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Ex. II. Match the above names of professions with the appropriate descriptions:

  1. ……………….. research, plan, design, develop and test computers and related equipment and design and develop software for engineering and industrial applications.

  2. ………………… are employed by companies which manufacture and market software products.

  3. ………………….are employed by computer manufacturers, by a range of industries and by government, educational and research institutions.

  4. …………………. research, design and develop machinery and systems for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning.

  5. …………………...perform duties related to the evaluation, installation, operation and maintenance of mechanical system.

  6. …………………… research, design and develop aircraft.

  7. …………………….perform duties related to the testing of aerospace vehicles and systems.

  8. ……………………. develop maintenance and operating standards for electrical and electronic systems and equipment.

  9. ……………………… conduct research into the operation of telecommunications equipment.

  10. ……………………… specialize in a number of areas including electrical power generation and transmission.

Ex. III. Make a written outline of your professional field duties. Use the prompts:

  1. I conduct research into …………………………..

  2. …………………. prepare material cost and timing estimates, reports and design specifications.

  3. ………………….. design (equipment, systems, components).

  4. …………………... supervise and inspect (installation, modification, testing, operation of ………………..).

  5. …………………… develop (maintenance and operating standards, applications, system software).

  6. ……………………...prepare contract documents.

  7. ……………………...evaluate tenders for construction or maintenance.

  8. ………………………supervise (technicians, technologists, programmers, analysts, other engineers).

  9. …………………….. plan, design and coordinate the development of computers and related equipment.

  10. ……………………… analyse the requirements for the application of computer technology in real-time environments.

  11. ……………………….supervise the work of programmers, technologists and technicians.

Audition: Fiber Optic Cable Ex. I. Listen to the text consulting the words below. Answer the questions. Word list:

  • fiber optic cable

  • transparent

  • copper

  • beam

  • tremendous

  • contribution

  • data security

  • intercept

  • domestic application


1. What kind of wire will fibers replace?

2. Why are fiber optic cables more reliable?

3. What are the advantages of fiber optic cable?

4. Name domestic applications using fiber optic technology.

5. What are the prospects of using fiber optic technology?

Unit XIV

Part I

Ex. I. Pre-text questions:

1. Do you have a savings bank account?

2. Has any of your relatives or friends borrowed from a bank?

3. What is the other word for a bank loan?

Ex. II. Read the text and answer the questions:

Bank Lending and Other Services

When a customer wishes to borrow from a bank his branch manager will have to consider the following points before deciding whether to lend:

  • the character of the customer:

Is the customer honest and has his banking record been sound?

  • the amount needed:

Has the customer asked to borrow enough money and does he have any savings which can be used alongside the loan?

  • the period of payment:

For how long does the customer need the money?

  • the purpose of the loan:

What is the money to be used for?

  • the capability of the customer to repay the loan:

Will the loan be used to give sufficient profit to repay the loan or does the customer have sufficient income from other sources?

  • the collateral security available:

Does the customer have any assets, e.g. a house or share certificates, which can be used as security for the loan? If the customer is unable to repay, then the security can be sold in order that the bank may obtain this money.

As part of its general economic policy the government might instruct banks to give preference to certain types of borrowings, e.g. exporters.


A loan is granted for a stated sum of money, e.g. £ 2,000 for a stated period of time, e.g. for two years. The rate of interest is fixed for the length of the loan and is based on the principal (the full amount borrowed), whether or not at has been used. When a loan is agreed a separate loan account is set up for the customer. Thus loan account is debited with the amount borrowed, while at the same time the customer's current account is credited with that amount. The customer can then make use of this sum immediately from his current account and repayments will be made every month to the loan account, usually by standing order, until the loan plus interest is repaid. Before granting a loan, the bank manager will ask the customer to complete a loan application form, so that the manager can assess the ability of the customer to repay.