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Visiting the city

There are a lot of things to see in New York, and it is easy for the visitor to get to the different parts of the city.

In Manhattan, the avenues go north and south, and most streets go east and west.

When you take the subway – New York underground railway – first ask, 'Where am I going?' Are you going uptown (north) or downtown (south)? You can buy a subway token for your journey before you get on train. The subway is noisy and dirty, but it's cheap and quick.

There are buses on most avenues and on the bigger streets. They run for twenty-four hours each day.

New York taxis are yellow and there are 11,000 or more of them. You can stop one in the street, or you can usually find one near the big hotels.

You can also take a ferry journey. The Staten Island ferry leaves from Battery Park every twenty or thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day.

Looking up

If you want to look at the buildings in New York – look up! The city is full of skyscrapers. Many of them are not very beautiful, but some are wonderful, and very modern. Some skyscrapers are interesting because you can see for many kilometres from the top. Some are interesting because of the work people do inside. Some are world-famous.

The Statue of Liberty… Liberty Island, New York Harbour. Take a ferry from Battery Park. The French people gave this statue to the American people in 1886. You can walk up 354 stairs to get to the top of the statue. There is a museum on Liberty Island, at the foot of the statue.

The Empire State Building… at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. Between 1931 and 1970, it was the highest building in the world. It has 102 floors, is 448 metres high, and you can see 120 kilometres from the top. A plane hit the the 79th floor in 1945.

The World Trade Center… on Church street and Liberty street. The highest buildings in New York before the terrorist act on September 11th, 2001 (110 floors). Two skyscrapers with more than one hundred floors. There were shops and restaurants inside.

The United Nations Building… on the East river at First Avenue and 45th Street. You can see the flags of every country in the United Nations along the front of the building.


New York’s museums have the works of some of the world’s best and most famous artists. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the biggest museum in New York, and is on Fifth Avenue.

Children will love the Brooklyn Children’s Museum at 145 Brooklyn Avenue, but it’s for everyone in the family.

For something different, visit the New York City Police Museum at 235 East 20th Street.

New York and New Yorkers

Some visitors find that New Yorkers are not very friendly. Some are, some aren’t. Some taxi drivers talk all through the journey, some talk if you talk to them, but only to say ‘Yeah!’ or ‘OK!’

Is New York dangerous? Perhaps it is, but so are many big cities.

Remember that New York can be very hot in the middle of summer and very cold in the middle of winter.

The city is always changing. You can hear the noise of buildings going up or coming down all the time. Cars and buses stop and start, and policemen blow whistles at the drivers. WALK or DON’T WALK signs go on and off, and people run between streets and avenues.

That’s New York.

That’s the most exciting city in the world.