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Complex Object

The combination of a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case and an infinitive after the main verb forms a Complex Object.

I expect Mary to pass the test.

It can be chiefly used after the following verbs:

1. “to see”, “to hear”, “to feel”, “to notice”, “to watch”, “to let”, “to make” (without “to”).

My father let me drive his car.

I saw my friend run down the street.

It’s also possible to say:

I saw my friend running down the street.

There is usually little difference between the two forms except that the ing-form usually gives the idea of “while”:

I saw my friend while she was running down the street.

2. “to want”, “to expect”, “to know”, “to suppose”, “to consider”, “to believe” “would like”:

I want you to paint the walls green.

I expect you to be on time.

Sometimes there is a clear difference between using the infinitive or the present participle:

I heard a famous opera star sing at the concert last night. (I heard the singing from the beginning to the end)

When I walked into the room, I heard my friend singing. (The singing was in progress when I heard it)

Complex Subject

The combination of a noun in the common case (or a pronoun in the nominative case) and an infinitive forms a Complex Subject.

The main verb is usually placed between the noun and the infinitive.

Complex Subject can be used:

1. With the same verbs that can be followed by a Complex Object. The verbs are used in the Passive voice.

She is known to have passed her exam well.

2. The verbs “to say”, “to report” in the Passive voice.

The conference is reported to open tomorrow.

All representatives are said to have arrived already.

3. The verbs “to seem”, “to appear”, “to prove”, “to happen”, “to turn out” in the Active voice:

The glass turned out to be broken.

He seems to be waiting for someone.

They appear to have gone out.

The “for-to-Infinitive” Construction

This is a combination of a noun in the common case (or a pronoun in the nominative case) preceded by the preposition “for” and an infinitive.

There was nothing left for him to do but wait.

It is very expensive for our company to advertise in the national press.

Ex. I. Read the following paraphrases of sayings and proverbs. Then match them with the sayings. Use the infinitives with or without “to”.

  1. Love brings children into the world and so keeps human life from disappearing.

  1. It is never too late (mend).

  1. Tolerate others, and try not (direct) the way they run their lives.

  1. It is love that makes the world (go) round.

  1. People vary much in character and abilities and this is necessary and desirable.

  1. One is never too old (learn).

  1. It is easier (pull down) than (build).

  1. It takes all sorts (make) a world.

  1. However much you know, there is always more (learn), and whatever your age, you can still increase your knowledge.

  1. (Understand) all is (forgive) all.

  1. It is never too late (turn) over a new leaf and (lead) a better life.

  1. Live and let (live).

  1. When all the facts are known and understood it is possible (forgive) a person for anything.

  1. It is easier (destroy) than (create).