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Англійська мова для професійного спілкування (д....doc
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I. Match the words in the text with their definitions:

1. Capability A. Technology of a display on liquid


2. Display B. Following accepted customs and

standards, sometimes too closely and

without originality.

3. LCD C. Something that have the power, skill or

other qualities needed.

4. Conventional D. A device used for output of


5. VCR E. A device for voice recognition.

II. Identify whether the following sentences are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student A: Printed output is called soft copy and output that is displayed on a screen is called hard copy. – Student B: Yes, that is true. These types of output can be printed on a printer or displayed on a screen.

2) S. A: The number of pixels actually displayed is determined by the software program. – S. B: No, that is false, because the number of pixels is determined not only by the software program, but the capability of the video adapter card and the monitor as well.

1. Flat screens of five to eight inches thick have become popular recently.

2. The clarity of the video display depends on the graphics circuit board installed in your computer.

3. A liquid crystal display device does not have so many advantageous features as CRT.

4. Dual scan is a type of active matrix LCD screen frequently used on lower cost portable computers.

5. The smaller the number of pixels and the bigger the dot pitch, the better the monitor resolution

6. High-resolution display is capable of producing an image that is almost equivalent to the quality of a photograph.

III. Complete the following sentences using words and expressions given below.

1. Flat screens are made of ... crystal displays.

2. Alternatives to LCDs are also ....

3. High-resolution display can produce an image that is almost equivalent to the quality of a ....

4. Active matrix LCD screens use individual transistors to control each crystal ….

5. The type of the video monitor provides a variety of graphics modes of … capabilities.

6. The distance between each pixel is called the dot ….

7. Some monitors are designed to work at a particular … and video standards.

8. LCD monitors have been widely applied to several … information products.

cell available portable pitch increasing frequency photograph liquid