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XI. Read the dialogues and reproduce them in pairs:


– What do you do about rubbish?

– I usually put it in my bin and wait till the car drives.

– Then why is there a big heap of waste near your house? I am sure all the neighbours do the same way.

– You see sometimes people don't want to wait for a car, and the car often doesn't arrive at all.

– Here is the result.


– Do you live in an industrial district?

– Yes, I do. There are many plants in my district.

– Is anything done to stop the pollution of the air and the water?

– Some steps have been done. You know several dangerous shops don't work.

– I see.


– Do you know any examples of ecologically safe technology?

– Of course, I do. Cars and power stations can work on the sun batteries. But what about wastes?

– The Baikal timber plant has proved that a factory can return its "waste" water to the lake quite pure, if it uses modern flittering technology.

– As for me, I can't believe that crystal clear water is used in this way.



John Muir was an inventor, conservationist, explorer, naturalist and teacher. He dedicated his life to the protection of nature. Born in Scotland on April 21, 1838, John was one of eight children. The picturesque Scottish countryside was perfect playground for John. He watched birds, insects, explored meadows and fields, and climbed the ruins of a nearby castle.

His early love of hiking, climbing, and nature followed him throughout his rich life. In 1849 the Muirs moved to America and settled in Wisconsin. Pioneer work was very hard for young John: from the sowing campaign to the reaping the crops. At the age 22, John entered the University of Wisconsin, where he studied chemistry, biology and geology.

In the spring of 1864, John set out for Canada and began a lifelong journey to explore and eventually protect parts of North American wilderness. On his first journey to California, John was amazed by the beauty he saw there. The clear rivers, towering waterfalls, and great diversity of plants and animals, convinced him that California would be his home.

John was attached to Sierra Nevada Mountains, and he became a famous writer on the Sierras. Through his writings and continuous work, Yosemite Valley was soon protected by the state of California. He found so much destruction of the environment that he set out to save it. His efforts helped make Yosemite a national park in 1890.

He became the first president of the Sierra Club. He was a respected consultant on species conservation from then until his death. When John Muir died in 1914, he left behind a new way looking at America's wildness. Instead of seeing it as something to be conquered, he taught that we must learn to preserve and enjoy the wildness.

John said it best when he encouraged people to "Climb the mountains. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves".

Nowadays, we have face a lot of environmental problems: air, water and soil pollution, global warming, thinning of the ozone layer, spread of the desert territories, extinction of many species of plants and animals, nuclear contamination, waste problem, etc. We forgot how to care about the earth.

Our valueless time needs devoted admirers of nature like John Muir, who realized that humans are connected to nature in many obvious and hidden ways and only the protection of the environment may guarantee the endless future for us.