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задание по домашнему чтению (97-2003).doc
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Chapter 4

1 .Find in the text English equivalents of the following phrases, use them in the sentences of your own:

1) несъедобный 2) просочиться З) насыщенный запахом 4) страшная клятва 5) спелый и мягкий 6) ерзать 7) перехватить дыхание 8) ехать в купе в одиночестве 9) дурачить 10) получить определенную репутацию 11) шикарная еда 12) лицо вытянулось 13) стряпня 14) кухонные принадлежности 15) поспешно согласиться 16) лодырничать 17) глупые смешки 18) извлекать 19) протискиваться 20) надоесть до смерти 21) спотыкаться 22) натравливать.

  1. Compose 10 questions on the contents of the chapter, ask for details.

  2. Dramatize the scene in the compartment.

  3. Speak about:

  1. advantages of cheese as a traveling companion;

  2. cussedness of tooth-brushes;

  3. George and Harris packing things;

  4. awful behavior of Montmorency.

5. A passage for reading and translation:

from " "Madam", I replied..." up to "Fond as I am of cheese..."

Chapter 5

1. Translate the words and word combinations from the chapter into English. Recall the situations in which they are used.

1) проспать 2) дерзкий храп 3) сорвать одеяло 4) промокнуть насквозь (2 variants) 5) тонкая одежда 6) засуха (2 variants) 7) ливень 8) пророк 9) леденящий кровь 10) отъявленные негодяи - посыльные 11) иметь алиби 12) держать путь 13) на веслах 14) румпель 15) на носу корабля

  1. Make 10 sentences of your own using some of these expressions.

  2. Answer the questions:

  1. Who promised to wake the travelers up? Did he keep his promise?

  2. What is Jerome's attitude to another man asleep in bed when he is up?

3) What usual thing happened to Jerome's tooth-brush in the morning?

  1. Is it worth, according to Jerome's opinion, paying attention to weather reports?

  2. How does attitude to weather forecasts depend on people's wishes?

  3. What was the weather forecast for the day when travelers intended to start their journey?

  4. Where did George have to go that morning?

  5. Who got especially interested in the moment of travelers' departure?

  6. What did the street boys think about travelers?

  1. How much did the gentlemen pay to the engine-driver?

  2. Where was the boat waiting for them?

4. Speak about the "weather forecast" swindle. Recollect some phrases which are used in a weather talk.

5. Dramatize the dialogue between Jerome and the Boots.

6. Passage for reading and translation: "By this time..." up to "We learnt afterwards..."

Chapter 6

1. Translate from Russian into English and use in the sentences of your own:

1) Она была помешана на пабах. 2) великолепная лестница из резного дуба 3) лавка древностей 4) Его было от них не оттащить. 5) говорить, захлебываясь от восторга 6) лабиринт 7) утратить надежду 8) мошенник 9) полное единодушие 10) вид карты раздражал толпу 11) новичок в деле.

2. Write out of the chapter words used in historical and architectural descriptions.

3. Answer the questions:

1) What is Kingston famous for?

  1. What is the difference btw Caesar and Queen Elizabeth?

  2. Why did the shopman decide to show an oak staircase to Jerome's friend?

  3. How did Jerome justify the fact that the carved oak was hidden behind blue wallpaper?

  4. What was the most peculiar feature of young Stivvings?

  5. Why do people gush over ancient things and do not see the beauty of the things around them?

  6. What problems did Harris have in a maze?

4. Speak about

1) a carved oak stair-case and the author's speculations caused by it;

2) the sad case of Stivvings;

3) the author's musings on art treasures;

4) Harris as a guide.

5. Passages for reading and translation:

1) "How poor..." up to "Speaking of oak..."

2) "Harris, however,..." up to "Harris asked me..."