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Учебное пособие. Английский язык в профессии.docx
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1) Find the equivalents:

местное управление по чрезвычайным ситуациям, возможности обрушения урагана, обеспечить безопасность, эксплуатационный контроль, анкерная балка, полезный совет, расположен, фанера, пиломатериалы, идентификационный комплект, угроза миновала.

2) Translate:

to provide hurricane landfall probabilities, to be expected to do something, to cancel the delivery, job sites, to secure from storm damage, to delay construction activities, the suggested time, field inspections, to activate the hurricane job site plan, plywood, to be secure, to make sure.

3) Complete the sentences choosing the proper variant:

It’s important to note that most local building departments generally stop field inspections, except for those

a) located in the most populated areas

b) encouraged to activate their hurricane job site plan

c) related to pouring columns, tie beams, wet decks, floors and similar structural items

4) Write sentences using Reported Speech:

He said: «Secure all job sites».

She said: «Clean up all construction debris».

He said: «Tie or band together all loose plywood and lumber».

She said: «Secure other loose building supplies».

He said: «Remove permit board».

He said: «Locate water and gas».

She said: «Turn off electricity».

He said: «Cancel the delivery of building materials».

She said: «Don't return until the hurricane threat has passed».


English for Construction 2. p.66, Evan Frendo, 2012

Unit 4. Right-of-Way


adjoin - примыкать

borrow pit - резервный карьер

carriageway — проезжая часть

construction - строительство

drainage - дренаж

edge -край

embankment - насыпь

inner slope - внутренний склон

junction - соединение

lay - класть дорогу

mark — отмечать, помечать

outer slope - внешний склон

pavement - мостовая

reinforce - укреплять

remain - оставаться

required level — требующийся уровень

right-of-way — полоса отвода

road shoulder - обочина

road zone — полоса дорожного строительства

roadbed - дорожное полотно

shallow — мелкий, неглубокий

side ditch - продольная канава

solid - твердый

spoil bank - насыпь по бокам дорожной выемки

support - опора

surface - поверхность

vehicle – автомобиль, транспортное средство

width - ширина

The zone which is marked to lay the road is called the road zone or right-of-way. The higher is the technical classification of the road, the wider is the right-of-way for its construction. The road zone includes such parts of a road as a carriageway, road shoulders, inner and outer slopes, and other parts.

The road surface strip within the limits of which motor vehicles run is called a carriageway. Usually it is reinforced by means of natural or artificial stone aggregates. These stone aggregates form the pavement.

The strips of the ground which adjoin the carriageway are called the road shoulders. The shoulders render lateral support to the pavement. In future the pavement will always be made of solid materials within the limits of the carriageway.

To lay the carriageway at the required level above the ground surface a formation or roadbed is constructed. It is constructed in the form of embankments or cuttings with side ditches for drainage and the diversion of water.

The formation includes borrow pits – shallow excavations from which the soil was used for filling the embankments. It also includes spoil banks. Spoil banks are heaps of excessive soil remaining after the excavation of cuttings.

The carriageway and shoulders are separated from the neighboring land by slopes. The cuttings and side ditches have inner and outer slopes. The junction of the surface of the shoulders and the embankment slope is called the edge of the roadbed. The distance between the edges is called the width of the roadbed.

Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is called the road zone or right-of-way?

2. What parts of a road does the road zone include?

3. What is called a carriageway?

4. Is the carriageway usually reinforced by means of natural or artificial stone aggregates?

5. What is a roadbed constructed for?
