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Market and market orientation

A market for a product is the people or organizations who buy it or may buy it, or an area where it is sold. There exist different types of markets: street markets, shops and supermarkets, markets for services (e.g. restaurants), financial markets, commodity markets (e.g. coffee, tin).

A company’s or product’s target market is a group of consumers a company aims to sell its products to, for example children, housewives, fishermen, etc.

As an indication for the success of a business market share is often used which is the proportion of sales that a company or a product has in a particular market. The market leader is the company or product with the biggest share.

A firm usually focuses its attention on a market segment. Market segment is the part of a market consisting of consumers with similar characteristics. Ways in which a market might be segmented include age, income, lifestyle, geographical location.

A market niche is a small, specific segment of the market, often dominated by small firms selling some kind of goods.

Marketers often talk about market orientation: the fact that everything they do is designed to meet the needs of the market.

Companies quick to respond to the needs of a market are market-driven, market-led or market-oriented. A market-oriented approach to developing a product is one which puts the desires of the consumer at the centre of the decision about what to produce.

To make decisions about products companies do a market research which is the collection of information on markets, products and consumers; on what people need, want, and buy; how and when they buy and why they buy one thing rather than another.

Білет 15

1.Money - it that is used by society for the purchase ofcommodities, services or resources.

2.As soon as you will sell this consignment, we will pay toyou комісійну

2.2 He couldn’t participate in a sitting of a Board of Directors.

1. Could he participate in a sitting of a Board of Directors?

2. Could he or she participate in a sitting of a Board of Directors?

3. Who couldn’t participate in a sitting of a Board of Directors?

4. He couldn’t participate in a sitting of a Board of Directors, could he?

Англійська дуже зокрема, про своїх страв і строго дотримуватися свого часу їжі. Сніданок в будь-який час до 8:00 ранку, обід від 12 до 2:00, післяобіднього чаю становить від 4 до 5 вечора і вечері від 7 до 9 вечора звичайні англійський сніданок каша або кукурудзяні пластівці з молоком або вершками і цукор, сало і яйця, мармелад з маслом тости, булочки, чай або кава. Для різноманітності ви можете варене яйце, холодну шинку, або, можливо, риби.

Англійська часто служать чай з молоком. Англійська чай настільки сильна, що англійський народ зазвичай п'ють чай з молоком і цей чай називається "Англійська чай". Більшість англійського народу покласти молоко в каву теж - це називається "білий" кави. Офіціанти будуть питати вас, якщо ви хочете, щоб ваш кави "чорне або біле», а не "з або без молока".

Під час обіду вони, як правило, холодне м'ясо і салат або рибу з картоплею часто або інші овочі, риба і чіпси, сосиски і солодке блюдо (яблучний пиріг, гарячий пудинг молоко, холодний фруктовий салат або морозиво).

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