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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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VI. Закончите диалог, поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.

John: I do not know where to go on holiday this year. Have you got any ideas?

Mary: (1) ... ( you\ ever \ be) to Spain? I (2) ... (go) to Madrid and Barcelona last year and I really (3) … (enjoy) myself.

John: I (4) ... (spend) two years in Spain. But I (5) … (never/visit) South America.


Модальные глаголы.

VII. Вставьте should ( совет) или have to ( должен, обязан).

1.Your hair is too long. I think you … get it cut.

2. I am going to bed. I … be up early tomorrow.

3. I … tell my parents where I am, then they do not worry.

4. I like your boyfriend. You … invite him round.

5. If you need some help with your homework you ... go to the library.

6. You … visit San Francisco because it is the most beautiful city in America.

7. You … get a work permit if you want to work in America.

8. When you go to America you … hire a car because it is the easiest way to travel.

Stop and Check 3

Units 9-12

Сложноподчинённые предложения. Придаточные предложения времени (…when, as soon as) и условные предложения (…if) I группы.

I. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. If the dog … (keep) barking, the neighbors … (complain).

2. The boss … (be angry), if you … (arrive) late for work again.

3. If you …(study) hard, you …(pass) your exams.

4. If the weather … (be) bad on Saturday, we … (stay) at home.

5. When the TV program …(end), Pete … (do) his homework.

6. As soon as I …(earn) a lot of money, I…(buy) a new car.

7. When we … (receive) a telegram from him we … (not worry).

8. While Ann … (be) in Paris she ... (visit) her friends.


II. Составьте предложения, соотнесите строчку в колонке а со строчкой в колонке b.

1. If there are no buses

a. we`ll make a snowman

2. If you go on diet

b. you`ll understand everything

3. If it snows

c. she`ll have to take a taxi

4. If you listen carefully

d. you`ll lose weight


Условные предложения II группы (Second Conditionals).

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