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Art places in London (Museums and galleries)

I would like to tell about the art places in London. London is very rich in museums and art galleries.

There are many museums in London. One of them is the Tate Gallery in Millmank, which presents modern masters of England and France. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery. A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897. There are about 300 oils and 19000 watercolours and drawings. There are many works by the English painter William Turner there. Most of his paintings are connected with the sea theme. There are a lot of paintings by the 16-th century English artists and paintings by foreign artists of the 19-20-th centuries. There are some paintings by impressionists there.

There are some fine examples of modern sculpture there. You can see works by modern painters: Pablo Picasso among them. There are many interesting sculptures there. Henry Moor's can be seen there. He was a famous British sculptor.

The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square has one of the best picture collection in the world. It has the most valuable display of French paintings from the early Impressionists, and the finest English painting, with Gainsborough, Turner, Constable and others. It shows the progress of Italian painting from the medieval to the Renaissance, some outstanding pictures of the old Roman masters. It also has a great variety of Dutch and Flemish masters and an excellent choice of Spanish painters. There are great treasures dispersed in private collections all over the world. The Queen’s collection is the most valuable among them.

Just behind the National Gallery stands the National Portrait Gallery, in which the visitor can see portraits of British monarchs since the reign of Richard II (1377 – 1399), and of historical celebrities such as Shakespeare and Cornwell.

The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. It comprises the national museum of archaeology and ethnography and the national library. The present building was built in 1852. By law a copy of every book, periodical and newspaper, published in Britain must be presented in the British museum. It contains books and manuscripts: Greek, Roman, British and Oriental antiques. It has a department of Ethnography. This collection is so vast that only a very small percentage of it is on show to the public. There's also a department of prints and drawings. There're departments devoted to maps, coins, medals and philately. Those who come to the British museum can see a fascinating array of clocks and watches.

Cultural life of London would be impossible without the Royal Albert hall, the Royal Festival hall, the National theatre and a great number of museums: the Victoria and Albert museum in Brompton Road. which has an outstanding collection of the applied arts of all countries and periods. Also there are

the Geological Museum, the Museum of Mankind, Natural history museum and others.

Art places in London

There are a lot of places of interest in London. They are all worth seeing. On the north side of Trafalgar Square stands one of the world's greatest art galleries. The National Gallery represents all schools of Western painting from the Italian Primitives to the early 20th century. Portraits by Reynolds and Gainsborough can be seen here. St. Paul's Cathedral is the largest and the most magnificent church of the city. The High Altar forms a memorial to those who died in the two World Wars. The Victoria and Albert Museum represents the finest examples of the applied and decorative arts of all kinds. It has collections of furniture, jewellery, costumes, musical instruments and metalwork. The Barbican centre was opened by the Queen in 1982. It includes a concert hall, the home of the London Symphony Orchestra, two theatres, three cinemas and an art gallery. Piccadilly Circus is one of London's busiest road-junctions. It's always full of cars, people as there are many theatres, shops and restaurants there. The statue of Eros is in the middle of Piccadilly. One of the beautiful things in London is Madame Tussaud's museum. It represents wax figures of the famous and infamous people of the past and present.. Company and the Royal Ballet. Many famous singers song here several times. For example: Caruso, the great Russian Shalyapin and so on.