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28/At the bank

Banks offer their customers different services mostly connected with organizing money. When you are a visitor to a country you’ll probably go to the bank for a few reasons: to exchange currency(поменять валюту) or to put money on a deposit or savings account.

When you’re exchanging foreign currency in a bank, look for a sign saying “Foreign Exchange”. Each time you exchange money you’ll have to pay a small charge called commissions. Because of this it’s cheaper to exchange several notes together than to exchange them one at a time.

In a bank you usually have a current account, which is one where you pay in your salary(зарплата) and then withdraw money to pay everyday bills. The bank sends you a regular bank statement telling you how much money is o your account. You may also have a savings account where you deposit any extra money that you have and only take money out when you want to spend it on something. You usually try to avoid having an overdraft or you end up paying a lot of interest.

Sometimes the bank may lend you money – this is called a bank loan. If the bank lends you money to buy a house, that money is called a mortgage(ипотека).

29/A visit to a mse

Once I went to the hair-dresser’s. I wanted to have my hair permanent waved. So I told the hair-dresser that I want light waves. She said: “OK. You can have a sit. I’ll come back in a minute”. She brought special liquid and curlers. Then she started to wave my hair. The curlers were small and I thought that it was a bit strange. I had been sitting for an hour. Then I got a shampoo. I had my hair dried. When I looked into the mirror for the first moment I thought that it wasn’t me, it was some kind of a poodle! But then I understood all the brunt of the situation.

30/ The role of telephone in our days

The mobile phone is one of the great inventions in 20th century. We cannot image our life without the mobile phone. Like this, it is obviously a truth that using mobile phones gives us enormous benefits in all aspects. Otherwise, this causes some trouble in a specific situation. I will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones with some examples to support my opinion.

At first, I believe that using mobile phone have contributed our communication to make easier than before. As you know, 30 years ago, all people should grasp a landline phone or go to the public telephone booth to make a call. In addition to that, 50 years ago, we should post a mail or visit someone to communicate. However, in recent times, we can talk with foreigners who live overseas, whenever we want. Furthermore, we are able to save our time and reduce the business trip expenditure and avoid being traffic jams and prevent environmental pollution by the combustion of the fuel.

Conversely, some people have been suffering from careless using mobile phones of others. We can see some rude people who speak loudly in public places, in particular in libraries, trains and theatres. It makes severe noise and quarrel sometimes. Actually, according to the previous news, a certain person killed someone with cruel assault because of the reason that he spoke too loudly in a train. As another example, the camera of mobile phones sometimes disturbs a person’s privacy. In case of a certain country, the government has legislated to prohibit from taking a photo in public places such as a swimming pool and a spa.

To conclude, the pros and cons of using mobile phones depend on the way how we can use it in right ways or in wrong ways. Even though it is only personal stuff, we should always be careful for using it.

M obile phones are one of the most positively viewed inventions in the technological era. Considering that fact a serious question arises. Are there any advantages and disadvantages of using a mobile phone? Earlier days, when we were out of home or office, we needed to search for a public telephone booth to make a phone call. Now, we pick up our mobile phone and dial.  It is a fact that having a mobile phone nowadays is a sort of a necessity. Mobile phones, formerly use only for making a call, were large and heavy. Along with technological development, there are smallest, more useful, have many new functions. Now we can write text messages, visual voicemails, use camera, GPS, Internet via GSM systems, Wi-Fi. User interfaces are built around the device's multi-touch screen, including a virtual keyboard rather than physical one. That’s all just mobile phone like a small computer.  Today, younger people don’t imagine their life without phone. They can carry a mobile phone with them so they don't miss important calls. It keeps them in constant contact with people they consider important. The distance doesn’t any difference now. Wherever you go, you can make a call to college however far away he is. It’s convenient. If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident. If you are lost, you can call for directions. Through mobile phones you can lessen your boredom, example listen to your favourite music and as well as watching movies through downloading. Mobile phones also give us easier access on the internet. You can carry it anywhere. It has a lot of useful function like calendar, making notes, alarm clock, timer and calculator. No doubt, our mobile phones make our life more convenient, but as the saying goes every technology has its equal negative side and mobile phones are not so special to be exempted. People spend less time bonding with their family and friends. 

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