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15. Have you taken antibiotics in the past five years?

No (-2)

1-2 courses (+2)

3 or more courses (+5)

16. How many times a week do you walk briskly, or do other exercise, for 30+ minutes?

Never (+1)

1-2 (+0)

3-4 (-0.5)

5 or more (-1.5)

17. How many times do you "strength train" a week?

Never (+1)

1-2 (+0.5)

3-5 (-1.5)

6 or more


II. Check your score


It's not too late to do something about it - studies show taking up exercise or changing your diet even in your 40s and 50s can still make a difference to your longevity. Any changes you can make will help lower your body age. "The biggest differences will come if you focus on your diet, stress levels and fitness," says David Niven Miller.


Then chances are you're feeling a bit miffed now. "Oddly this is the result that upsets people the most as everyone wants to be younger and you're so close that you feel you've missed out," says David. The good news is, you probably only need to change one habit to start the transition to a younger person. Have a look at which questions you scored worst on and focus your energies on it to start with.

If you're younger than your years

Well done. "Either you consciously take good care of your body or you're just one among those lucky people who naturally enjoys living a healthy life," says David. Keep up what you're doing, but still read our live-longer tips below - you might learn some new ways to boost your body's longevity even further.

I. Look at your partner’s answers. Ask for more information, for example: What is your worst diet habit? How much time do you have for yourself?

II. Some ways to lower our body age are given below. Read it and give your partner some good advice starting with the following words: I think you should…

1. Make friends: Simon Reynolds, the author of ‘ Better Than Chocolate: 50 Proven Ways To Feel Happier (Penguin)’ suggests writing a list of 10 people whose company you enjoy and then actively trying to get them more involved in your life.

2. Think positive: Focus on positive things (sides) you and people around you do (have). Find time for things you like doing.

3. Think healthy: If you expect to live a long healthy life you will. This is down to a part of the brain called the reticulating activating system, which filters the thousands of things we see or hear. If you think health is important you'll more likely notice cheap gym offers.

4. Boost your flexibility: The more flexible your body the less likely you'll suffer problems like back ache that age your body. It involves stretching the muscle and, while it's stretched, tensing it for 10-20 seconds. Then relax and stretch again - you'll always be able to go further on the next stretch.

5. Watch your weight: If you're overweight, every pound you lose adds 36 days to your life. Eat around 1,400 calories a day and a 20- minute walk will drop a pound each week.

6. Cut down on booze: Binge drinking ages your body as alcohol damages healthy cells, so keeping to sensible levels of 2-3 units a day is important.

7. Boost your energy: Low energy is a sign of blood sugar imbalances that can raise your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Cinnamon helps balance things - add a pinch to your morning cereal.

8. Look after your teeth: The bacteria that causes gum disease and tooth decay is also linked to some cancers, heart disease and stroke. Brushing and flossing are vital here. Drinking green tea helps fight plaque bacteria too.

9. Learn to cook: Processed foods can age your body - salt alone has been said to cut your life by seven years.

10. Quit smoking: Smoking ages your body inside and out.

Practice set 5