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Лекція № 21

Тема: Порівняння всіх часів Active

Мета: Порівняти особливості утворення і вживання в мовленні часів Active

Основна література

  1. Верба л. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. - к.: Логос, 2001. – 342 с.

  2. Гусак т. Modern English Grammar in Practice.-Дрогобич: Коло,2004. – 230с.

  3. Jenny Dooley. Grammarway 3. - Express Publishing. 2000. – 216 c.

Додаткова література

  1. Betty Azar. Basic English Grammar. – Pearson Longman, 2005. – 500 c.

  2. David Rieley. Practical Grammar. – Heinle, 2010. – 272 c.

  3. Fiona Davis. Active Grammar. – Cambridge, 2011. – 200 c.

§ 1 Розгляньте таблицю 5, порівняйте вживання, утворення всіх часів Active





Дія є повторюваною, відбувається завжди, постійно, часто або інколи:

I always use anti-virus programs to detect and remove viruses.

Does she often use the computer to write her assignments?

Computers are parts of many machines.

They don’t have the same technology.

1) Дія відбулася і завершилася у минулому:

Last week I used the Internet to email my friends.

When did you design this program?

2) Декілька послідовних дій відбулися у минулому:

He unplugged all the cables and removed the security screws on the back of the PC.

1) Дія є прогнозом, передбаченнями щодо майбутнього:

I think that computers in cars will improve energy efficiently.

2) Дія виражає обіцянку, погрозу, попередження, сподівання, пропозицію:

I will explain you how to test the program.


1) Дія відбувається в момент мовлення:

At the moment he is testing the system.

2) Тривала, тимчасова дія, що відбувається в певний період теперішнього часу:

He is updating his webpage these days.

3) Дія стосується ситуації, яка весь час змінюється:

Computers are proliferating in many areas nowadays.

1) Дія відбувалася у визначений час у минулому:

He was training as a system analyst the whole year.

They were designing a webpage at 5 o’clock yesterday.

2) Декілька одночасних, тривалих дій відбувалися у минулому:

He was testing the system while she was making him some coffee.

1) Тривала дія, що відбуватиметься в певний момент або період часу в майбутньому:

They will be designing a webpage at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

The teacher will be explaining how to test the program the whole lesson tomorrow.





1) Дія відбулася у невизначений час у минулому, важливим є факт виконання дії:

There have been many improvements in interface design since the development of the GUI.

Has he changed all the specifications for the system?

2) Дія відбулася до моменту мовлення і результат її є очевидним у теперішньому часі:

This company has already developed its own website.

1) Дія відбулася і завершилася в минулому до іншої минулої дії:

He had backed up all his files by the time he tested the system.

2) Дія завершилася до певного моменту в минулому, її наслідки були очевидними в минулому:

The company got large profit as they had designed the main processing chip.

Майбутня дія, яка закінчиться до певного моменту або до початку іншої дії в майбутньому:

He will have backed up all his files by tomorrow morning.

They will have already designed this program by next month.



Дія почалася в минулому і все ще відбувається в момент мовлення, при цьому вказується період виконання дії:

He has been developing a system for handling repairs for two years.

How long have you been writing this program?

Тривала дія, яка почалася до певного моменту в минулому і або продовжувалася в цей момент, або закінчилася безпосередньо перед ним:

They had been designing this program for five years by the time they finished it.

He had been investing in new computer systems for ten years by the time he became very rich.


Завдання для самоконтролю

Вправа 1 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи

1. We (go) swimming as soon as school (be) over. 2. She (be) a good actress if she (work) hard. 3. She (begin) doing her lessons at five. It is seven o'clock but she still (do) her lessons. When she (finish) doing them at last? 4. When we (help) our mother about the house last Sunday, our father (come) and (invite) us to cafe. 5. You already (see) this play? - We (see) it last Friday. 6. I (open) the door when father (ring). 7. You (have) a chocolate if you (be) good. 8. (give) Tom this letter as soon as you (see) him. 9. Be quiet! My baby (wake up) if you (shout)! The baby (sleep) now. 10. My friend wants to open a sport shop. He never (run) a business before. Now he (want) to ask for a bank loan. 11. Last September I (spend) my holiday with my friend. From the first day I (realize) I (make) a mistake. 12. If you (not / pay) the bill immediately, the waiter (call) the police. 13. Why he (open) a shop? — He always (want) to open a sweet shop. 14. Last week her sister (borrow) her sweater. While she (wear) it she (spill) some juice on it. 15. The lecture (not yet / begin) and the students (talk) in the corridor. 16. Last night Beth (thank) Chris for the lovely flowers which he (buy) for her. 17. Oh, I (see) he (stop) smoking. When he (decide) not to smoke? 18. We (be) in the forest a week ago. We (hear) how a wild animal (cry) out. It (get) in a tramp. 19. When (be) last time you (see) Tom? — Five years ago. 20. І just (finish) the book which you (give) me for my birthday. 21. My friend (study) at the department of Information Technology. 22. I (study) at the same department. 23. We (do) research all the time. 24. We (discuss) various problems at the seminar last week. 25. They (do) many operations on the computer yesterday. 26. Yesterday we (go) to the University library. 27. I (answer) all the questions at the exam in mathematics last month. 28. I hope we (solve) this algebraic problem soon. 29. I am sure they (do) their work in time. 30. I (compare) my results with yours tomorrow. 31. When he (come) I (calculate) my problem. 32. She (discuss) some questions with her instructor at this time yesterday. 33. I (wait) for you at 6 o'clock tomorrow. 34. He already (give) a short answer to my question. 35. I just (come) from London. 36. They already (go) home. 37. They (write) the program for the computer by June last year.

Вправа 2 Відкрийте дужки, використовуючи необхідні часи

1. My new laptop (work) very well. 2. These students (have) an opportunity to use computers at every lesson. 3. IBM (be) one of the largest computer companies in the world. It (manufacture) mainframes and PCs and (sell) its products all over the world. 4. Many years ago these computers (be) huge. 5. They (have) a meeting about the products website at the moment. 6. As the size of computers (diminish) while the power (increase), the term mainframe (fell out) of use. 7. - Oh, no, the printer (not / work)! - I (call) the IT department! 8. How long you (be) with Microsoft? 9. They (produce) printers for ten years. 10. - My computer (crash) on Monday, Tuesday and yesterday! - Oh, it (not / work) properly recently! 11. We (exchange) emails, but we never (meet). 12. Notebooks (be) computers that have all hardware in one package. 13. When a computer (do) reasonable operations, it (compute) or (calculate). 14. The example (show) how those parts (work) together to perform the simple addition. 15. A student (learn) French by playing a computer game in which the object successfully (be) to rent an apartment in Paris. 16. When I (come) into the room my friend (compile) a program. 17. A computer (store) information which it (receive). 18. When I (come) to the laboratory I (show) you how to calculate by using a computer. 19. The electronic computer just (perform) its calculation. 20. The computer you told me about (be) constructed at our plant. 21. Mechanical calculators (be) designed by Pascal and Leibnitz in the seventeenth century. 22. The development of automated control systems (accomplish) by mechanization and automation of the key production processes. 23. The input device (include) light pens, joysticks, mousses, light scanners and voice recognition modules. 24. Storage hardware (provide) a means of storing software and data. 25. The use of magnetic disks (become) widespread. 26. The connectivity of telecommunications (make) possible many kinds of activities.