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Ibm ViaVoice

This is also distributed by Nuance. It offers good accuracy, but is not as easy to use as NaturallySpeaking.


Qpointer provides good command and control facilities, but is not so good for writing tasks as is makes more recognition errors. It operates differently to Naturally Speaking and Via Voice.

Minimum requirements are a 133 MHz Pentium class microprocessor, 32 MB of RAM, an industry standard sound card, and 50 MB of available hard disk capacity. The products have 30,000-word vocabularies expandable to 60,000 words, and sell for less than $200.


dyslexic дислексія, невміння писати

accuracy точність; безпомилковість; чіткість зображення

to decipher розшифровувати, дешифрувати

to convert  перетворювати, конвертувати

comparator компаратор, порівнювач, блок порівняння;

enrolment реєстрація

I. Match words in the text with their definitions.

1. Recognition A. Esp. tech. separate; distinct.

2. Feasible B. A person, thing, or form that is an

example to copy.

3. Discrete C. To do something in answer.

4. Accuracy D. The fact of knowing someone or


5. To respond E. Able to be carried out or done;


6. Pattern F. The quality of being accurate;

exactness or correctness.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student a: I’ve heard that ibm ViaVoice offers good accuracy, but is not as easy to use as NaturallySpeaking. – Student b: Yes, that is quite right.

2) S. A: All voice-recognition systems are faultless. S. B: No, that is false, because all voice-recognition systems make errors. Such noises as screaming children, barking dogs, and loud external conversations can produce false input.

1. Early voice recognition products used conversationally paced speech recognition.

2. Training to 95 percent accuracy takes only a few hours.

3. Voice recognition devices in work situations provide faster and more accurate input.

4. The sounds of a sequence of words are like a series of sound bites.

5. Trained systems regularly achieve a 95 to 99 percent word recognition rate.

6. Voice recognition systems work the best only on Windows 2000.