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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Find the English equivalents in the text:

1) двухъярусный/двухэтажный вагон

2) размещение

3) линия электропередач

4) нижний этаж

5) (построенный) на разных уровнях

6) двухуровневый вагон

7) спальный вагон

8) 4-х местное купе

9) межрегиональный

10) вагоны с кондиционерами

2) Read the text again and say if these statements true (t) or false (f):

1) The bilevel trains are designed to increase the speed.

2) The journey on double-deck trains are cheaper than on one-deck ones.

3) The great amount of people carried with the double-deck trains may cause some difficulties at train stations.

4) The car design depends on the platform length.

5) The Russian double-decker sleeper carriages can carry 64 passengers.

3) Match different means of transport with their definition.

Means of transport


1. a cart

a) a strong bag filled with hot air or gas that can carry people in a container fixed to it

2. a shuttle

b) an aircraft that travels regularly between two places in space

3. a balloon

c) a two-wheeled means of transport which is powered by an engine

4. a yaсht

d) a very large aircraft which can carry a lot of people

5. a truck

e) a vehicle with two or four wheels pulled by an animal or a person which is used for carrying goods

6. a motorbike

f) a boat with sails used for either racing or travelling for pleasure

7. a helicopter

g) a railway engine connected to carriages for carrying people or wheeled containers for carrying goods

8. a train

h) a ship that can travel under water

9. a jumbo jet

i) a big road vehicle which is used for transporting large amount of goods

10. a submarine

j) an aircraft without wings that has one or two sets of blades. It can land and take off vertically.

4) Modal verbs. Use can/can`t, must/mustn`t, have/don`t have to, should/shouldn`t, may or needn`t only once in the proper situation:

1) _______ I help you with your report?

2) Visitors __________ touch the works of art in the museum.

3) I _______ work Monday to Friday.

4) Sorry but Mr Turner ______ come to the phone right now. He is busy.

5) You ________ always obey the university rules.

6) You ______ buy any milk. I bought some yesterday.

7) He has a toothache. He _______ see the dentist.

8) Linda has broken her sister`s iPod. She ________ have been so careless.

9) You _________ to take a taxi. Sam will you give you a lift.

10) ______ I stay a little longer?

5) Discussion Corner.

1. The evolution of vehicles

2. Means of transport: advantages and disadvantages

3. The discoveries that have changed the world

4. Types of railway wagons

5. Taboos in your life



www.wikipedia.com The newspaper "Gudok" 16 July 2012

English in railway maintenance. Unit 1. Earth track solutions – rails sleeper replacement, track maintenance and construction.


a 30t excavator- тридцатитонный экскаватор

a rotating tilt hitch - поворотно-наклонное навесное устройство

a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines - существенная составная часть всей техники фирмы «Earthtrack Solutions»

above and beyond expectation - вне всяких ожиданий

accompany - сопровождать; (MUS) аккомпанировать

accuracy - точность;правильность

application - применение

attachment –приспособление, крепление

better cater to the demand it has experienced - исходя из накопленного опыта, лучше удовлетворить спрос

boast - гордиться

capability –возможность

cater - поставлять

cater (for) организовывать (питание)

complement - (enhance) дополнять

component - составная часть

demand - требовать, требование; спрос

diverse – разнообразный

earthtrack – земляное полотно(дороги)

efficiency – эффективность

enable (make possible) способствовать; давать возможность

enabling – давать возможность

ensure - гарантировать

excavator –экскаватор

fit - входить без зазора;плотно прилегать

fit with smth – приводить в соответствие с (чем-л.)

fleet – парк транспортных средств(любых)

from laying sleepers to turnout placement – от прокладки шпал до монтажа стрелочногоперевода

functional - действующий; (practical) функциональный.

functionality - функциональность

have constantly proven their value - доказали свою ценность

hitch -  навесное устройство;прицепное устройство;

hitch - подталкивать

improve - улучшать

increase - увеличивать

innovative - передовой;инновационный, технически совершенный

innovative rail specific attachments - инновационные приспособления для проведения железнодорожных работ

laying – укладка

machine – машина, техника

overall - общий (in general) в целом

precision - точность

productivity - производительность,

promote - способствовать;содействовать;поддерживать

prove – доказывать

rail sleeper replacement -замена железнодорожных шпал

rail track –железнодорожный путь

replacement –замена

rotating tilt hitch - поворотно-наклоняемое навесное устройство

rotating –повторяющий

rotating-tilting table - поворотно-наклоняемый стол

specific- определённый;

specific to - характерно для

subsequently - впоследствии

tilt –наклон

track excavator - гусеничный экскаватор

track maintenance and construction - техническое обслуживание и строительство железнодорожного полотна

track –гусеничный

turnout placement - стрелочныйперевод

undertake - (task, duty) брать на себя;

undertake to do обязываться

undertaking any form of work on the railway - проводя любые работы на железной дороге

versatility –универсальность

vital - существенный

Earthtrack Solutions boasts the largest fleet of track excavators in Australia fitted with rotating tilt hitches. These hitches have constantly proven their value in the field, subsequently they are now a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines working on the railway; improving productivity, efficiency and overall capabilities of the machine.

Track excavators fitted with rotating tilt hitches.

Its fleet of innovative rail specific attachments are complemented perfectly by rotating tilt hitches enabling greater functionality for any application. The combination of these two components promotes precision and accuracy when undertaking any form of work on the railway, from laying sleepers to turnout placement.

The versatility of the full 360° rotation accompanied by a 40° tilt in either direction ensures that any machine in any application will perform above and beyond expectation.

Rail track construction equipment.

In recent years Earthtrack Solutions has invested heavily in its range of track construction equipment to better cater to the demand it has experienced.

The range of machines and attachments is now even more diverse and it is better equipped to supply clients with even greater versatility and increased productivity for their projects.

Answer the questions:

  1. What is the main pride of the firm “Earthtrack Solutions”?

  2. What is a vital component of all Earthtrack Solutions' machines?

  3. How is the firm`s fleet complemented perfectly by?

  4. What is the range of machines and attachments of the firm now?

  5. What the Rail track construction equipment do you know?
