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Digital Chips

The CPU is one kind of digital chips and it has already been discussed. Memory chips make up the second major part of a computer.

Computer memory contains many digital chips, which contain small switches representing a condition of on or off, or a 1 or a 0. Many different techniques and chemical structures are used to make this concept work. Currently computer "chips" made out of silicon are currently used to manage the state of these switches. Silicon is one common substance used to create computer memory, but it was not the first, and is certainly not the last. For example, serious work is being done on using the chemical structure of proteins to create computer memory. Biochips are in your future.


application застосування, прикладна програма; завезшена

прикладна програма або пакет, що забезпечує

користувачу розв’язання певної задачі, наприклад,

електронна таблиця або текстовий процесор

compatible сумісний

emulator емулятор; програма, за допомогою якої комп’ютер

може виконувати програми, написані для іншого


nanotechnology нанотехнологія; загальний термін для позначення

методів створення пристроїв, розмірами менш ніж

100 нм., серед яких і нова елементна база для

комп’ютерів (наноелектроніка)

performance продуктивність, ефективність; виконання

I. Match words in the text with their definitions.

1. CPU A. Light beam.

2. Byte B. Able to exist together, live together, or to be used

together or with (another thing).

3. Supercomputer C. The centre of a computer’s operations.

4. Photon D. Moving microscopic liquid on chips.

5. Nanometer E. The number of switches or bits.

6. Microfluidics F. 1 billionth of a meter.

7. Compatible G. The fastest computer available on the planet in any

given year.

II. Identify whether the following statements are true or false. Use the model:

1) Student A: Software emulators slow down the performance. – Student B: That is really so, although software emulators allow the CPU to run incompatible programs, they severely slow down the performance.

2) S. A: The more complicated the instruction set is, the faster the CPU works.

S. B: No, that is wrong. The more complicated the instruction set is, the slower the CPU works.

1. The CPU is composed of the control unit and the arithmetic-logical unit only.

2. Three-dimensional structures on the chips at nanotechnology scale are not possible.

3. Most of today’s personal computer CPU’s have a 32 bit byte.

4. Today’s supercomputers do not need much space and cooling equipment.

5. Silicon is the only substance used to create computer memory.

6. Today’s computers based on electrons may one day become the dinosaurs of the early history of computers.

7. Computer memory does not contain many digital chips.

8. All the registers are general purpose.