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2. Change the sentences from active to passive, paying attention on the preposition.

1. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 2. Nobody lived in that old house. 3. We often speak about her. 4. The teacher sent for the pupil’s parents. 5. They will look for the newspaper everywhere. 6. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 7. Nobody slept in the bed. 8. The senior students laughed at the freshman. 9. Everybody listens to the lecturer with great attention. 10. The neighbour asked for the telegram.

3. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Don’t enter the room! A student (to examine) there. 2. The event (to report) by the newspapers before they arrived home. 3. After the accident he (to take) home immediately. 4. The letter (to type) by the typist when I came in. 5. I am sure that his work (to complete) by the end of the month. 6. Some new magazines just (to bring). 7. The exercises usually (to correct) by the teacher at home. 8. We think that the ship (to charter) next week. 9. The goods not (to examine) yet at the custom-house. When they (to examine)? 10. The question which (to discuss) now at the conference is very important. 11. This bridge (to build) in 1954. 12. The contract (to type) before the director comes to the office. 13. All the students (to examine) by five o’clock. 14. She (to frighten) by a loud noise in the street.

4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. The fire was finally got under control, but not before extensive damage had been caused. 2. The car thief was arrested after having been chased for more than an hour. 3. The plan hadn’t been at all well thought out by the leader. 4. The house had been broken into, and two thousands pounds’ worth of jewelry had been stolen. 5. We are informed that the manufacture of this material has been suspended. 6. All the passengers in the bus were listening to the story of the boy who had been saved from drowning by the quickness of the driver. 7. Don’t let yourself be depressed by your failure. 8. If an amicable settlement is not arrived at, the dispute is decided by arbitration.

5. Translate the following sentences into English, using Passive Voice.

1. Почему над ним всегда смеются? 2. Знаменитый архитектор проектировал этот театр. 3. Когда я начал помогать ей, книга уже переводилась, но не была еще переведена. 4. Этот новый словарь продается во многих магазинах сейчас. 5. Ее слушали невнимательно, и все, что она сказала, было вскоре забыто. 6. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, когда я увидел его в первый раз. 7. К тому времени, как он приехал, письмо было уже получено. 8. Когда будет написана ваша книга? 9. Обед готовили, когда я пришел домой. 10. Произведения английских и американских писателей издают во всем мире. 11. Эти журналы должны быть возвращены в библиотеку к следующей неделе. 12. Тебя вчера просили прийти пораньше?

Exercises to §7

1. Analyze the following sentences.

1. He came, he saw, he won. 2. Man has his will, but woman has her way. 3. Paul was in a very good mood until lunchtime, when he thought he’d stretch his legs and walk across the road to buy himself a bun from the bakery. 4. He laid the baby gently on the doorstep, took a letter out of his cloak, tucked it inside the blankets, and then walked away. 5. Questions exploded inside Nikita’s head like fireworks and he couldn’t decide which to ask first. 6. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to your school. 7. He realized his mouth was open and he closed it quickly.