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5) Назовите 6 правил, которых придерживается Кристина на уроках иностранного языка. С какими из них Вы согласны, какие правила вызывают возражения?

6) Составьте список правил для студентов на занятиях по иностранному языку, используя таблицу.

We should do our best to…

We should always/never...

Everyone should try to ...

People shouldn't be afraid to ...

Everyone has to ...

We think it's very important to ...

arrive/finish on time

interrupt each other/the teacher

listen to each other/the teacher

use our own language/English

make/correct mistakes

do/give/mark homework

work in pairs and groups

give/do tests


Making requests and asking for permission

7) Прочитайте диалоги по ролям и выберите фразы, обозначающие просьбу (making request) и просьбу дать разрешение (asking for permission).

Conversation 1

А: ... and one of the things that you can also do is ...

в: I'm sorry. Could you speak more slowly, please?

A: Sorry. And one of the things that you can also do ... is that OK?

в: Yes, I can understand much better now, thank you.

Conversation 2

A: I'm sorry, if I leave the class early today?

в: Yeah, I suppose so. Is there a problem?

A: It's my younger sister. I have to take her to the dentist's.

в: Oh, I see. Sure, go ahead. Thanks for telling me.

Conversation 3

A: Joao, do you have an English-Portuguese dictionary?

в: Um ... yes ...

A: Can I borrow it, please?

в: OK, Here you are.

Conversation 1

А: Do you mind if I change seats?

в: Yes, all right. What is the problem.

A: I can't see because of the sun.

в: OK, then. Why don't you sit over there, next to Andrea?

(Pre- Intermediate, p.29)

8) Установите соответствие между просьбами (a-d) и ответами (1-4) в таблице.

a) Could you open the door, please?

b) Do you mind if I smoke?

c) Can I borrow your copybook?

d) Is it OK if I use your computer?

1) No problem, go ahead.

2) Sure, here you are.

3) Oh, no, I’m sorry, it’s out of order.

4) Yes, of course.

9) Составьте короткий диалог по предложенным ситуациям.

  1. You don’t feel well, you need to go to the doctor.

  2. You're very hot and would like to open the window.

  3. You need to make an urgent phone call.

  4. Someone's mobile phone is always ringing during the lesson.

  5. The teacher isn’t loud enough speaking to the students.

  6. You would like to borrow another student's pencil.

10) Используйте слова и выражения.

Could you please…

-May I ...

- Tell me please...

-Let us...

-Would you lend (give) me...

- I have a request to you...

-Be so kind as to (get) (give) me...

- I’d like to ask you...

- I’m sorry, I can’t

- Thank you, thanks

- Thanks a cot

- Don’t mention it

- Never mind!

- Don’t worry!

- OK!


Предложение с однородными членами

Сложносочинённое предложение

Простые и составные сочинительные союзы

Задания к тексту

I. Прочтите слова и догадайтесь, что они означают.


shopping mall [′∫opiŋ mo:l]

a) shops

b) shoe shops

c) factories


spa [spa:]

a) hospital

b)place for relax

c) bathroom


ice-cream parlor [′ais kri:m ′pa:lə]

a) library

b) cafe

c) table


arcade games [a:′keid geimz]

a) place for games

b) buildings



fast food [fa:st fu:d]

a) hot soup

b) packed lunch

c) hot food served quickly


food court [fu:d ko:t]

a) different cafes

b) different magazines

c) different dishes


movie theater [′mu:vi ′θiətə]

a) concert

b) gallery

c) cinema


bowling alley [′bouliŋ ′æli]

a) alley

b) heavy balls

c) place for bowling