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magazine- журнал mass media-средства массовой информации

a collection- коллекция to contain- содержать

illustration -иллюстрация to develop- развивать

catalog- каталог to appear- появляться

pamphlet- памфлет to provide -обеспечивать

information -информация business- дело

a wide range of topics- широкий выбор тем culture- культура

hobby- хобби medicine -медицина

religion- религия science- наука

sport- спорт to entertain- развлекать

fiction- фантастика poetry -поэзия

photography -фотография movie stars -звезды кино

in comparison- в сравнение to focus- специализироваться

event- событие to be specialized - быть специализированным

coin- монета stamp- марка

enthusiast -энтузиаст adventure- приключение

current cultural and political events - текущие новости культуры и политики

entertainment -развлечения fashion- мода

child-raising- воспитание детей romance- романтика

circulation- тираж


I. Read and translate the text.

II. Look through the vocabulary. Make up a situation or

sentences using the words.

III. Learn the words and be ready to write a dictation.

IV. Translate from English into Russian.

Major, article, story, bookseller, to publish, at regular intervals, literary publications, to be designed, to be printed on a better paper, daily, rapidly changing events.

V. Translate from Russian into English

Cпециализированные журналы, рассчитанные на, детские журналы, шутки, иллюстрации для создания игр, журналы, посвященные хобби, обеспечивать, анализ, фантастика, также, предлагать идеи, украшение долга.

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the major mass media?

2. When did the earliest magazines appear?

3. What were the names of the first British and American magazines?

4. What kind of information do the magazines provide?

5. What sort of entertainment do the magazines offer?

6. What can we find in specialized and consumer magazines?

7. What do children’s magazines contain?

8. Do you read hobby and intellectual magazines? Why?

9. What do you like most of all men’s or woman’s magazines? Why?

VII. Combine the sentences.

1. of, there, consumer, kinds, magazines, are, several.

2. entertain, some, their, magazines, readers, or, with, poetry, photography, articles, TV, or, stars, movie, about, fiction.

3. do, on, changing, daily, magazines, newspapers, focus, unlike, rapidly, events, not.

4. ideas, and, home, offer, cooking, they, on, decorating.

VIII. Retell the text. Additional texts for reading, translating and rendering tv in britain

The first television in Britain appeared more than 50 years ago and nowadays is very popular. Every family has at least one TV set, the number of colour sets in use is very large, though they are not cheap.

The BBC was the first to provide a public television service in 1936. During the Second World War the transmissions were stopped, but were resumed in 1946. In 1952, the ceremony of Elizabeth's II coronation was transmitted all over the country.

The BBC provides two channels. Besides BBC-I and BBC-II there are two Independent Channels. The viewers now have four channels at their disposal, and are able to watch television for many hours a day. They can watch plays, live transmissions of important events, sports games and competi­tions, interviews with prominent people, musical performances and many other items. News is broadcast regularly by all the channels and watched by most people. Films are often televised, and many of them are made specially for television.

A lot of people prefer staying home and watching TV rather than going out to cinemas, and many cinemas have closed. Most of the programmes present serious and instructive matters, such as family and children problems, problems of social work and employment as well as religious programmes.

Part of the time on Independent television is devoted to advertising, but its amount is small and strictly limited by the special Act that allowed commercial television. One of the features of TV programmes is that they often show violence, murder, crimes and gunplay, which is frequently criticized by the viewers. On the whole television plays as important role in the life of the British people as newspapers.

Answer the following questions:

1. When did the first television in Britain appear?

2. How many families have a colour TV set?

3. What television company in Britain was the first to provide a public service?

4. When were the TV programmes resumed?

5. What TV programmes can the British people see?

6. Why do many people prefer staying home to going out?

7. What role does TV advertising play?

8. What do many viewers criticize?


The British are great newspaper readers. They look through newspapers at breakfast, read papers on their way to work, on the bus, on the train and when they come home in the evening.

The British press consists of several kinds of newspapers. There are national and local, morning and evening newspapers; there are daily, weekly and special Sunday papers. There are national papers that are sold all over the country with a large circulation. They give general news and are published in London. There are two main types of national papers — the "popular" papers and the "quality" papers. The popular papers are smaller in size with lots of pictures and big headlines which are designed to catch the eye of the reader. They offer their readers different short stories, crime reports, cartoons and advertisements. They are easy to read and often contain little real information. Examples of this type of papers are "The Daily Mail," "The Sun" and "The Daily Mirror."

"Quality" papers appeal to the more serious reader, who wants to read about politics and foreign affairs. These papers, such as "The Daily Telegraph," "The Times" and "The Guardian" are bigger in size with longer articles and wider coverage of events. They have different pages for home news, foreign affairs, feature articles, fashion, business, sport and so on.

Средства массовой информации

The Sunday papers have a higher circulation than the dailies, they are larger than the daily papers and usually con­tain more articles dealing with general information.

Regional or local papers are published in towns and areas outside London, and mostly cover the local news.

There is no censorship of the press in Britain, though all papers are responsible for what they publish.

Answer the following questions:

1. Where do the British people read newspapers?

2. What kind of newspapers are (here in Britain?

3. Where are national papers published?

4. What are die types of national papers?

5. What are popular papers?

6. What kind of information do they publish?

7. What "quality" papers are published in Britain?

8. Who reads them?

9. In what way are Sunday papers different from the dailies?

10. Where are regional and local papers published?