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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Read the text again. Match headings a-g with paragraphs 1-7 of the text.

What is a tunnel?


Severe weather conditions


Transportation tunnels


Specific tunnels


The progress of railroads was a main reason for building tunnels


Common types of tunnels


Tunnel . Background.


Fist tunnel in Russia.

2) Match the given words with their definitions:

Width, remove, surface, shaft, total length, soil, consumption, excavation, terrain, height.

A vertical or inclined opening of uniform and limited cross section made for finding or mining ore, raising water, or ventilating underground workings (as in a cave)

the act of eating or drinking something or the use of something (such as fuel)

extent from side to side; wideness

extent or distance upward

the upper layer of an area of land or water

the maximum length of something

a hole or cavity made by excavating

to move from a place or position; take away or off

the ground or earth

a geographic area :  a piece of land

3) Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and combinations.

Underground or underwater passage, to start the railways operation, removing the overlying rock or soil, sufficient gradient for proper drainage, exhaust fans at the ends, complex topographical conditions, harsh cold climate, go deep down into the earth, mineral deposits, linear excavated underground opening.

4) Give the English equivalents to the following Russian words and combinations.

Подземный проход (проезд); движение кораблей; рыть тоннель; мягкий песок; горизонтально; твердая скальная порода; проектирование и строительство; длиной 50 км; почва (грунт); строительство моста-тоннеля.


Unit 2. History of Tunneling.


Mirror - отображать

advance - достижение

timber support - деревянные опоры

closed-face - с закрытым забоем

shield-driven - щитовая проходка

utilize - использовать

additive - добавка

sophisticated - сложный

ancient - древний

mankind - человечество

dug - выкопанный

cave - пещера

shelter - кров

to protect - защищать

enemy - враг

to store - хранить

tool - инструмент

tomb - могила

"cut-and-cover" - с проходкой открытым способом

diverted - отводить в сторону

trench - траншея

river bed - русло реки

bone - кость

antler - олений рог

flint - кремень

raw materials - сырье

to haul - тащить

freight - груз

tremendous - огромный

expansion - расширение

notable - заметный

compressed-air drill - пневматическая дрель

beneath - ниже

rapid transit system - система скоростного транспорта

network -сеть

non-level crossing -

deep - глубокий

provide - обеспечивать

bore - бурить

bustling – шумный

The evolution of tunneling technology closely mirrors the various worldwide advances in tunneling technology and methods. Tunnels have progressed from hand-excavated tunnels with timber supports to innovative high- technology, closed-face shield-driven tunnels utilizing chemical additives for soil stabilization, sophisticated computer systems to monitor machine operation characteristics and so on.

In the ancient age, mankind dug tunnel and caves for shelter for protecting dangerous enemies and/or to store foods that had been gathered with hunting and/or fishing. Later, mankind had developed metal tools for excavation of the underground. Early excavations have been discovered in Caucasia, near Black Sea, which date back to about 3,500 B.C.

The origin of tunnel building is disputed. The Egyptians built tunnels as entrances to tombs. The Babylonians built a tunnel under the Euphrates using what is now called the "cut-and-cover" method; the river was diverted, a wide trench was dug across its bed, and a brick tube was constructed in it and covered up. The ancient Greeks and Romans built tunnels for carrying water and for mining purposes; some of the Roman tunnels are still in use. Almost every Great civilization, such as Aztec, Inca, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Persian, had constructed tunnels on the history. The tools used in tunneling were the tools of age: Bone, antler, flint and wood to early human, bronze, iron and steel as civilization advance.

The art of tunnelling was first developed by miners. By the 17th century, tunnels were being constructed for canals. Without roads or railways to transport raw materials from the country to the city, watery highways became the best way to haul freight over great distances. Overseas, railway tunnels had been built soon after trains were introduced. With trains and cars came a tremendous expansion in tunnels construction. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the development of railroad and motor vehicle transportation led to bigger, better, and longer tunnels.

One of the first notable tunnels in Great Britain was part of the Grand Trunk Canal. It was nearly 2 mi (3.2 km) long and was completed in 1777. The Mont Cénis Tunnel, a railroad tunnel in the French Alps that opened in 1871 and is now 8.5 mi (13.7 km) long, was probably the first tunnel built using compressed-air drills. The first rail tunnel in the United States was built in 1833, and in the United Kingdom a tunnel on the Sheffield–Manchester line opened in 1845.

The longest canal tunnel is the Standedge Tunnel in the United Kingdom, over three miles (5 km) long. In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway. This term was used in the United States, but now refers to underground rapid transit systems. The central part of a rapid transit network is usually built in tunnels. To allow non-level crossings, some lines run in deeper tunnels than others. Rail Stations with much traffic usually provide pedestrian tunnels from one platform to another, though others use bridges.

The Channel Tunnel between France and England is one of the longest tunnels in the world. It is 50 kilometers long. The longest tunnel in the world, the Gotthard Base Tunnel, is being dug in Switzerland.

In general, today, not even mountains and oceans stand in the way. With the latest tunnel construction technology, engineers can bore through mountains, under rivers, and beneath bustling cities.

Answer the questions to the text.

1. How have tunneling technology and methods progressed?

2. What was the way of digging tunnels in the ancient age?

3. Who created the most extensive network of tunnels in the ancient world?

4. What did the Roman engineers build to carry fresh water into the city and waste water out?

5. What did a tremendous expansion in tunnel construction come with?

What became the best way to haul freight over great distances?

6. What led to bigger, better and longer tunnels?

7. Which is the longest tunnel in the world?
