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Лекція № 14 / 15

Тема: Порівняння вживання часів груп: Indefinite та Continuous.

Мета: Навчити порівнювати особливості вживання в мовленні часів Indefinite та Continuous.

Основна література

  1. Верба л. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. - к.: Логос, 2001. – 342 с.

  2. Голіцинській Ю. Граматика-збірник вправ.-К.: Методика, 2005. – 205 с.

  3. Гусак т. Modern English Grammar in Practice.-Дрогобич: Коло,2004. – 230с.

  4. Качалова К. Практическая грамматика английского языка.- К.: Методика, 1996.– 250 с.

  5. Керножицкая О. Английский язык. Задания по грамматике. – К.: Тандем, 1997. – 256 с.

  6. Клементьева Т. Повторяем времена английского глагола. – М.: Полиграф, 2004. – 207 с.

  7. Jenny Dooley. Grammarway 3. - Express Publishing. 2000. – 216 c.

  8. John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Gramar. - Oxford University Press, 2006. – 440 с.

Додаткова література

  1. Павліченко о. М. Англійська мова. Граматичний практикум. – х.: Ранок, 2011. – 304 с.

  2. Betty Azar. Basic English Grammar. – Pearson Longman, 2005. – 500 c.

  3. David Rieley. Practical Grammar. – Heinle, 2010. – 272 c.

  4. Fiona Davis. Active Grammar. – Cambridge, 2011. – 200 c.

  5. Marjorie Fuchs. Grammar Express. - Pearson Longman, 2003. – 420 c.

  6. Virginia Evans. Round-Up. - Pearson Longman, 2011. – 190 c.

§ 1 Розгляньте таблицю 3 та порівняйте вживання часів Indefinite та Continuous:

Таблиця 3 – Порівняння часів Indefinite та Continuous:





You read books every day.

Do you read books?

You don’t read books.

She often writes letters.

Does she often write letters?

She doesn’t often write letters.

You read books yesterday.

Did you read books yesterday?

You didn’t read books yesterday.

She wrote letters last year.

Did she write letters last year?

She didn’t write letters last year.

You will read books tomorrow.

Will you read books tomorrow?

You won’t read books tomorrow.

She will write letters next week.

Will she write letters next week?

She won’t write letters next week.

Продовження таблиці 3





You are reading a book now.

Are you reading?

You aren’t reading.

She is writing a letter now.

Is she writing?

She isn’t writing.

You were reading a book at 5 o’clock.

Were you reading?

You weren’t reading.

She was writing a letter the whole day.

Was she writing a letter?

She wasn’t writing.

You will be reading at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

Will you be reading?

You won’t be reading at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

Завдання для самоконтролю

Вправа 1 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи

1. My sister ... (be) ill last week. 2. She ... (be) not ill now. 3. Yesterday we ... (be) at the theatre. 4. Where ... (be) your mother now? - She ... (be) in the kitchen. 5. Where ... (be) you yesterday? - I ... (be) at the cinema. 6. When I come home tomorrow, all my family ... (be) at home. 7. They ... (read) many books. 8. ... they ... (read) many books? 9. They ... (not/read) many books. 10. The children ... (eat) soup now. 11. ... the children ... (eat) soup now? 12. The children ... (not/eat) soup now. 13. ... you ... (play) volley-ball well? 14. When ... you ... (play) volley-ball? 15. What ... Nick ... (do) in the evening? 16. ... he ... (go) to the cinema in the evening? 17. We ... (not/dance) every day. 18. Look! Kate ... (dance). 19. I think the kitten ... (jump) down soon. 20. The birds ... (fly) to the south in October. 21. ... the lion cub ... (play) with the other one? 22. The pupils ... (not/visit) the Zoo next week. 23. I ... (do) my home­work at six o'clock tomorrow. 24. Don’t come to my place tomorrow. I ... (write) a composition the whole evening.

Вправа 2 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи

1. The children (do) their homework now. 2. The girls (play) tennis at the moment. 3. Both my brothers (like) sport. 4. Anna (wear) her new coat today. 5. What colour you (like) best? 6. My suitcase (weigh) ten kilos. 7. At the moment I (stay) at the hotel. 8. Robert (catch) the same bus every morning. 9. What this word (to mean)? 10. What you (do) all day tomorrow? 11. I (wash) my hair when the phone rang. 12. Why you (not/come) to the club last night? 13. We tried to keep quiet because the baby (sleep). 14. We (pass) a petrol station two minutes ago. 15. Where you (buy) this bag? 16. Don’t ring him at 11 o’clock tomorrow. He (work) at that time. 17. At this time tomorrow my brothers (play) football. 18. Maybe we (play) football tomorrow. 19. They (come) soon. 20. I am afraid it (rain) all day tomorrow.

Вправа 3 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи

1. We (not / study) some important papers now. 2. Mike (repair) his car all day tomorrow. 3. I (write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 4. What your friend (do) tomorrow? 5. What you (think) about when I (ask) you a ques­tion? 6. The two girls (write) letters now. 7. I (feel) very tired. - You should go to bed early. 8. We (tame) the dog at this time next morning. 9. Mrs. Bryon (knit) the sweater when Barry (ring) her. 10. Bill (see) me when I came nearer. 11. The dog (bark) when we (open) the door. 12. It (not / rain) very much in June and July. 13. - Why (you / smell) the soap? - It (smell) lovely. It’s like roses! 14. My friends (not / do) their homework at seven o'clock yesterday. 15. Everyone (work) very hard right now. 16. He (stare) up at the ceiling, when I (enter) the room. 17. He (work) on a report right now? 18. Her relatives (not / recognize) Hanna when at last she (return). 19. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 20. Mike (work) for this company? 21. The men (sit) at their desks now. 22. - Why (you / taste) the soup? - To see if it (taste) good. I think it needs more salt. 23. They (to speak) about the latest events when she (to interrupt) them. 24. My little sister (sleep) at this time yesterday. 25. While Mary (roll) the pastry, Dennis (watch) TV. 26. The people (not / speak) English very well. 27. You (come) to my place next Sunday? 28. The kittens (play) with the thread when I (see) them. 29. She (help) Mike with his report now. 30. Mrs. Ashley (not / cook) dinner at 5 o’clock tomorrow.