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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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2.9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное), а наречия на правильное место в предложении.

1. I … (not/like) getting up in the morning. 2. My brother and I … (get) up quite early to come to school on time. 3. Our father … (sometimes/drive) us, but on other days we … (get) the school by bus. 4. We almost ... (never/get) to the bus stop on time and the bus … (always/wait) when we turn the corner. 5. The bus driver … (tell) us to hurry up and we … (jump on) the bus. 6. We … (not/go) to school next Monday because it's a holiday. 7. Instead all the people from my class … (meet) in the mountains for a picnic. 8. I … (make) a chocolate cake, my friend Joanna … (bring) a salad and the others ... (bring) meat, bread and soft drinks. 9. Joanna … (ring) me up every evening and asks, “What we … (have) to do for homework?” 10. She … (not/listen) when the teacher … (give) us our homework. 11. When Joanna ... (ring) me up, she … (always/say) “What you … (do)?” 12. And I … (answer) “I … (talk) to you, silly!”

2.10. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное).

1. Vegetarians are people who (don't eat / are not eating) meat.

2. Some people still think the sun (goes / is going) round the earth.

3. What (happens / is happening) in golf if you lose the ball?

4. Look! (She wears / She's wearing) the same shoes as me.

5. “What (are you looking / do you look) at?” “A strange bird.”

6. We (usually stay / 're usually staying) with Peggy when we go to Chicago.

7. What (do you do / are you doing) with my coat?

8. Nobody (gets / is getting) up early for fun.

2.11. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.

1. What do you do?

2. What are you doing?

3. Where do you work?

4. Where are you working?

5. Does your son play the violin?

6. Is your son playing the violin?

7. What language does she speak?

8. What language is she speaking?

9. Who's drinking champagne?

10. Who drinks champagne?

a. Actually, that's the radio.

b. French, she's from Belgium.

c. I want to get this car started.

d. I'm an architect.

e. I'm in Cardiff this week.

f. In a big insurance company.

g. It sounds like Russian.

h. Me. Сan I have some more?

i. Me. When I can afford it.

j. No. The piano.

Unit 3. Past Tenses Past Simple

Past Simple (прошедшее простое время) используется для обозначения:

1. действия в прошлом:

The police stopped me on my way home last night.

2. последовательных действий в прошлом: 

He came home and switched on TV.

3. повторяющихся действий в прошлом: He went out every day.

Формы простого прошедшего времени:

Утвердительная форма


I, You,

He, She, It visited/went yesterday

We, They

Вопросительная формa


I, you

Did he, she, it visit/go yesterday ?

we, they

Отрицательная форма


I, You

He, She ,It did not visit/go yesterday

We, They (didn’t)

Past Simple образуется при помощи окончания, которое добавляется к основе правильных глаголов, и второй формы неправильных глаголов. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did и начальной формы основного глагола.

Будьте внимательны!

1. Когда сказуемое выражено прошедшей формой глагола to bewas/were, то этот глагол самостоятельно образует вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложения:


I was tired because I worked much.


Why were you tired?


He wasn’t there last week.

2. Когда сказуемое выражено глаголом do, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общим правилам: What did you do at the weekend? They didnt do any exercises yesterday.

Возможные указатели времени –– обстоятельства времени, такие как: yesterday, last week, 2 years ago, in 1973 и т.д.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]