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World Trade Organization

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible. It does this by:

 administering trade agreements

 acting as a forum for trade negotiations

 settling trade disputes

 reviewing national trade policies

 assisting developing countries in trade policy issues through technical assistance and training programmes

 reducing protectionism

 cooperating with other international organizations

At the heart of the system are the WTO’s agreements, negotiated and signed by a large majority of the world’s trading nations. These agreements are the legal ground rules for international commerce. Essentially, they are contracts, guaranteeing member countries important trade rights. They also bind governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits to everybody’s benefit. Their main purpose is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct their business.

The WTO is one of three major organizations that oversee international economic relations among governments. The other two are the International Monetary Fund, which works to improve payment arrangements and other financial dealings between countries, and the World Bank, which provides loans to poorer nations. The WTO headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

Білет 28

1.Managers must understand how their duties are relatedto the duties of other managers.

2.Managers are accountable for the most essentialdecisions that is needed for implementation of anyorganizational activity.

2.2 Money is needed to start a business.

1. Is money needed to start a business?

2. Is money needed to start a business or to start a party?

3. What is needed to start a business?

4. Money is needed to start a business, is not it?

Гроші засіб обміну. Всі значення в економічній системі вимірюються в грошовому вираженні. Це все, що приймається в якості оплати за товари або послуги. Це може бути шматок золота або срібла, листів друкарського паперу (векселя і ноти), черепашки, камені, худобу, або що-небудь інше, що вважається легітимною основою обмін на щось інше.

Гроші відрізняються від грошових коштів. Готівкові грошовій формі, яка складається з паперових і монет. Таким чином, валюта гроші використовуються в країні. Валюти, як правило, забезпечені золотом і сріблом. Національна валюта є "цінні" в магазин золота, яке підтримує уряд (золотий стандарт).


Computer use continues to grow and develop in all spheres of our life. Its applications have had a great impact on the business world. Computers have helped society by increasing productivity and simplifying many services, such as checking accounts, credit cards, and telephone service.

A computer is an electronic machine that can store, retrieve, and process data with great speed and accuracy.

A PC is a personal computer which is the standard computer for most individual users. There are various sizes of personal computer, including a desktop, and portable types such as a laptop, a notebook or a palmtop.

Hardware is the actual machinery of a computer, the circuits, wires, and drives.

Software contains the instructions that tell a computer what to do at every step along the way. Software is entered into a computer in the form of a program. Some programs (called viruses) are deliberately designed to cause problems in a computer system. They are hidden in programs, and are not obvious to users.

A virus is an error that is introduced into a program with the intention of causing a malfunction. A computer may crash and stop working altogether. This may be caused by a bug (an error in the software).

A hacker is a person who gains unauthorized access to computer systems.

Білет 29

1.A financial management consists of those types ofactivity, that is related to the receipt of money and themeffective the use .

2.The short-term financing is money that will be used for ayear.

2.2 Сommercial banks offer unsecured short-term loans to their customers.

1. Do commercial banks offer unsecured short-term loans to their customers?

2 Do commercial banks offer unsecured short-term loans to their customers or to middlemans?

3.What do Сommercial banks offer to their customers?

4. Сommercial banks offer unsecured short-term loans to their customers, don`t they?

В даний час національні валюти вважаються такі сильні, як національних економік, які їх підтримують. Наприклад, сьогодні наша українська валюта "гривня" має значення тільки тому, що український уряд за цим стоїть.

Але найбільше грошей не у вигляді готівкових грошей. Саме у вигляді депозитів до запитання, які грошей відбулася у перевірці рахунків. Майже всі підприємства і більшість сімей тримати гроші, вони повинні оплачувати свої рахунки в банку розрахунковий рахунок. Потім, замість того, щоб гроші, які вони використовують чеки для оплати своїх рахунків. Перевірка шматок паперу, який замовляє банк, щоб дати одержувача вказаної суми грошей. Чеки, кредитні картки та грошові перекази не є законним платіжним засобом.

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