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Products, Goods and Services

The exchanging of products makes the business world.

A product is something that is produced or manufactured and sold, often in large numbers.

Products are sometimes referred to as goods for example in the expression fast-moving consumer goods, or FMCG.

Products may be grouped into two general categories: consumer and industrial. Consumer products are classified as convenience, shopping, impulse or specialty goods.

Convenience goods are mostly cheap products which people use regularly and buy frequently with little effort (food, tobacco products).

Shopping goods are those products that the consumer buys only after comparing value, quality, and price from a variety of sellers.

Impulse goods are bought on impulse, often at the checkout, and include products such as chewing gum, cholate bars, magazines, etc.

Specialty goods have an outstanding position in the market; they are mostly represented by certain brands.

Industrial goods are products used in the production of other products for resale purposes. These goods include materials, equipment, parts, and services.

We usually call white goods such things as washing machines and refrigerators and brown goods such things as televisions and hi-fi equipment.

Goods are also referred to as merchandise.

Services are activities such as banking or tourism that contribute to the economy but which may not directly involve manufacturing. Services may be referred to informally as products.

For firms to succeed in business, they must continue to develop and market products.

New products are introduced or launched onto the market. Products have a life cycle. A product that a company no longer wants to make available is withdrawn from the market.

A product generating a lot of profit is a money spinner or a cash cow. A loss leader is a product sold very cheaply in order to attract customers who will then, it is hoped, be persuaded to buy profitable ones.

A dog is a product that is in a market that is stagnant, shrinking or weak. Its market share is small or going down.

Білет 16

1.There is plenty of encouragements, that workersremained content with the mestome of work.

2.If you will be the permanent client of this company, thenyou will get considerable privileges.

2.2 Wood is the raw material used to make paper.

1. Is the wood use to make paper?

2. Is the wood or grass use to make paper?

3. What raw material used to make paper?

4. Wood is the raw material used to make paper, is not it?

Економічна система складається з людей з базових потреб, які вони повинні задовольняти, щоб вижити. Оскільки більшість людей не можуть виробляти всі товари і послуги їм потрібні, ми залежимо від інших осіб чи компаній, щоб зробити їх для нашого вжитку.

Організації бізнесу є фірма, компанія або підприємство, яке виробляє, купує або продає товари або надає послуги, щоб отримати прибуток.

Великі компанії називають корпораціями. Багато хто вважає, що корпорація ідеальний спосіб організації бізнесу. Великі компанії, що працюють у багатьох країнах транснаціональні корпорації. Великий бізнес може звернутися до великих організацій бізнесу або будь-якої ділової активності, що робить багато компаній money.Small називають малого бізнесу або невеликих фірм.

Коли ми починаємо бізнес, ми говоримо про створення бізнесу або створення бізнесу. Після того, як бізнес був створений ми говоримо про те, в бізнесі або ведення бізнесу.

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