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Ex.13 Translate the following sentences using the grammar material:

1. After she was out of sight, he turned and entered the house. 2. I was there before I came here. 3. You’ll sleep here while we stay. 4. There were tears in his eyes as he went downstairs. 5. Then wait till I get one or two things. 6. Whenever I pass her door, I always hear her crying. 7. Someone should have talked to him as soon as he was brought in here. 8. I believe you because I know you. 9. As it is wet, we shall stay at home. 10. Since you feel tired, you should rest. 11. She returned his room again, for she was tired. 12. This ball was so large that the child couldn’t hold it. 13. So quickly had she come and gone in the mass of people that he not been able to make sure. 14. The snow blew in our faces so we could hardly see. 15. I’ll ring her up lest she should forget about it. 16. The parents of these children went hungry that their children might eat well. 17. He couldn’t lie as quietly as I could. 18. I couldn’t have done any more than they did. 19. The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it. 20. You just go out as though you were going for a walk. 21. She looked at both these men as though she had never seen them before .22. Whatever it may be she has my full consent to. 23. Tired as they were, they continued to work. 24. Try as he would Andrew could not get Christine out of his mind.


Текст: Oceanography.

Лексико-граматичні основи перекладу: Передача артиклів. Умовні речення.


Ex.1 Practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations:

ocean, oceanography, oceanographer, with regard to, marine sciences, oceanboundaries, bottom topography, physics and chemistry, phase, knowledge of the ocean, the Pacific, is available, general conditions, to carry out, exploration, the need for , well-equipped stations, oceanographic research, unified science, International Council.

Ex.2 Read and translate:

Do you know that...

...Earth is the water planet.

...ours is a water-conditioned existence.

...ocean basins and continents are unevenly distributed over the Earth’s surface.

...the Pacific Ocean is the largest of the three ocean basins.

...relatively few rivers discharge into the Pacific Ocean.

...water molecules consist of an oxygen atom bounded to two hydrogen atoms.

...water is one of the few common substances existing at the earth’s surface in all three forms of matter: crystalline solid-ice, liquid-water, and gas-water vapour.

Ex.3 Read the text attentively, translate it and answer the following questions:

1. What kind of studies does oceanography embrace?

2. Is our knowledge of the oceanfull and adequate?

3. Which oceans are studied least of all?

4. Why are sea expeditions so important?

5. How can the marine sciences become the unified science of Oceanography?

Oceanography embrace all studies with regard to the sea and integrates the knowledge gained in the marine sciences that deal with such subjects as the ocean boundaries and bottom topography, the physics and chemistry of sea water, the types of currents and many phases of marine biology.

During the last decades oceanographic researches have been briefly reviewed and the knowledge of ocean has been greatly increased.

Our knowledge of the ocean is still fragmentary and inadequate. In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, large regions exist from which absolutely no information is available, and from most areas only general conditions in certain seasons of the year are known. Expeditions are needed for filling in gaps and for caring out systematic exploration of regions from which only scattered data are available. The need is even greater for systematic work at sea by well-equipped oceanographic stations that will represent many of the marine sciences, so that findings in different fields can be correlated. Only through such correlations can the marine science become the unified science of Oceanography that was visualized at the time the International Council for the Study of the Sea was established.

Ex.4 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word combinations:


The mapping of ocean boundaries and delineation of ocean currents began with some of the earliest explorations of the earth’s surface. Because of the importance of shipping and ocean travel, mapping of the ocean margins was an important part of early exploration. Of the exploring expeditions which began in the fifteenth century, two were especially important for mapping of the oceans. The spanish-financed Portuguese nobleman Fernando Magellan (1480-1521 ) explored the Pacific Ocean and circumnavigated the earth by water. The English navigator Captain James Cook (1728-1779 ) established the outlines for much of the Pacific Ocean and showed that an ice-covered continent ( Antarctica ) was located at the South Pole.

During this period there were important advances in navigational instrumentation. Devices for accurately measuring angles at sea ( today we use the sextant for this purpose ) permitted navigators to determine their latitude. The magnetic compass, known in western Europe since the twelfth century, indicated direction even when the sun or stars were hidden from view. The development in 1761 of a practical chronometer ( an accurate ship’s clock ) permitted navigators to determine their longitude.

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790 ) published a chart in 1770 showing the location of the Gulf Stream, of great importance to sailing vessels. Scientific studies of the oceans didn’t, however, begin until the nineteenth century. Edward Forbes ( 1815-1854 ), a pioneer biological oceanographer, studied life in the ocean and postulated the absence of life below about 600 meters. Although later proven to be erroneous, this idea stimulated many other scientists to work on problems of marine biology.

Charles Darwin ( 1809-1882 ) was the naturalist on the exploring voyage of the Beagle ( 1831-1836 ). His observations on coral reefs led to a brilliant hypothesis about their formation, to be discussed in a later chapter. Even if Darwin had not formulated his theory on origin of the species through evolution, he would have become famous through his work on coral reefs.

The American scientist Matthew Fontaine Maury ( 1806-1873 ) is credited with being the father of oceanography. Beginning in the early 1840’s, Maury synthesized date from many years of observations made abroad sailing vessels. From these he compiled charts showing the winds and currents for each month of the year. Maury also wrote the first textbook on oceanography in English- the Physical Geography of the Sea. Both the charts and the book had a wide impact at the time and demonstrated the economic advantages to shipping that could be gained from systematic investigation of the ocean.

Systematic investigation of the world ocean began in 1872 with the British-financed “Challenger’ Deep-Sea Expedition under the direction of Sir Thomson ( 1830 – 1882 ). From this expedition came a fifty-volume report which has greatly influenced the development of oceanography and is still a valuable source of information for oceanographers. Much credit for the success of the Challenger Expedition goes to Sir John Murray ( 1841 – 1914 ) who directed the Challenger Expedition Office after Thomson’s death, and who wrote or helped to write five of the fifty volumes of the final report.

Along the remarkable men who have contributed to oceanography, the Norwegian Fridtjof Nansen ( 1861 – 1930 ) deserves special mention. This zoologist, artist, and noble Peace Prize winter was the first man to cross the Greenland ice cap. He tested his theory of surface currents in the Arctic Sea by allowing a specially reinforced ship, “Fram”, to be frozen into the Arctic pack ice, so that it would drift across the Arctic Sea. When it became obvious that his ship would not reach the North Pole, Nansen and a companion set out on foot over the ice toward the pole. Although he failed to reach his goal ( by 375 km or 233 ml ), Nansen went further north than had gone before. A water sampling bottle designed by Nansen is still one of the standard oceanographic sampling devices.

Ex.5 Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word combinations:

морські науки, топографія дна, біологія моря, нема ніякої інформації, пори року, систематична робота в морі, добре оснащені океанографічні станції, заповнити пропуски, проводити дослідження, розрізненні данні.

Ex.6 Find the answers to the following questions :

1. when did the mapping of ocean boundaries begin? 2. Why was it so important? 3. who were the first oceanographers? 4. What are the oldest oceanographic devices? 5. Tell some facts about the very first scientist who explored oceans. 6. Who wrote the first textbook on oceanography in English? 7. When did systematic investigation of the world ocean begin? 8. What do you know about Fridtjof Nansen?

Ex.7 Make sentences with the following words:

1. all, with regard to, oceanography, studies, the sea, embraces.

2. during, has been increased, the knowledge, the last decades, of oceans.

3. in, the, Pacific, exist, information, and, Indian Ocean, from, large, which, no, is, regions, available.

Ex.8 Translate the words paying attention to the suffixes.

To regard – regard

To know – knowledge

To increase – increase

To exist – existence

To inform – information

To explore – exploration

To find – findings

To differ - difference

To correlate – correlation

To establish – establishment

Ex.9 Define the suffixes and translate the word combination:

necessity of education, to leave this possibility, complete safety, decisive influence, productive forces, progressive people, preparative work.

Ex.10 Read the grammar material and fulfill some exercises.

Передача артиклів.

В сучасній англійській мові існують два артиклі: неозначений і означений.

Артикль –це службове слово, яке стоїть перед іменником, в більшості випадках не перекладається на українську мову.

1. Означений артикль THE історично походить від вказівного займенника THAT і в деяких випадках може перекладатися вказівним займенником

This is the device that was improved in our laboratory. – Це той прилад, який був удосконалений в нашій лабораторії.

2. В конструкціях типу the soon, the better; the great, the higherthe не є артиклем ,а в цьому випадку є прислівником або сполучником, який необхідно перекладати.

The greater the streamlining, the higher will be the velocities at which no cavitations is observed. – Чим краще обтікаємість, тим віще будуть швидкості, при яких кавітація не спостерігається.

3.Означений артикль вживається в наступних сталих виразаx:

on the whole – в цілому, нарешті

in the words of – говорячи словами( кого-небудь)

on the one hand – з одного боку

on the ohter hand – з іншого боку

the long and the short of it – коротко говорячи, одним словом

to keep the house – сидіти вдома

Неозначений артикль A (AN) походить від староанглійського числівника ONE – один, перекладається, при необхідності, словами „ один”, „ деякий”.

Неозначений артикль вживається:

1. У класифікаційній функції, тобто показує належність предмета до того чи іншого класу або його якісну ознаку. Якісна ознака може бути виражена означальним реченням і перекладається словами: „ такий”, „такого виду”.

The only sensible solution in the Middle East is a peace, which would withdraw Israeli troops. - Єдине розсудливе рішення близькосхідної проблеми – це такий мир, який би вивів ізраїльські війська.

2. Перед власними іменниками (ім’я, прізвище, географічна назва) в однині, щоб показати, що ця особа є одною з членів саме цієї родини. На українську мову перекладається словом „який-то”

He was introduced to a Mr. Black.

Його познайомили з яким-то містером Блеком.

3. Неозначений артикль вживається в таких сталих виразах:

it’s a deal – домовились (розм..)

in a few words – в деяких словах, коротко говорячи

as a result – в результаті

it is a pity – нажаль

it is a pleasure – приємно

in a/one word – одним словом