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5/Myself as a cook

I have a confession to make: I don’t love to cook.

Sure I like the idea of cooking, and I’m glad that I can cook, but my idea of a perfect day rarely involves spending time in the kitchen.

What I really love is food.

I love to shop for ingredients and envision the delicious dishes I can make with them. I love the taste of fresh, ripe, seasonal produce from the farmers market. I love the way good food makes me feel. I love the knowledge that what I eat helps me thrive. This is enough for me.

I’m proud of the food I make and it’s always important to me to do a good job (I love eating, remember), I just don’t have that extra drive that distinguishes a good cook from a true chef.

For some, cooking is a true passion–they adore being in the kitchen and everything it involves. These are my heroes. They are the brilliant chefs responsible for the exquisite food all over this wonderful city. They construct the fabulous recipes I count on when searching cookbooks and blogs for something new. They photograph the beautiful dishes that inspire me to try a little harder. Without passionate chefs we would not have spectacular food, and I am profoundly thankful for them.

But not all of us can be amazing cooks. Fortunately it isn’t necessary to be a Michelin-rated chef to make delicious food.

Simple, fresh cooking doesn’t require any special talent. It all starts with excellent ingredients and just a few basic techniques that anyone can master with practice.

If you get in the habit of cooking for yourself, it will one day become second nature. You’ll get faster at chopping, you won’t need to constantly check recipes and measure ingredients, and you’ll intuitively know when and in which order to add things to the pot. But all this takes practice, and if you don’t make a regular habit of cooking for yourself it will continue to be difficult.

The good news is once you are comfortable in the kitchen, more interesting and complex recipes start to sound appealing. This is not necessarily because you learned to love cooking, but simply because it is easier for you.

Once you’ve broken the proficiency barrier you open a world of different dishes and cuisines, unchaining yourself from repetitive stir fries and culinary boredom.

For the non-chef, this is the level of proficiency you want to achieve. You do not have to love cooking to enjoy making dinner. You just have to get beyond the point where you struggle with it. It really isn’t as hard as it sounds.

My favorite recipe is the recipe of Chocolate Cake.

You’ll need:

  • 170 g of flour

  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder

  • 2 teaspoons baking powder

  • 220 g of sugar

  • 1 cup of milk

  • 170 g of melted butter

  • 2 eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 180 deg C

  2. Mix flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and sugar in a bowl.

  3. Melt the butter at low heat and add to the dry ingredients. Also add milk and eggs.

  4. Mix everything together until smooth, either by hand or by using an electric mixer at slow speed.

  5. Transfer to bake tin and bake at 180 degrees until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean (35 to 45 minutes)

  6. After the cake has cooled cover it with the frosting.

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