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3.4 The Complex Subject

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот (сложное подлежащее) состоит из:

Существительного (в общем падеже)


инфинитив, стоящий после сказуемого

Или местоимения

The results obtained are considered to be satisfactory.

Считают, что полученные результаты удовлетворительны.

Субъектный инфинитивный оборот употребляется:

  1. когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге: to know, to consider, to say, to state, to report, to think, to believe, to suppose, to expect и др.

The atom is known to emit rays of different length.

Известно, что атом испускает лучи различной длины. Или:

Атом, как известно, испускает лучи различной длины.

  1. когда сказуемое выражено глаголами, которые употребляются в действительном залоге: to seem, to appearказаться, to proveоказываться, to happen - оказываться (глагол to appear в таких предложениях часто переводится по – видимому, очевидно):

They seem to work very hard.

Они, кажется, много работают.

This laboratory appears to be working out new applications of a laser.

По – видимому, в этой лаборатории разрабатываются новые применения лазера.

  1. когда сказуемое выражено прилагательными likelyвероятный, unlikelyмаловероятный, certainнесомненный, sureверный в сочетании с глаголом to be:

The application of this device is certain to give better results.

Применение этого прибора несомненно даст лучшие результаты.

Our professor is likely to take part in this discussion.

Наш профессор, вероятно, примет участие в этом обсуждении.

Ex. 1 Find the English equivalents to the following Russian sentences:

  1. Говорят, что представители прибыли вовремя.

    1. These representatives said that they had arrived in time.

    2. The representatives are said to have arrived in time.

  1. Ожидают, что эта важная конференция будет в мае.

    1. We expect that this important conference will take place in May.

    2. The expected conference to take place in May will be very important.

    3. This important conference is expected to take place in May.

  1. Известно, что этот ученый сделал открытие.

    1. This scientist is well – known due to his discovery.

    2. This scientist knows everything connected with the discovery.

    3. This scientist is known to have made this discovery.

  1. Говорили, что студенты сдали экзамены хорошо.

    1. The students said that they had passed their exams well.

    2. The students said that they knew how to pass exams well.

    3. The students were said to have passed their exams well.

Ex.2 Read the following sentences and choose the аppropriate translation of the parts in bold type:

1. This peninsula was known to have no fresh water.

Известно, что… / было известно, что… / как известно… ,что…

2. Nuclear energy is reported to have been used to produce fresh water there for over a decade already.

Сообщают / сообщали, что… / использовали / используют / будут использовать

3. Scientists appear to have been trying to discover fresh water in that part through geological exploration.

По-видимому, пытаются / попытались

4. But that didn’t seem to have given any positive results.

Казалось, что не дали / не дают

5. But photos taken from space happened to show that this peninsula has promising areas of fresh and slightly mineralized water.

Случайно показали / показывают

6. About 4000 million cubic metres of fresh water are assumed to exist not very far below the surface.

Полагают / полагали, что имеется…

7. Now our scientists and engineers are most likely to solve the problem of fresh water there.

Очень похоже, что решили / решат

Ex.3 Choose the correct form:

a) 1) Говорят, что он учится в институте. He (is, was) said to study at the Institute. 2) Говорили, что конференция открылась. The conference (is, was) said to have opened. 3) Сообщили, что делегация приедет завтра. The delegation (is, was) reported to come tomorrow. 4) Сообщают, что все представители уже прибыли. All representatives (are, were) reported to have arrived already. 5) Кажется, этот студент уже сдал экзамен. The student (seemed, seems) to have passed the exam.

  1. 1) Известно, что студенты изучают этот предмет с первого курса. The students are known (to study, to have been studying) this subject since the first year. 2) Кажется, студенты сейчас проводят опыт в лаборатории. The students seem (to make, to be making) an experiment in the laboratory. 3) Полагали, что на тело действует данная сила. The body was assumed (to be acted, to act) upon by this force. 4) Сообщают, что эти проблемы уже решены несколько лет назад. These problems are reported (to have been solved, to be solved) some years ago. 5) Ожидают, что конференция пройдет в следующем месяце. The conference is expected (to have been held, to be held) next month. 6) Утверждают, что этот закон был открыт Ломоносовым. This law is stated (to be discovered, to have been discovered) by M.Lomonosov.

Ex.4 Translate the following:

1. Light and radio waves are said to be of similar nature. 2. Many proteins were found to be mixtures of several chemical compounds. 3. Carbon steel has been known to be the principal product of steel industry. 4. The conditions are assumed to have been provided. 5. The substance is said to have been decomposed. 6. The students appear to determine the constituent elements. 7. This new approach to the problem discussed seems to be the most satisfactory. 8. These experiments are likely to have been made in suitable conditions. 9. The discovery of a laser is sure to be of great value. 10. The application of this device is unlikely to give better results. 11. Many new textbooks are expected to be published soon. 12. He was said to be one of the most promising nuclear physicist. 13. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy. 14. He is sure to give us some useful information. 15. The operation seemed to be a complicated one. 16. The new methods of work appear to be very effective. 17. They are supposed to graduate from the Institute in four years.

Ex. 5 Translate the sentences paying attention to the infinitive constructions:


A digital computer is supposed to produce information by some logical process.

The engineer supposed the digital computer to produce information at great speed.


The power station is reported to have been working for many years.

The construction workers reported the power station to have been put into operation.


Most electronic computers are expected to perform over ten thousand operations every second.

The designer expected the electronic computer to perform over ten thousand operations every second.


Radio navigation stations are known to be located all over the world to guide the pilots.

We know radio navigation stations to be located at different places around the world.


The choice of the most economical manufacturing process is considered to be of great importance.

Technologists consider the choice of the most economical manufacturing process to be of great importance.


Electronic equipment and turbine parts are known to be produced by different fabricating processes.

We know electronic equipment and turbine parts to be produced by different fabricating process.


Iron was proved to be readily cast into various shapes long ago.

People proved iron to be reаdily cast into various shapes a long time ago.


Casting is believed to have been used for centuries for producing a wide variety of articles.

Engineers believe casting to have been used for centuries for producing a wide variety of articles.

3.5. The For – Phrase

Оборот «for» + существительное (метоимение) + инфинитив.

Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for представляет собой сочетание предлога for с существительным в общем падеже или местоимением в объектном падеже и инфинитива. Этот оборот выполняет роль любого члена предложения – подлежащего, дополнения, части сказуемого и т. д. и переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением, вводимым союзами что, чтобы, для того чтобы, подлежащим которого становится существительное или местоимение, стоящее перед инфинитивом, а сказуемым – инфинитив.

The first thing for me to do is to phone him and ask his advice.

Первое, что я должен сделать, это позвонить ему и попросить у него совета.

Возможен перевод этого оборота существительным или инфинитивом:

It was important for us to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Нам было важно решить эту проблему как можно скорее.

Translate the following sentences paying attention to the for-phrases:

1. It is for you to choose which of the two methods to use. 2. Watch the operation of this machine; this is the only thing for you to do. 3. It will be difficult for them to settle this matter. 4.For him to become a good specialist will take much time. 5. He waited for her to speak. 6. This job is too complex for one man to complete in a day or two. 7. The students were waiting for the professor to explain the properties of a newly developed alloy. 8. Nearly a month is required for the moon to circle the Earth. 9. It was for our engineer to decide what kind of computer to use for such calculations.