture delivered by professor N. was very interesting. 7) The increasing pressure was measured precisely. The pressure increased was measured precisely. 8) When discussing the design the engineers suggested a few improvements. When discussed, the design was adopted.

Participle I Passive в предложении может быть:

  1. определением; переводится причастием страдательного залога или определительным придаточным предложением.

The experiment being carried out now in our laboratory is very important.

Опыт, проводимый(который проводят) сейчас в нашей лаборатории, очень важен.

The plant being built in the district will produce engines.

Завод, строящийся(который строится) в этом районе, будет выпускать двигатели.

  1. обстоятельством времени или причины; обычно переводится обстоятельственным предложением времени или причины (реже причастным оборотом со словом будучи).

Being built of coloured stone the house will look fine.

Так как дом строится из цветного камня, он будет выглядеть очень красиво.

Perfect Participle Active и Perfect Participle Passive в предложении являются только обстоятельством и переводятся:

  1. Perfect Participle Active – деепричастием совершенного вида или придаточным предложением:

Having repaired the engine the mechanic showed it to engineer.

Отремонтировав мотор, механик показал его инженеру. (После того, как механик отремонтировал мотор, он…)

  1. Perfect Participle Passive – придаточным предложением с союзами так как, после того как, когда:

Having been repaired the engine was installed in our laboratory.

После того как мотор был отремонтирован, его установили в нашей лаборатории.

Having been written long ago the letter was difficult to read.

Так как письмо было написано очень давно, его трудно было читать.

Ex.5 Translate the following:

a) the text being translated, the problem being solved, the device being used, the methods being applied, the experiment being carried out, the results being discussed, telegrams being sent every day, the conditions being changed, the result being obtained, velocity being increased.

b) having carried out the experiment, he…, having been carried out the experiment, he…, having finished the novel, the writer…, having been bought, the book…, having used a new device, they…, having been used, new methods…

c) entering the Institute, having entered the Institute, using new equipment, having used new equipment, receiving important data, having received important data, having changed the condition, changing the condition, having graduated from the Institute, graduating from the Institute, measuring the force, having measured the force, discussing the results obtained, having discussed the results obtained.

Ex.6 Join the suitable parts:

  1. Having done his homework, …

    1. … he went to the cinema.

    2. … he made several mistakes.

  1. Doing the exercises, …

    1. … she left for the Institute.

    2. … she learnt some new words.

  2. Having graduated from the Institute, …

    1. … she became a good specialist.

    2. … she studied a lot of interesting subjects.

  3. Graduating from the Institute, …

    1. … students became good specialists.

    2. … students write diploma papers.

  4. Having solved the problem,

    1. … the engineers were using some diagrams.

    2. … the engineers began a new experiment.

  5. … the engineers were using new equipment.

    1. Solving the problem …

    2. Having solved the problem …

  6. Having written a letter, …

    1. … he posted it.

    2. … he always makes mistakes.

  7. … the travellers soon lost their way.

    1. Having been shown the wrong direction …

    2. Having shown the wrong direction …