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Тема 2: Зворот `Have smth. Done`

Мета: Ознайомити з новою ГС - Зворот `Have smth. done`. Навчити утворювати стверджувальні, питальні, заперечні речення використовуючи Зворот `Have smth. done` та вживати їх в мовленні.

Основна література

  1. Верба л. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. - к.: Логос, 2001. – 342 с.

  2. Jenny Dooley. Grammarway 3. - Express Publishing. 2000. – 216 c.

  3. John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Gramar. - Oxford University Press, 2006. – 440 с.

Додаткова література

  1. Павліченко о. М. Англійська мова. Граматичний практикум. – х.: Ранок, 2011. – 304 с.

  2. David Rieley. Practical Grammar. – Heinle, 2010. – 272 c.

  3. Fiona Davis. Active Grammar. – Cambridge, 2011. – 200 c.

  4. Marjorie Fuchs. Grammar Express. - Pearson Longman, 2003. – 420 c.

Зворот `have something done`

§ 1 Зворот have + object + Past Participle вживається для вираження дії, яку хтось виконує для іншої особи:

I want to have my hair cut. – Я хочу, щоб мене підстригли. (хтось інший виконуватиме дію)

Sandra is having her car repaired at the moment. – Сандрі зараз ремонтують машину. (Сандра не ремонтує її сама, хтось інший робить це для неї)

She had the dress made. – Їй пошили сукню. (Вона не шила її сама)

§ 2 Розгляньте таблицю 15 і запам’ятайте вживання конструкції `have something done` в різних часах:

Table 15 – The construction `have something done`


Example with the tense

Example with `have something done`

Present Simple

He replaces a hard disk.

He has a hard disk replaced.

Present Continuous

He is replacing a hard disk.

He is having a hard disk replaced.

Past Simple

He replaced a hard disk.

He had a hard disk replaced.

Past Continuous

He was replacing a hard disk.

He was having a hard disk replaced.

Future Simple

He will replace a hard disk.

He will have a hard disk replaced.

Present Perfect

He has replaced a hard disk.

He has had a hard disk replaced.

Present Perfect Continuous

He has been replacing a hard disk.

He has been having a hard disk replaced.

Past Perfect

He had replaced a hard disk.

He had had a hard disk replaced.

Продовження таблиці 15


Example with the tense

Example with `have something done`

Past Perfect Continuous

He had been replacing a hard disk.

He had been having a hard disk replaced.


He must replace a hard disk.

He must have a hard disk replaced.

-ing form

It’s no use replacing a hard disk.

It’s no use having a hard disk replaced.

§ 3 Питальна та заперечна форма речень утворюється за допомогою do/does в часі Present Simple та did в часі Past Simple:

Do you have you hair cut every month? - Чи ти підстригаєшся щодня?

Does she often have the windows cleaned? – Чи їй часто миють вікна?

Did he have a cake baked? – Йому спекли пиріг?

Did she have the house cleaned? –Їй прибрали будинок?

Завдання для самоконтролю

Вправа 1 Напишіть речення, використовуючи have something done

Examples: 1) His teeth are checked twice a year. - He has his teeth checked twice a year. 2) Their windows need to be cleaned. - They need to have their windows cleaned.

1. Mary’s hair is done every week. 2. The money was deposited in his bank account. 3. My new fridge will be delivered tomorrow. 4. His cat was examined by the vet yesterday. 5. Mr. Brown’s book has just been published. 6. He employed a carpenter to build the fence. 7. Jack’s dinner is cooked by his mother every day. 8. Tim’s car was serviced last week. 9. Mary’s house will be painted next week. 10. Her hair has just been done. 11. Her skirt is being cleaned at the moment. 12. My hair is trimmed once a month. 13. Central heating is going to be installed in our house next month. 14. Sam's burglar alarm was fitted last week. 15. My car is being repaired at the moment. 16. The band’s new single has just been recorded. 17. Our new furniture is going to be delivered tomorrow. 18. Their new house is being decorated at the moment. 19. Their windows will be cleaned. 20. A new jumper has been knitted for me.

Вправа 2 Заповніть пропуски, використовуючи have something done

Some computer companies don’t sell their computers in stores – they only start assembling the computer after they get your order; which means you can (computer / make) the way you want. For example, if you are going to use it a lot for artwork or video, you can (a powerful graphics card / add) to the computer. If you need special software, you can (the programs / load and test) before the computer is sent to you. If you need a lot of storage, you can (a bigger hard disk / fit), and anyone who needs to use big programs can (extra memory / build) in. After choosing your system, you can think about accessories. If you want internal devices like modems or extra drives, you can (them / install) in the machine. If you need external devices such as scanners or printers, you can (them / deliver) with your order. Finally, you may choose the kind of after-sales service you want. If the machine goes wrong, you may want to send it back to the factory to (it / repair), or you may prefer to (it / fix) on – site be a technician.