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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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5.2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

1. I enjoy … (visit) other countries.

2. What have you decided … (do)?

3. I’m trying …(work). Please stop … (talk).

4. Have you finished … (clean) the kitchen?

5. The weather was nice, so I suggested … (have) a walk.

6. I’m tired. I want … (go) to bed immediately.

7. Don’t forget … (send) me a postcard when you’re on holiday.

8. Do you really enjoy … (read) books?

9. I don’t mind … (travel) by train but I hate … (fly).

10. We invited Jane to the party but she didn’t want … (come).

11. Chris loves … (act). He hopes … (be) famous one day.

12. You must stop … (work) long hours. It’s bad for you.

13. They were very angry and refused … (speak) to me.

14. Why did you start … (cry)?

15. Will you … (buy) some more vegetables?

16. I can’t … (see) you on Saturday. I promised … (take) my children to the circus.

17. I began … (learn) English when I was seven.

II Некоторые случаи употребления –ing –формы.

Только ing –форма употребляется после:

1) фразовых глаголов, таких как: go on, keep on, give up, put off, etc.,

E.g. We can’t go on living like this! – Мы не можем продолжать жить так!

  1. любого глагола, имеющего после себя предлог: depend on, look forward to, think of, etc.,

E.g. We all looked forward to going to the South. – Мы все с нетерпением ждали поездки на юг.

3) прилагательных с фиксированным предлогом: be afraid of, be fond of, be interested in, be worth of, feel like, etc.,

E.g. I am afraid of speaking to him. – Я боюсь разговаривать с ним.

4) после предлогов after, before, besides, on, without, instead of,

E.g. Besides learning French Ann is fond of ancient literature. – Помимо изучения французского языка, Анна увлекается античной литературой.

III Like doing / would like to do.

Like doing и love doing указывает на то, что мы любим делать вообще.

E.g. I love dancing. – Я люблю танцевать.

Jack likes fishing.- Джек любит рыбачить.

Would like to do/ would love to do указывает на то, что мы предпочитаем делать в данный момент или в какой-либо конкретный момент.

E.g. Id love to have my own business. – Мне бы хотелось иметь своё собственное дело.

I’d like all the people in the world to be happy. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы все люди в мире были счастливы.

IV Go swimming/go fishing

Конструкция going употребляется для выражения различных видов деятельности (особенно видов спорта): go swimming, go sailing, go skiing, go jogging, go shopping, go sightseeing, etc.,

E.g. Id like to go skiing. – Я бы хотел покататься на лыжах.

When did you last go shopping? – Когда ты последний раз делала покупки?

5.3. Закончите предложения так, чтобы они были синонимичны данным в скобках, используя - ing формы:

E.g. (Why is it useful to have a car?) What are the advantages of having a car?

1. (Helen has a good memory for names.) Helen is good at ­­­­_____

2. (We didn’t eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead.) Instead of _­­___

3. (Tom thinks that working is better than doing nothing.) Tom prefers working to ____

4. (They got married. They didn’t tell any of their friends.) They got married without _____

5. (Our team played well but we lost the game.) Our team lost the game in spite of ____

6. (Carol wants to leave school soon.) Carol is looking forward to ____

7. (Do you want to play tennis tomorrow?) How about ____?

8. (I phoned Sarah. Then I went out.) I phoned Sarah before ____

9. (I had the same job for ten years and I felt I needed a change.) I felt I needed a change after ____

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