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1) Прочтите по ролям следующие диалоги (a-d). Определите, каким ситуациям они соответствуют (1-4).

  1. Neighbours

  2. In a taxi

  3. In a shop

  4. Work colleagues


a: Morning!

в: Oh, morning! How are you?

a: I'm fine, I'm fine. Nice day, isn't it?

в: Yes, it's lovely.

a: So, have you got any plans for today?

в: No, nothing special. We might go to the park later, what do you think?

c: Yes, Mummy,

в: How about you?

a: Well, my grand-daughter's coming over later ...

в: Oh, that's nice.

a: Yes, well she's just come back from ...

c: Mummy ...

в: Yes, darling, I'm just talking,

c: Mummy can we go to the park now?

Listen, I'd better get on. I hope you have a nice day.


a: Hello dear.

в: Hello, Laura. Are you feeling better now?

a: Yes, I'm much better. I had to take a couple of days off, it's my back again,

в: Oh dear.

a: Yeah, I'm just... it's because I'm sitting here all day.

в: Mmm.

a: Anyway, I went to see the doctor, and he gave me something for it so I'm going back next week,

в: Mmm. How's the family?

a: Oh, they're all right. Yes, they're all fine,

в. The children are back at school now are they?

a: Oh yes, they're back. That's £8.26. please.


a. Afternoon.

в: Good afternoon.

c: Hi there.

в: Where are you going?

a: It's the, er, Caledonian Hotel, please, it's in...Princes Street.

в: Caledonian Hotel, I know it, all right. So are you here on holiday?

a: Right yeah. We're here on holiday. How did you know?

в: Oh I can always tell. Where are you from. America is it?

c: No, we're Canadian. We're from Toronto.

в: Canada, eh? Well, well, that's a long way to come. Is this your first time in Edinburgh?

a Yes. it's our first time here, but I have family here.

в: Is that right?

my family came from near here. They moved to Canada.


a: Hi.

в: Hello there.

a: Did you have a good weekend?

в: Yeah, it was OK. I didn't do much, really, just sat at home relaxing, y'know. How about you?

a: Yeah, oh I had a fantastic weekend, great yeah.

в: Oh really. What did you do?

a: Oh well, nothing really,

в: Oh right. Like me then.

a: Yeah, I suppose so.

в: Did you see the football on Sunday?

a: Oh. yeah, fantastic, wasn't it? That goal was brilliant!

в: Did you think so? I wanted United to win, actually. I thought they were a bit unlucky.

a: What do you mean unlucky! They were lucky they only lost 1-0 and that was definitely a penalty ...

в: Nah! He just fell over.

(Pre- Intermediate, p.161)

2) Какие речевые формулы приветствия и сопровождающие его фразы Вы знаете?

3) Выберите в диалогах фразы следующим темам.

  1. greetings

  2. talking about weather

  3. wishes

  4. asking about family

  5. plans for the future

4) Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Which of these topics (sport, plans for the day, health, the weather, family, personal problem, religion, politics, what you did at the weekend, where you are from, reasons for your visit, etc.) do people normally talk about in the situations above?

  2. Do you discuss personal problems with your wok colleagues or group mates?

  3. What do you usually talk about when dining with your parents?

5) Задайте подходящий вопрос к предложенным ответам.

  1. Yes, I’m much better.

  2. Yes, it’s our first time here.

  3. Yes, it’s lovely.

  4. Yeah, it was OK. I didn’t do much really.

  5. No, nothing special. We might go to the park later.

  6. Oh, they are all right. Yes, they’re all fine.

6) a. Подберите иные ответы на заданные Вам вопросы.

б. Установите соответствие между ситуациями (a-f) и вопросами (1-17).

a) In the shop.

b) Filling in the form at the bank.

c) In the street.

d) In the restaurant.

e) In the classroom.

f) When you start talking to someone for the first time.

1) Do you have it in a smaller size?

2) Are you ready to order?

3) Sorry, could you repeat that, please?

4) Where is the nearest bank?

5) Do you sell batteries?

6) Do you speak English?

7) Anything else?

8) Where are the toilets, please?

9) Can I help you?

10) What time is it?

11) What’s your date of birth?

12) How much does it cost?

13) Which part of (Russia) are you from?

14) Where are you from?

15) How do you spell…?

16) Can we have the bill, please?

17) How long are you going to stay?